Tiny Castle: Salamandra


Salamandra in Tiny Castle is a hybrid creature in the game. It combines two different elements to summon this brand new monster to serve in your game. The elements for this creature is using a Volcano element and a Mountain element.

“The amateur MAGE pupil may assume that the Salamandra is a creature of Fire magic, while the true master knows there is no such thing. Born of Volcano and Mountain magic, the Salamandra is remarkably fast, scampering easily on the outsides of mountains  and the inside of volcanoes. Known for their impatience, it is unwise to keep a Salamandra waiting. “ Game Description

 Tiny Castle VolcanoTiny Castle - Mountain Element

Tiny Castle Salamandra

Release Date: May 2, 2013

Breeding Time:  1D 3 Hours 17 Minutes 54 seconds
Hatching Time: 1D 3 Hours 17 Minutes 54 seconds

Buying Price:199Tiny Castle Jewel
Selling Price:
 4106Tiny Castle Coin
Home: Volcano / Mountain
Unlock Level: 23

 Tuck In Time: 10.5  Hours

 Tuck In Time:  12:35:59 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Summon Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Tiny Castle: Salamandra Key Features

  • Hybrid creature
  • Volcano and Mountain Hybrid
Speech/What they say
  • [Baby] – Hurry Hurry
  • [Teen]  - Ah
  • [Adult] – What are we waiting for?

Tiny Castle: Salamandra Information

You can summon this creature by using  the Phoenix and Satyress in the Enchanted Tree for a chance to get this monster into your game.

Please comment below successful combinations to share with others.

The summoning time should be 1D 3 Hours 17 Minutes 54 seconds and once you have completed the summoning process, you can place him into any Volcano or Mountain Homes.

Please keep in mind that summoning monsters is a mysterious process. You may not always get the correct monster summoning into your game. The summoning  selection of creatures on the right or left does not matter.

The level of your creatures also will not improve chances for certain creatures. Your creature  needs to be at least level 5 for you to combine them in the Enchanted Tree for summoning purposes.

Tiny Castle: Salamandra Evolution

Tiny Castle creatures evolve once they have been taken care enough by players. They evolve at certain levels when you have fed them enough food for them to take on a new form.

These new forms take a great deal of effort to change into and can take quite a while, that’s what the Dream Tower in the game is for. To help your mystical creatures evolve.

Each creatures evolve at certain levels. We’ve broke down the levels as it is below.

Egg: Egg is the form where your creatures have just been summoned and awaiting to be placed into a new home

Baby: These infants have just been hatched into your game and requires much care to grow.

Teen: Just growing up become more powerful, these creatures are just learning their ways around the world

Adult: The adult form of creatures are fully grown creatures in Tiny Castle!

Tiny Castle: Salamandra Earnings

Level Food Earnings Courage Attack
Level 1 95 8 50 27
Level 2  205  9  50  27
Level 3 295 10  50  27
Level 4  390 11 50 27
Level 5 [E]  915 12 50 27
Level 6  1215  15  76  37
Level 7  1480  19  76  37
Level 8  3120 26 90 48
Level 9  4190  35 116  55
Level 10

[E] – Evolution

Tiny Castle: Salamandra  Evolution Pictures

Egg Baby
Teen Adult

Possible Names:



This page is about...

  • new version summoning guide tiny castle
  • summon salamandra tiny castle
  • tiny castle creatures and egg list
  • tiny castle summoning
  • tiny monsters which monster takes 1d 2h to breed

Tiny Castle: Tengu


Tengu in Tiny Castle is a hybrid creature in the game. It combines two different elements to summon this brand new monster to serve in your game. The elements for this creature is using a Sky element and a Mountain element.

“On the craggy mountaintops or high in the clouds, you may catch a glimpse of the illusive Tengu. These avians disdain terrestrial living as the Bast disdains water, and are very partciular about their nests and perches. The best way to converse with a Tengu is from a hot-air balloon. These contraptions fascinate the Tengu, and they will perch basket-side for hours. And where are you to find a hot-air balloon, you ask? only WizDiscounts can tell… “ Game Description

 Tiny Castle Sky ElementTiny Castle - Mountain Element

Tiny Castle Tengu

Release Date: April 11, 2013

Breeding Time:  1D 3 Hours 17 Minutes 54 seconds
Hatching Time: 1D 3 Hours 17 Minutes 54 seconds

Buying Price:599Tiny Castle Jewel
Selling Price:
 1468Tiny Castle Coin
Home: Sky / Mountain
Unlock Level: 23

 Tuck In Time: 14.5  Hours

 Tuck In Time:  17.5 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Summon Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Tiny Castle: Tengu Key Features

  • Hybrid creature
  • Sky and Mountain Hybrid
Speech/What they say
  • [Baby] – Let’s fly
  • [Teen]  - Do we ride a balloon?
  • [Adult] – Let’s get in the air.

Tiny Castle: Tengu Information

You can summon this creature by using  the Sky-Hybrid and Satyress in the Enchanted Tree for a chance to get this monster into your game.

Please comment below successful combinations to share with others.

The summoning time should be 1D 3 Hours 17 Minutes 54 seconds and once you have completed the summoning process, you can place him into any Sky or Mountain Homes.

Please keep in mind that summoning monsters is a mysterious process. You may not always get the correct monster summoning into your game. The summoning  selection of creatures on the right or left does not matter.

The level of your creatures also will not improve chances for certain creatures. Your creature  needs to be at least level 5 for you to combine them in the Enchanted Tree for summoning purposes.

Tiny Castle: Tengu Evolution

Tiny Castle creatures evolve once they have been taken care enough by players. They evolve at certain levels when you have fed them enough food for them to take on a new form.

These new forms take a great deal of effort to change into and can take quite a while, that’s what the Dream Tower in the game is for. To help your mystical creatures evolve.

Each creatures evolve at certain levels. We’ve broke down the levels as it is below.

Egg: Egg is the form where your creatures have just been summoned and awaiting to be placed into a new home

Baby: These infants have just been hatched into your game and requires much care to grow.

Teen: Just growing up become more powerful, these creatures are just learning their ways around the world

Adult: The adult form of creatures are fully grown creatures in Tiny Castle!

Tiny Castle: Tengu Earnings

Level Food Earnings Courage Attack
Level 1 95 8 50 27
Level 2
Level 3  295  10  50  27
Level 4  11 50 27
Level 5 [E]  915 12 50 27
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8  3120 26 95 55
Level 9
Level 10

[E] – Evolution

Tiny Castle: Tengu  Evolution Pictures

Egg Baby
 Tiny Castle Tengu
Teen Adult

Possible Names:



This page is about...

  • tiny castle tengu
Apr 212013
Tiny Castle: Faun Creature is now available for limited time

Tiny Castle is back again with a brand new limited edition creature to collect for your kingdom. This brand new creature is called the Faun Creature and it appears the developers are celebrating Earth Day with this creature in your market. According to the quest timer, there is about 2-3 days to get this creature [Open page......]

Tiny Castle: Faun

Tiny Castle: Faun

Faun in Tiny Castle is a hybrid creature in the game. It combines two different elements to summon this brand new monster to serve in your game. The elements for this creature is using a Forest element and a Garden element.

Tiny Castle: Gargoyle

Tiny Castle: Gargoyle

Gargoyle in Tiny Castle is a hybrid creature in the game. It combines two different elements to summon this brand new monster to serve in your game. The elements for this creature is using a Sky element and a Mountain element.

Tiny Castle: Mountain Piksy

Tiny Castle: Mountain Piksy

Mountain Piksy in Tiny Castle is a hybrid creature in the game. It combines two different elements to summon this brand new monster to serve in your game. The elements for this creature is using a Forest element and a Mountain element.