Sep 282013

It looks like the Goldwing Dragon is now in Dragon Story player’s market, though this is not available for every player yet but those that do see the Goldwing Dragon in their market will have the ability to obtain one of these dragons through purchases from the game. If you do not see this dragon in the market then chances are you will not be able to access this dragon until later on in the game when the developers updates your game.


Dragon Story Goldwing Dragon


The Goldwing Dragon is a treasure type dragon that has the ability to generate gold in your game. The Dragon itself cost 1,800 and the only possible way to get this dragon is through buying the dragon in the market. Like all other treasure-type dragons you do not have the ability to breed the dragon unless a breeding combination has been unlocked at a later time.

The Dragon goes into a special treasure habitat where it may be shared with the Treasure Dragon, Stainglass Dragon, or the Midas Dragon. The habitat itself cost about 8,000,000 and holds from 5-10 gold depending on the version you have. There are two versions, A) holds 5 Gold, 1 Dragon or version B) Holds 10 Gold, 2 Dragons.

The Hatching time for the dragon is about 27 hours.

Sep 032013

After a fantastic Labor Day weekend, Dragon Story is back with brand new dragons for players to obtain in their game. These brand new dragons include the Killerwhale Dragon that’s available in the Arctic Isles section of the game and the Kaleido Dragon which is only available through the battle arena.


Dragon Story Killerwhale Dragon Teen

The Killerwhale Dragon is a dragon players can obtain as of September 3rd 2013 in the Arctic Isles portion of the game. The dragon is colored in black and white with tints of grey with an adorable design that’ll surely make players want to breed this dragon immediately when their breeding den is available.

To get this dragon you must understand that the dragon is known as an Abominable-type dragon, and that you need two different Abominable type dragons for a chance to get this dragon. For example, you can use the Abominable Dragon and a Sasquatch Dragon or any of the Abominable Dragons like Yeti DragonSabretooth DragonSasquatch Dragon.

Description about the dragon

You won’t see many Killerwhale Dragons flying in the Arctic Isles; most prefer the chilly reception of the ocean blue. Killerwhale Dragons swim in the cold waters, hunting not for seals or otters, but rather marine plant life consumed chiefly by dragons.

Getting the Kaleido Dragon

Available in the Battle Arena for a limited time is the Kaleido Dragon which can be obtained through the tournament after battling through a series of dragons. There are exactly 30 rounds including a battle with the Kaleido Dragon herself.

Dragon Story Kaleido Dragon Battle Screen

You cannot breed for the Kaleido Dragon but you can get one through this Tournament or get one from purchasing the dragon from the dragon market. The Price of the dragon is 1,500 gold and the dragon has the colors of Pink and Yellow. That means you can place the dragon into any Pink or Yellow Habitat after winning the dragon from the battle or simply after buying the dragon using Gold in the game.

Dragon Story Kaleido Dragon

Aug 132013
Dragon Story: New Jade Dragon + Cave Dragon for Breeding!

It is the beginning of the week and Dragon Story has released two brand new dragons for your Dragon Story Isles, one in the original isles, and the other in the Arctic Isles section. One of the dragon is named the Jade Dragon which can be obtained through breeding – or crafting for the Apple [Open page……]

Aug 092013
Dragon Story: NEW Arctic Isles, Ice Age Dragons

One of the biggest update for Dragon Story has hit the market! Dragon Story has updated their addictive dragon breeding game with an Arctic Isles that allows players to in order to get exclusive Arctic Isles Dragons made specifically to appear in the Arctic section of the game. HOW TO GET TO ARCTIC ISLES To get to [Open page……]

Jul 232013
Dragon Story: Gemstone Dragons Now Breed Enabled

Remember the Gemstone Dragons in Dragon Story? The ones where you need to use the spell shop to “craft” them because they were from a different dimension or had some special properties where you could not breed for them? Well it looks like the developers had a change of heart and now you are able [Open page……]

Jul 022013
Dragon Story: Triceratops Dragon Joins Dragon's Isles

It looks like the developers have released a brand new dragon into Dragon Story Isles, the Triceratops Dragon. This Triceratops Dragon is a Dino-type dragon in the game and is available in the market for purchase or for breeding. Dino-Type Dragons Dino-type dragons were made available to us on June 27th 2013 as they released [Open page……]