Tiny Monsters: Mythic Bellows Monster


Mythic Bellows Monster in Tiny Monsters is an evolved monster from a limited edition monster called the Hallow Monster but in Mythic Form compared to the original. This monster is made available during Halloween and is one of the rarest monsters to obtain in Tiny Monsters.

“Some Hallow Monsters will evolve into the Mythic Bellows Monster. In ancient times, adventurers wrote of the October forests burning with a strange, eternal flame that never consumed the trees. Now, historians believe that the fires were from Mythic Bellows Monsters, gathering in the forests for Grim Hallow’s Eve.” -Mythic Bellows Monster Game Description

 Tiny Monsters Fire Element

Tiny Monsters Mythic Bellows Monster
Release Date: Oct 25, 2012

Evolved from Hallow Monster
Selling Price: 700 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Fire Habitat

Similar Monsters

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Tiny Monsters: Mythic Bellows Monster Key Features

  • Evolved from Hallow Monster

Tiny Monsters: Mythic Bellows Monster breeding guide

The Mythic Bellows Monster in Tiny Monster can only be evolved from a certain monster. You cannot breed for this monster.

You can have a chance at getting this monster from evolving the Mythic Hallow Monster to adult. The monster must be mythic

Keep in mind the breeding left or right does not matter, it takes time to breed certain monster and it is up to your game to be able to breed for this Mythic Bellows Monster. The Level of your monster also does not matter.


If you want to evolve your Mythic Bellows Monster then be sure to level your Mythic Bellows Monster to level 5 for a teen Mythic Bellows Monster then level the Mythic Bellows Monster to level 8 for the adult form. Keep in mind that you need to feed them food for them to evolve and that each monster has their own set of “Tuck in time” when they are evolving.

Mythic Bellows Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 13 Level 6  21
Level 2 13 Level 7  28
Level 3 14 Level 8  80
Level 4  15 Level 9  80
Level 5  21 Level 10  85Tiny Monsters - Coins

Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1  20 Level 6  125
Level 2  45 Level 7  145
Level 3  65 Level 8  168
Level 4  85 Level 9  185
Level 5  105 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food

Tiny Monsters Mythic Bellows Monster Evolution Screenshots


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