Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-10


Welcome to Stage 6-10 of Doors and Rooms guide. In this guide, we”ll be giving you the answer and solution to beating this stage so you won’t get stuck at on this level. When you begin the stage you’ll notice that this stage is similar to that of a spaceship, in fact, it is a spaceship. You’re actually in outer space which means after opening the door you’re going to wonder where you’re going to go next.

Begin the stage by picking up the hammer and the gun at the bottom of the screen.

On the right panel tap on it and bring the brightness down to see the numbers “3852“. This is the password to the capsule. Tap on the capsule to the left of the panel and punch in the numbers. It will open and pick up the item.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-10 Screenshot 1

Select the Gun and the Hammer in your inventory and combine them so the hammer will smash the gun open. Dismantle and take the red crystal.

Head over to the left side and place the red crystal into the light. Go to the right side and place the item you got from the capsule onto it.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-10 Screenshot 2

Basically what you need to do is find out what numbers do each color represent. This will be used for the panel on the door with the colors.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-10 Screenshot 3

The colors on the panel are Blue, Yellow, White, Red, Pink, Teal, Green. Find out what numbers represent each color then tap it into the panel.

The answer is “4371562″

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-10 Screenshot 4

That’ll open the door to the spaceship and you’ve just beaten stage 6-10 of Doors and Rooms.


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  • doors and rooms 6-10
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Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-9


Welcome to Stage 6-9 of Chapter 6 in Doors and Rooms. Another great stage and kind of wacky if you don’t know what’s hidden under ground. The stage actually has a spaceship hidden underground so that sort of makes people wonder what else you can expect from the upcoming stages of the game.

When you begin the stage of the game, pick up the note on the piano. There is a Light Bulb that you can obtain from the top. On the far left side is a fly swatter, pick it up.

Zoom into the bread on the table and you will see a fly. Use the fly swatter to kill it then pick up the fly.

On the top left corner is a spider, zoom in and place the fly on the right side. Once the spider moves pick up the thing that is wrapped in web. Dismantle it for a key.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-9 Screenshot 1

Use the key on the far right floor to reveal a secret lab. Go downstairs and pick up the two light bulb. Now you have 3x in total. Place the light bulbs on the wall like the others then take a look at the note.

The note is broken into four sections. Follow each section and where the light bulbs are. Tap on the panel then input them. Each section should have it’s own number lite up from the light bulbs after inputting them. Write the numbers down.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-9 Screenshot 2

The numbers should be “5749“.

Head over to the panel on the left side in the lab then input that number and press enter to beat the level!

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-9 Screenshot 3Doors and Rooms Stage 6-9 Screenshot 4

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-8

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-8

Welcome to Stage 6-8 in Doors and Rooms. In this stage you’ll find that this is actually a magician type of stage with tons of magic to inspire to wonder what this entire chapter 6 is all about.

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-7

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-7

Welcome to another brand new stage of Doors and Rooms! In this stage, it’s the stage 6-7 of the level in Chapter 6! This is one of the most unique stages in the chapter and the game because it’s the first stage with animation and actually some movement. Many of the stages have been static, which means there’s little to no movement but the dog in this stage transforms if you tap on him while hes awake.

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-6

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-6

Welcome back to stage 6-6 of Doors and Rooms, in this stage you’ll find a brand new stage for this Chapter 6 that looks like some ancient temple for you to explore. When you begin this stage you’ll see two statues, in the middle holding a shield that appears to be protecting something. There are also two lite fires on the left and right of these statues.

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-5

Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-5

Welcome to Stage 6-5 of Doors and Rooms. In this brand new guide made specifically to talk about Stage 6-5, you will find solution and information about solving the puzzle in this stage for Chapter 6. In the following, you will learn about the channels and how adjusting them will give you secrets to getting more items from the outside world to help you on your way in this stage. This is a rather special stage because it’s not extremely difficult and once you see how everything play out you’ll wonder why they made this the first stage you can make contact with the outside world.