Tiny Monsters: Memorial Monster


The memorial monster is a limited edition monster released by TinyCo Inc. on May 24, 2012. We at Gameteep exclusively updated players as this monster was released and hopefully those players that have been able to see our articles were able to breed him. This Memorial Monster is a buffalo monster that is designed in blue and has an breeding time of 9 hours. He is a ice and earth element monster so once you hatch the memorial monster you can place him into the ice or earth habitat.

“This silent beast commands respect from those in the plains surrounding Monster Mountain. Observers believe it serves as a reminder to monsters of the valley, and that its presence signifies different meanings to all. Though this is speculation, one thing is clear: no one remains unaffected after crossing paths with the Memorial monster.” -Memorial Monster Game Description

 Tiny Monsters Ice Element Tiny Monsters Earth Element

Tiny Monsters Memorial Monster

Release Date: May 24, 2012

Hatching Time: 9 Hours
Buying Price: 350Tiny Monsters - Diamonds
Selling Price:  Tiny Monsters - Coins
Placement XP: ?Tiny Monsters - XP
Habitat: Earth, Ice
Level Requirement: ?

 Tuck In Time/Wait:  5 Hours

 Tuck In Time/Wait: 20 hours

Memorial Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Memorial Monster then be sure to level your Memorial Monster to level 5 for a teen Memorial Monster then level the Memorial Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Memorial Monster breeding guide

To breed a Memorial Monster you can use any Earth element monster with any hybrid Ice Element monster for a chance to breed the Memorial Monster for Tiny Monsters. Confirmed combination is Flashfreeze Monster and Earth Monster.

Memorial Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 3Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6 13Tiny Monsters - Coins
Level 2 7Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 7 14Tiny Monsters - Coins
Level 3 9Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 8 16Tiny Monsters - Coins
Level 4 11Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 9 17Tiny Monsters - Coins
Level 5 12Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 10 22Tiny Monsters - Coins


Memorial Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 40Tiny Monsters -Food Level 6 245Tiny Monsters -Food
Level 2 85Tiny Monsters -Food Level 7 285Tiny Monsters -Food
Level 3 125Tiny Monsters -Food Level 8 325Tiny Monsters -Food
Level 4 165Tiny Monsters -Food Level 9 365Tiny Monsters -Food
Level 5 205Tiny Monsters -Food Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food


Tiny Monsters Memorial Monster Evolution Pictures

Tiny Monsters Memorial Monster

  • Ash

    Tried to get memorial with flash freeze & earth – got thunder (19 hours)…

    • Nathan pepperell

      I got it on first try I bread a magma on the left and an ice on the right

      • fernanda

        i am going to try that:)

  • Ash

    Got thunder trying flash freeze & earth.

  • Ash

    Dang double posts. Didn’t show up…sorry

  • Detani

    I bred earth and frost and on my second breeding try, I got the memorial monster.

  • Teeny monsters

    Earth (Lvl 7) and Frost (Lvl 8) got me a Frost monster on first try. Will try again in 8 hrs.

  • Teeny monsters

    My daughter got Memorial monster (9 hr hatching time) on first try with Earth (Lvl 10) and Spark (Lvl 5). Waiting to hatch to be sure.

  • Cat P

    Bred earth with ice and got a mystic memorial monster 1st try!!! I also had JUST bred my 1st Mystic monster so maybe it’s just good luck!!

  • Ealish

    Got him 2nd try with Tundra (Mythic, lvl5) and Earth (lvl 8 ). This is also a good combo because the other hybrids this combination could result in have fairly short breeding times, meaning that you have more shots at getting the Memorial Monster before he’s made unavaliable. :)

  • Naser

    I just breed Earth(10) and Ice(10). The breed time is 8h 1m.
    You think i got it?

  • Naser

    ^ Update.
    I got a Frost -_-.
    So i breed a Tundra on LEFT and Earth on RIGHT.
    Its breeding for 9h !!
    You think I got it this time??

  • Naser

    I got it, Finally.

    • winged

      What level does Tundra have?

  • Drusilla

    I was also trying for memorial monster but had no luck
    The following are what i tried..
    I tried mythic earth and mythic ice got Frost.. Tried flash freeze and earth got frost.. Then switched placement and tried mythic earth then flash freeze.. Got frost! Last try was tundra and earth.. Got frost once again… Unfortunately none of the combos suggested worked for me.. Will keep trying..
    My son and I will breed the exact same level monsters at the same time and end up with completely different results..
    Any suggestions would be great..

  • Tyro

    Thanks for this recommendation. I got a mythic Frost monster then a Memorial with Tundra and Earth

  • Bang

    I breed earth and frost. Got 9 hrs. Could it be a memorial monster?

  • Smellybeauty

    Lvl 10 Flashfreeze and Lvl 10 Mythic Earth = Memorial on 1st try :-)

  • winged

    Naser, what level does tundra have to be?

  • winged

    I ask that cuz I put tundra (5) on left and earth (5) on right and I got 13 hours!!!!!

  • winged


  • winged

    Tried abian got tree… Now I’m trying for the 3rd time 7 hours…. 4 more hours!!!!!

  • winged

    Sigh I’m trying agian…