Aug 142013

Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar  is an mobile online multiplayer game from Electronic Arts Inc and Mythic production. It is focused as an action RPG game where players explore an online world filled with magic and quests that you can journey through.

Play as different classes such as a Fighter or a Mage with different personalities that determines your strength to banish The Black Weep and defeat them once and for all in this new online adventure.

Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Review Screen

 Gameteep 4.5 star rating
 Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar icon
 App Name: Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar
 Seller: Electronic Arts Inc.
 Release Date:
August 8 2013Apple iOS
Early 2013Android OS
 Genre: MMO RPG
 Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5
 Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS
Gamer Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar Gameplay

Ultima Forever’s gameplay is similar to many MMORPG games in the console and computer markets. You are in control of a single character that you create at the beginning of the game through customization or you can automate the process and have the computer create a character for you.


Players can control a single character where they have the ability to team-up with other online players in an all out journey to destroy the Black Weep and complete quests.

You can expect some heavy battles in the game if you are playing alone but if you got 2-3 more other players, and hopefully higher levels and better equipped than you then you can have peace of mind that even if you can’t beat a spider, that they will be able to do it for you. Don’t rely too much on your party though because you also need experience and to collect items to help grow your character so you can start contributing to the team.

Some times other party members may be worst off, and that means that you’ll have to keep up or risk the entire team falling apart. You’ll notice this when one or more of the members don’t stand on the “platform” to activate battles which can drag on for a very long time until they figure it out.

Battle System

The battle system in the game focuses on an “Action” system so it’s not entirely the RPG like Final Fantasy’s time-based system. It acts similar to many other MMORPGs on the internet today and functions from a series of tap to attack on the enemy or tapping special skills.

There are also special skills for you to do even more damage but they’re all simply series of taps, making it easy for players to learn the controls.


You can choose from two classes of characters at the moment, Fighter or Mage. However you can select multiple avatars to represent your character of personal preferences.

  • Fighter – Character that uses physical melee attacks that engages the enemy heads-on in close combat.
  • Mage – Character that casts spells and

Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar Graphics

The graphics in the game are pretty good for mobile devices. They aren’t “close-up 3D graphics” but it’s fine when playing the game, however you won’t be able to see the details of your characters as much as console/PC MMORPGs.

Regardless, they’re good enough with sharp and well colored in tones that support the theme. Many of the scenery have great artwork and players can expect the dungeons to be somewhat similar to that of traditional RPGS.

Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar Sounds

Sounds in the game are great you have a lot of sound effects and there’s a guide that’s always kind of hovering his/her voice when you enter or do certain things in the game. There’s no full voice dialogues though.

Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar Round-up

Ultima Foerever: Quest for the Avatar is a great game for MMORPG fans, even if you are not into MMO games if you are into RPG then this is probably one of the games you want to be looking in to collecting for your library of mobile games.

The game is enjoyable but some players may find it confusing because there is a huge world for you to explore. You can easily walk and travel to different areas where most of the dungeons are locked and have to walk a long way back. So be sure to follow the quests and instructions in the game.

Despite it being a good MMORPG and a captivating game for players of the genre, the biggest problem of the game is the file size which requires at least 1.85GB of free space on your device for installation. This is quite large and players will have to be caution if they have a lower memory device.

If MMORPG is one of those genre you really enjoy then this is the perfect game for you and your online buddies. As RPG players know, these games tend to take hours to beat so know that you probably won’t finish the game in one day and you’ll need to do leveling and introducing yourself to other players online because it’s no fun playing alone in an online RPG game. Well it’s more fun any ways. If you play games like Diablo III then you’ll definitely love this game!

Bottom line: Huge world to discover in this MMORPG for players to explore.

Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar Screenshots

Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Screenshot 1
Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Screenshot 2
Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Screenshot 3
Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Screenshot 4
Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Screenshot 5
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Ultima Forever Quest for the Avatar Screenshot 19

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  •  Huge world to explore
  • Captivating for RPG fans
  • Good Story beginning the game
  • Multiplayer, with the ability to play with other players smoothly
  • In game interactions with other players.
  • Different skills/equipment/ etc to choose from
  •  The graphics are not bad for this style of game.
  •  File Size