We knew it was coming. Rovio is out with another brand new game for the Angry Birds franchise. What is unexpected is Star Wars style!!
Many players expected a new Angry Birds game was coming before Christmas but what we haven’t suspect is that Rovio teamed up with Lucasfilm Limited to create an all new Star Wars/Angry Birds experience for players. It’s just specular for Angry Birds players and a lifelong dream come true for Star Wars fans.
App Name: Angry Birds Star Wars
Seller: Rovio Entertainment Ltd
Release Date: Nov 08, 2012
Genre: Arcade
Gameteep Rating: 5/5
Gamer Rating
Angry Birds Star Wars Gameplay
I think each and every player had tried Angry Birds at one point or another. Perhaps for curiosity or because it’s a smash hit title.
This Slingshot shooting game quickly become an addictive title for mobile players and grows very quickly into the most popular title for mobile players. In fact, it was most players’ first game back when the iOS was the only mobile platform.
The game hasn’t changed much and if you don’t know the game play, in short you take birds (Angry ones) and you put them on a huge slingshot then shoot them at evil pigs that know over their towers. Of course there are different birds and abilities.
The game play is very similar to other Angry Birds games and the biggest improvement is their concept on Star Wars and their special abilities.
We’re just going to list a few of these new additions.
You’ll have special birds that can use the force and knock or attack objects in a 360 degree angle.
Lightsabers are also introduced into this game filled with angry birds, they will be able to use light sabers to cut through objects and buildings in the game.
The biggest addition is now enemies’ uses lasers to attack you back! Well they’re not the only one that can shoot lasers either, some of your birds can shoot laser in almost any direction.
Find out more about what’s able by playing the game!
Angry Birds Star Wars Graphics
Crisp and casual Angry Birds graphics no change here.
Angry Birds Star Wars Sounds
The music in Angry Birds Star Wars is amazing. You get the remix of Star Wars combined with Angry Birds helping you engage in the game. We like how the Star Wars soundtrack does improve the experience of Angry Birds.
Sound effects are all there and well done. Yes that includes the laser sounds.
Angry Birds Star Wars Round-up
The overall experience with Angry Birds Star Wars is a unique one. We love Star Wars, many players played, watched, or heard about Star Wars at one point or another during their childhood. Being a fan of Star Wars and their games since the PS1 days this is definitely a cool game to have on your mobile device.
The game does however is very different from Angry Birds space (at the beginning) because Angry Birds space was more based on external factors like planet’s gravitational pull while Angry Birds Star Wars is more focused on special abilities. However, don’t be haste and say this game isn’t for you because elements of Angry Birds Space has also been added into the game as you dive further into the game. You’ll see planets and yes you’ll feel the gravity.
If you’re a Angry Birds or Star Wars fan then this is definitely a must have game. If you’re new to the mobile market and haven’t tried many games then then it’s definitely a must get! All in all it’s another great game from Rovio. Some players might even consider it collectible.
Bottom line: No Star Wars collection is complete without Angry Birds Star Wars!
Angry Birds Star Wars Screenshots
Some Special Abilities
Rating Overview
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