Jan 102013

It has been a long wait. Perhaps too long but Zenonia fans are probably excited to see that Zenonia 5 is now released for the Apple iOS! That means those with iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch(s) can get their hands on this amazing new RPG game in an all new adventure!

Zenonia 5 Wheel of Destiny Upper Screen

The game was released a couple of months ago for the Android community but iOS players have been wondering when they’ll release it for Apple users and the time is now. At the time of this writing, you will not be able to find Zenonia 5 in your App Store because it has not been updated yet and was released a couple of hours ago. If you do see it then congratulations it makes it easier for you to download.

If you are a person that loves RPG or long story-driven games then this is definitely an game you must pick up. If you followed the story of Zenonia then you’ll get four brand new characters/classes to play as and train to become the ultimate warrior. The story follows after Zenonia 4, not directly but centuries later where Lu became King.

You won’t find any of the previous characters but you’ll hear stories about them and some of the towns you’ve visited still remains. Characters like fairies, different realms, and the theme between good and evil still remain. Like Zenonia games beginning from Zenonia 3-4, you’ll find that the beginning is extremely easy while the difficulty near the ending can become impossible without having a good character build.

You can download Zenonia 5 from the iTunes link below

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  • zenonia 5 for iphone 5 download

  One Response to “Apple iOS: Zenonia 5 Released for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch!”

  1. Got the game. Waiting on a list for skills.

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