Apr 202013
Jurassic Park Builder: Limited Edition Sea Scorpion Now Available

The Sea Scorpion is now available in the market for Jurassic Park Builders to obtain. This sea creature is available in the aquatic park of the game and features one giant scorpion for you to collect. Only available for 3 days, this Sea Scorpion is a highly sought after creature for any Jurassic Park Builder [Open page......]

Jurassic Park Builder: Sea Scorpion

Jurassic Park Builder: Sea Scorpion

The Sea Scorpion is a Fish eating Dinosaur in Jurassic Park Builder. It was made available on April 19 2013 and is here to stay in your water park. You do need to find the fossil for the creature using your expeditions.

Apr 032013
Jurassic Park Builder: Styxosaurus and new update!

Looks like Jurassic Park Builder players gets a brand new update with some major updates in the game. The most notable change is probably the amazingly cool icon that they’ve redesigned for the game. As you may remember, Jurassic Park Builder started off with a Red and Black icon then changed to a Blue and [Open page......]

Mar 182013
Jurassic Park Builder: 5 New Water Creatures Dinos!

Jurassic Park Builder updated the game this week with a couple of brand new water creatures for the Aquatic Park of your Jurassic Park Builder game. There are five brand new creatures in total and they’re here to stay. However, they may be difficult to find in your game because you need to find the [Open page......]

Jurassic Park Builder: Shonisaurus

Jurassic Park Builder: Shonisaurus

The Shonisaurus is a Fish eating Dinosaur in Jurassic Park Builder. It was made available on March 17 2013 and is here to stay in your water park. You do need to find the fossil for the creature using your expeditions.

Jurassic Park Builder: Hainosaurus

Jurassic Park Builder: Hainosaurus

The Hainosaurus is a Fish eating Dinosaur in Jurassic Park Builder. It was made available on March 17 2013 and is here to stay in your water park. You do need to find the fossil for the creature using your expeditions.