Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-6


Welcome back to stage 6-6 of Doors and Rooms, in this stage you’ll find a brand new stage for this Chapter 6 that looks like some ancient temple for you to explore. When you begin this stage you’ll see two statues, in the middle holding a shield that appears to be protecting something. There are also two lite fires on the left and right of these statues.

Begin the stage by picking up the book from the bag and the ink bottle in the middle of the ground. Dismantle the book one you get it for a page.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-6 Screenshot 1

Remove the stick from the statue on the left then use it on the left at the bottom where there’s a light revealing a hole. Pick up the pen.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-6 Screenshot 2

Combine the Pen with the bottle of ink.

Head over to the right side and place the piece of paper on the tablet with numbers then use the inked pen to make a copy of the numbers. Now remove the paper.

Go to the middle and place the paper onto the center square, then tap the tablet on the right to place them onto the paper. Exit the screen then go tap on the shield the statue is holding. Copy down the puzzle above the number selection and head back to where you placed the paper.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-6 Screenshot 3

Solve the combination to find the numbers you need to input to open the door where the statues are. The password is “6831

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-6 Screenshot 4

Once you input the password, the door will open and you will be able to obtain a green crystal. Take the crystal and place it on the left side of the door to open it.

Doors and Rooms Stage 6-6 Screenshot 5



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  • rooms and doors 6-6

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