Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-2
Welcome to Stage 6-2 of Doors and Rooms in Chapter 6. When you’re beginning this stage you’ll probably feel it’s a kitchen or at least something that looks like one. You’ll see there’s a sink on the left side, a refrigeration on the right side and some cabinet along with a steel box tucked right in at the top right corner.
Begin the stage by picking up the pipe on the ledge above the door. Take this pipe and plug it on on the left side beside the stove. Now open the fridge and get a frozen fish. While you’re on this side, open the cabinet at the bottom right and pick up the knife. Now head over to the left side and open the doors under the sink pick up the pan.
Select the pan and place it on top of the stove. Place the fish inside. Head the fish by turning on the stove until all the ice melts. Pick up the fish. Go into your inventory and select the knife and combine it with the melted fish.
Now dismantle the fish for a key. Take the key and open the steel box on the top right corner. Take out the plumbing tool and use it on the ground in the picture below. You can alternatively find out the location by checking out the calender on the wall.
Now that the tile on the floor has been removed, slide your screen down to reveal a hole in the ground. Pick up the key and use it to open the door and beat this stage!