Tiny Monsters: Inferno Monster

“Known as the “light shining in the darkness,” legends say the Inferno Monster’s flaming feathers represent the sunrise or the first sign of spring. With speed, strength, and keen eyesight, they make excellent guardians. The explorers trained them to protect against predators as they explored strange and dangerous new environments.”

-Inferno Monster Information

The Inferno Monster is probably one of the most amazing monsters in Tiny Monsters. Nothing can beat a phoenix style monster in any monster breeding game and the inferno monster surely lives up to the expectations. You can only access the inferno monster at level 20 when you have the air monster. When you do reach level 20, use the air monster and breed it with the fire monster which will give you a 26 hours breeding and hatching time. That will be your inferno monster.

You can also purchase your inferno monster for 750 diamonds and once you place the inferno monster into his habitat you will gain 5800 experience points for your breeding.

Inferno Monster baby
Hatching Time: 26 Hours
Selling Price:  2600 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Placement XP: 5800Tiny Monsters - XP
Habitats: Air, Fire
Tuck In Time:
 14 Hours
Tuck In Time:
 37 Hours


Inferno Monster breeding guide

To breed a Inferno Monster simply use a Air monster and a Fire monster in the breeding den.

Inferno Monster Earnings

Level Earnings Per Minute
Level 1 16Tiny Monsters - Coins
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10  115Tiny Monsters - Coins

Tiny Monsters - Inferno Monster