Jul 012012
DragonVale - Ruby Gemstone Dragon

The Ruby Dragon has been released! It was just minutes ago that the gem dragon dubbed “Ruby Dragon” was released to DragonVale players for the month of July and it is definitely one beautiful dragon to have in anyone’s DragonVale park. We introduced a sneak preview yesterday but this Ruby Dragon is certainly more stunning up close and personal. Perhaps one of the greatest things about the Ruby dragon is that it’s red, and at Gameteep we love the color red.

This ruby dragon features a dark red with different color tints and a bright bright emerald green design for its eye. In its baby form you can see it is curled up and is holding the ruby birthstone for those that are born in July and it is definitely one of those must get dragons for DragonVale!

Stay tuned for more Ruby Dragon and how to breed it from Gameteep.

DragonVale - Ruby Gemstone Dragon

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Jul 012012
Fish with Attitude Independence Fish Baby

We’re always happy to hear from our readers, Jamie submitted a tip to help those that love Fish with Attitude (Previously Little Aquarium) on how to breed the Independence Fish!

For players that have not  heard about this Independence Fish then know that it’s a limited time fish that will be available in Fish with Attitude. This fish can be bred multiple ways but we found that Jamie’s submission and recommendations to be the best and most direct. This combination has been completely tested, and works for players looking to breed the Independence Fish for your Fish with Attitude tank.

Fish with Attitude Independence Fish Baby

In the letter she writes, in order to breed the Independence Day fish effectively and obtain it using it’s direct traits you must use two fishes that combine up to the main traits. The Traits required for this fish are Smart, Nice, and Brave. The combination that Jamie wants to share with other Fish with Attitude players is using a Flirty Fish and a Smart Fish in your breeding tank.

Big thanks to Jamie for reaching out to us and helping Fish with Attitude players!

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DragonVale: Ruby Dragon

DragonVale - Ruby Gemstone Dragon

The Ruby Dragon in DragonVale is the Gemstone Dragon for the month of June. First appearing in July 2012, the Ruby dragon is the third gemstone dragon to appear for the Gemstone Island Habitat, previously two gemstone dragon appeared before this Ruby Dragon in  May and June 2012. Little is still known about the Ruby Dragon except that it is another exceptionally rare Gemstone dragon just like the Emerald Dragon and Pearl Dragon in DragonVale.

” The ruby dragon was discovered deep in the Mogok Caves by an old wizard who simply went by the name Mohs. He quickly learned the error of reaching for rubies when they are attached to the tail of a dragon. Ruby dragons, like all gemstone dragons, cannot breed. ” Ruby Dragon Game Description

 Gem Element

DragonVale - Ruby Gemstone Dragon

Release Date: July 1st 2012

Level requirement: 17
Habitat:  Gemstone Habitat
Incubation Time: 31 Hours
Buying Price:  1,525 Gem  
Selling Price:  1,500,000Cash 
Experience: 100,000  

Fast Breed Gems: 31Gem

Fast Breed Upgraded: 25Gem

Ruby Dragon Key Features

This Ruby Dragon features a elegant red design that will surely make those born in the month of July content. Like all Gemstone or Gem Dragons, this Ruby Dragon will generate gems so you can build up on those precise gems in your DragonVale park.

If you look closely at the Ruby Dragon you will notice that the Ruby Dragon takes its design  after the Emerald Dragon, oppose to the Pearl Dragon. The Ruby Dragon features a “Ruby Gemstone” after it’s tail just like the emerald dragon and has wings that are designed in detail to represent it’s glory.

As you look towards the dragons chest, you will notice that portion is actually designed in terms of fur style oppose to a normal dragon skin. Many parts of its body such as the tip of the wings, arm and head features Ruby Gemstone that extends out from it’s body showing that how it represents the Ruby Gemstone for those that are connected with their birthstone.

The eyes of this ruby dragon is also emerald green which makes it even more elegant for those that loved the Emerald Dragon and will definitely evolve into a beautiful red dragon as you breed and care for your baby Ruby Dragon.

Ruby Dragon breeding guide:

To breed the Ruby dragon you need to use the Scorch Dragon and the Chrome Dragon. Keep in mind that the left and right order of the dragons do not matter and the level of the dragons do not matter as well.

Ruby Dragon earnings

Level 1 2Gem/Month
Level 10 1Gem/Week

DragonVale Ruby Dragon Evolution Egg


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Jun 302012
DragonVale - Ruby Gemstone Dragon

DragonVale fans are you ready for the next Gemstone dragon in DragonVale? Today is the final day for the Pearl Dragon that was released for June and soon, the Ruby Dragon will be introduced to the world of DragonVale.

The creators of DragonVale has already tweet a picture of the precise Ruby Dragon for July players of DragonVale and yes, it is red. That’s right! It’s bright red that shows royalty with the combination of elegance for those amazing people born on the month of July.

If you are looking for how to breed the Ruby Dragon for DragonVale then stay tuned as we uncover the secrets to breeding the Ruby dragon as it is released. The expected release date is July 1st, and that could mean at mid-night!

Once again we remind players that today is the last day to breed the Pearl Dragon so if you haven’t gotten one then check out our Pearl Dragon breeding guide to get on your way to breeding the pearl white Pearl Dragon for your DragonVale park!

DragonVale - Ruby Gemstone Dragon

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Jun 302012
Tiny Monsters July4 Independence Monster Screen

Tiny Monsters July4 Independence Monster Screen

Tiny Monsters players with the release of two new Monsters On June 28th 2012 (The Sunstone Monster & Brimstone Monster), another brand new monster was released on June 29th 2012 and is an limited edition monster for Independence. This new monster for Independence is dubbed “Independence Monster” which means its only here for a limited time and the monster is very special compared to the rest.

The last time we had a Limited Edition monster was back when the Memorial Monster was released for the Memorial special event so Tiny Monsters players that have missed the Memorial Monster certainly don’t want to miss this Independence Monster. Keep in mind that when we say “Limited Edition” this really means that the monster is going to be here for only a limited amount of time and that after that, it will be removed from the market and store until the next time it is released.

As seen from the above and it’s pictures, the Independence Monster is a bright Eagle that will be flying the skies in your Tiny Monsters mountaintop. This monster is probably one of the most unique monsters in Tiny Monsters because it’s elements is not reflected on its design. As you may know, many of the monsters share some type of characteristic from their element, such as fire, water, earth and so on. However, this monster is so original, so normal that it makes it one of the most unique monster in Tiny Monster.

Some may say that it does not share any attributes relating to the elements because it’s a special event monster, and this may be true. As we can see from the Memorial Monster that it’s elements are definitely not about and now the Independence Monster. Regardless of reason, this Independence Monster is definitely not a monster you want to miss in your Tiny Monsters mountaintop.

To breed an Independence Monster in Tiny Monsters for your mountaintop, you must know that this is an fire and air element monster. This means that you must have a fire and air element within your breeding process to be able to have a chance at getting the Independence Monster. This is not always successful though because this monster is so rare and shares the combination with a Flamegust Monster and the popular Inferno Monster.

The combinations to getting the Independence Monster is using a Fire Monster and an Inferno Monster, alternatively you can also use a Fire Monster and an Air Monster. The breeding time for a successful breed in the breeding den is 5 hours. Once you see 5 hours you can rest assured it is an Independence Monster for your Tiny Monsters mountaintop. After hatching the Independence Monster you may place the Eagle into a Air or Fire habitat.

More on Independence Monster

Tiny Monsters Independence Monster Screenshot 2Tiny Monsters Independence Monster Screenshot 1

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Tiny Monsters: Mythic Independence Monster

Tiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster Baby

The Mythic Independence Monster is the shiny version of the regular Independence Monster. This mythic form monster gives much more earnings and looks slightly different compared to the original.

“Seen soaring through the skies around Monster Mountain, adventurers noticed that the Mythic Independence Monster’s flight seems to affect all the creatures below it. Monsters would look to the sky, as though remembering an important event that happened long ago. Captain Alexander believes the monster is a memory given form.” -Mythic Independence Monster Game Description

 Tiny Monsters Fire ElementTiny Monsters Air Element

Tiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster Baby

Release Date: June 29, 2012

Breeding Time: 5 Hours

Hatching Time: 5 Hours
Selling Price: 1875 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Fire Habitat, Air Habitat

Unlock Level: 18


 Tuck In Time:  3 Hours

 Tuck In Time: 9 Hours

Special Event: Independence Event


Mythic Independence Monster breeding guide

The Mythic Independence Monster in Tiny Monster can be bred using the key elements which are Fire and Air, this gives you an opportunity to get the normal or mythic form.

If you want to breed the Mythic Independence Monster or the regular version only then you must use a Independence Monster and a Independence Monster in the breeding den. The breeding time for the Mythic Independence Monster should be 5 Hours.

Mythic Independence Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Mythic Independence Monster then be sure to level your Mythic Independence Monster to level 5 for a teen Mythic Independence Monster then level the Mythic Independence Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Mythic Independence Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 21Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6  91
Level 2  35 Level 7  106
Level 3  49 Level 8 120
Level 4  62 Level 9  134
Level 5  77 Level 10  151


Mythic Independence Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 35Tiny Monsters -Food Level 6  215
Level 2  75 Level 7  250
Level 3  110 Level 8  285
Level 4  145 Level 9  320
Level 5  180 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food


Tiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster Evolution Pictures

Tiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster EggTiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster BabyTiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster TeenTiny Monsters Mythic Independence Monster Adult


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