Mar 102017

The Rare Sox Monster in My Singing Monsters is a special monster that can be bred, and is one of the new “Ethereals” that was released on March 10 2017.

“Species: Rare Sox

Beds: 10

Because they belong to a naturally – or rather, ethereally – introverted species, Soxes shy away from spontaneous musical improvisation with fellow monsters. After all, who knows what embarrassing sound could potentially escape from their tail holes? The rare variant, however, puts its oversized ears to good use by experimenting with new harmony lines at such a low volume that only it can hear them. This little trick boosts its confidence, but it stil needs to psych itself up for full scale performances.

– My Singing Monsters: Rare Sox Monster Biography

My Singing Monsters Jeeode Elementsr My Singing Monsters Ghazt element

Special Edition

Release Date:
March 10 2017

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Sox Monster egg

Rare Sox

Breeding Time:  

53 Hours

Buying Price:

2000 diamonds

Selling Price:

User Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Rare Sox Monster Key Features

  • Special-type Monster
  • Rare Sox  monster
  • Found only on ETHEREAL ISLAND
  • Rare version of the Sox Monster.
  • New Design features

My Singing Monsters: Rare Sox Monster breeding guide

You must obtain the Ethereals from the other islands like the Ghazt, Ghazt, Reebro and then level them to level 15 then teleport them into the Ethereal Island. Doing this will turn your Ethereal into an egg then you will need to hatch them and then collect the new currency called Shards to buy the breeding structure then breed them using the combination below.


To breed the Rare Sox, you need to use the Jeeode and the Ghazt in the Ethereal Island breeding structure to get this monster.


Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

Song Video

Jan 242017

Marvel Contest of Champions is celebrating Lunar New Year for players on Apple iOS and Android devices with an all-new offer like the 4-star daily card subscription which will give players that purchase the subscription 3000 in total of 4-star hero crystal shards as well as a bonus 1,000 4-star hero crystal shards immediately. As you login to the game you will also get a message from the game team that is celebrating the Lunar New Year that states:

Greetings Summoners!

The Lunar New Year Event begins! Here is one Red Pocket and Greater Red Pocket to get you started!

More Red Pockets can be earned in the Lunar New Year Event Quest, the Lunar New Year Special Event Calender and the Lunar New Year Gifting Alliance Event.

For this event, we’ve also awards a Temporary Gifting Badge, which will grant you the ability to gift Red Pockets to your friends and alliance members if you do not already have the ability to Gift.

More details can be found in the message sent yesterday titled “Lunar New Year Event”

All of these events run from 01/24 until 02/06.

That means as you login to the game today you will receive 1x free Red Pocket Crystal as well as 1 Greater Red Pocket crystal and you can claim these immediately. There is also an event that can be played for the Lunar New Year that will give you various items like more Red Pocket crystals as well as 3-star crystals, iso8, gold and so forth. So be sure not to miss it for your game.

The Red Pocket crystals contain, gold, iso8, catalyst fragments and so forth.

Dec 182016
MARVEL Contest of Champions Christmas Gifts 2016

MARVEL’s Contest of Champions has updated their daily login to a “Holiday Login” which is giving players a number of goodies from Gift Crystals to a Tier 2 Catalyst. That means for each day you login, you will receive a certain gift, and once you’ve logged in for a total of 14 days, you will [Open page……]

Dec 182016
TRANSFORMERS Forged to Fight Available Spring 2017

Kabam, the creator of Marvel’s Contest of Champions has now unveiled a new game in beta, TRANSFORMERS Forged to Fight. Available as a free-to-play game, experienced Contest of Champions players can expect a familiar environment with TFTF. The game comes to light as the fifth installment of the Transformers Movie franchise come to light with [Open page……]

Dec 162016
My Singing Monster's New Wublin Dubbed "Scargo"

My Singing Monsters creators have released a brand new Wublin into their game and it’s quite a unique one. Dubbed the “Scargo” this new Wublin can now be obtain in your Wublin Island using 5000 Gold, then it needs to be awaken using the required monsters zapped into the statue. Upon zapping your first monster [Open page……]

Aug 262016
Marvel Avengers Academy Adds Daredevil Special Event!

Marvel’s Avengers Academy has updated their mobile game (available for Apple and Android devices) with an all new update that specifically focuses on characters from the Daredevil franchise. In this new limited time event, you will be able to battle one of the most notorious villains  in the Marvel universe, The Kingpin. The Kingpin has set [Open page……]