Tiny Monsters: Small Light Habitat
“Mimicking the seemingly inhospitable conditions of the Searing Dunes, this habitat allows light monsters to thrive within Monster Mountain’s more accommodating climate. Visitors are advised to wear sunshades while near the enclosure, just in case someone startles the monsters.”
Price: 790,000
Capacity: 2
Max Coins: 500
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- tiny monsters light habitat
What level do you obtain this habitat
Ugh. This egg is going to taunt me for another 17 levels from when I managed to breed it? Not cool.
Same here
I got a light egg but I am only level 24
I feel your pain. I managed to accidentally breed a light egg at level 15. Had to buy an upgrade so I could hatch other eggs.
Holly s**t. U see? I am buying no f*cking upgrade. Why the hell would this game allow us to get the egg without having the habitat? B S