Sponsor the Gameteep Network through Advertisements
Sponsored Advertisement with Reach your mobile market.
Sponsoring through advertising with Gameteep allows you to put your company in front of top players and mobile specialist that helps build top of mind recommendations. Other advertising networks such as Pay per Clicks, places your advertisement in front of random people generating revenue with little results. You will find that many of our visitors are educated, informative, and “lead” players that dominate the app gaming sector, and at most games. Thus making them very influential. Influential people are the people that creates an impact and move people, it’s very different from a pay per click network where people are bombarded with advertisements and you pay for their interest, not the impact. We create the impact at Gameteep Network for app developers, game developers, and the mobile gaming network.. How? We’re the leading source for top mobile apps, and most of our visitors are leading educated players.
How is the Gameteep Network? has been on a stable growth with more visitors with educated backgrounds and want to provide App Advice to other players. The Gameteep Network is not just a gaming site, it is a app gaming network. We bring leading players together that move other players. We believe our greatest asset to be these leading players that makes the Gameteep Network great.
What is available?
Please contact us via email gameon (at) if you are interested in any of the spots below.
Advertise on*
Leaderboard, 728×90 Premium Ad Sponsorship
The Leaderboard, 728×90 ad appears on the top of every page. Only three ad rotations are available. $725 per month.
Square box, 300×250 Ad Sponsorship (Right hand side, Above and below fold available)
The 300×250 ad is found on the right hand side, generally under the twitter button. The ad appears on all pages. There is one block above the fold and one block below the fold. Only three ad rotations are available per spot. $500 per month.
Small Square, 125×125 Button Sponsorship
The 125×125 button appear on every page, under the Facebook like box. Pricing is $500 per month per button. Only six spots are available. The button can not be bigger than 15K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.
Sponsored Reviews
The Gameteep Network accepts sponsored reviews at a rate of $500 per review. Sponsored reviews receive at least 13 hours as the top front page post and at least 24 hours in the Gameteep ReviewMe section. This gives you review maximum exposure to readers and visitors. Some example of our reviews can be found here.