Jun 282013
Dragon Story: New Dino, Fireworks & Independence Dragon

Dragon Story updated the game with brand new dragons and the return of the Fireworks dragon to celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. There is a brand new element called the “Dino” element that allows you to obtain precious ancient dino type dragons like the Dino Dragon. Updated into the game is also the Independence [Open page……]

Jun 112013
Dragon Story: Breed the Turquoise Dragon

Dragon Story players are greeted with another brand new dragon in the game. The Turquoise Dragon is a blue colored dragon that looks similar to a gemstone dragon but is not. The dragon is actually a Stone-type dragon, which is part of the stone line of dragons that was released into the game. This dragon does [Open page……]

Jun 042013
Dragon Story: Kitsune Dragon, Battle Arena, and more!

Dragon Story players are probably delighted to hear that the there is a new dragon and on top of that, the release of a new feature in the game. The new dragon that was recently released is the Kitsune dragon, a pink looking dragon that most female players will love. In epic form, she looks [Open page……]

May 312013
Dragon Story: Cheshire Dragon is Here!

Dragon Story developers have unveiled the Cheshire Dragon into the game and this pink striped dragon is part of the Fairytale-type dragons in the game. That means for Android-users, you must update to the latest Dragon Story Fairytales to be able to see this dragon in your game. This dragon is a pink colored dragon with [Open page……]

May 292013
Android: Dragon Story Fairytales is now available for Android Users

Dragon Story Fairytales Edition is now available in the play store for Android users. Get the new update or this special edition and upgrade your game into the island of Fairytales. This update is only available for Android-users and will not be found for Apple-users because the game was updated through the air. In this [Open page……]

May 282013
Dragon Story: Big Bad Dragon Now Available!

A brand new dragon has hit the markets in Dragon Story and it’s called the Big Bad Dragon, this Big Bad Dragon is a darkly colored dragon in full black with tiny bits of red. It is believed that it’s considered a “Limited Edition Type” dragon from the pop-up the developers have placed into the [Open page……]