Doors&Rooms: Stage 3-2


Stage 3-2 in Doors&Rooms is another challenging stage for players that want a quick game. It requires a bit of calculations and finding the objects in the stage that are important to solving the puzzle.

To solve this puzzle follow the directions carefully.

First, locate the Cd disc on the shelf on the bottom row. Once you have this, go to your inventory and uncover it and then take the disc itself and USE it on the computer.

Doors&Rooms Stage 3-2 Room Photo

You will be greeted with this screen in excel, the function is this


This is actually talking about the shelf behind the computer.. after you have done all the additions and subtractions head on over to the lock on the far right of the shelf and get ready to enter the code.

Doors&Rooms Stage 3-2 Computer Screen

The code should be 3677 after you have done all the calculations. So unlock it using the code to get the key.

Doors&Rooms Stage 3-2 Unlock Code

Once you have the key, select it in your inventory then use it to unlock the door on the far right of the screen then you would have beaten this stage!

Doors&Rooms Stage 3-2 Door


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  • doors&rooms 3-2

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