Doors&Rooms: Stage 6-7
Welcome to another brand new stage of Doors and Rooms! In this stage, it’s the stage 6-7 of the level in Chapter 6! This is one of the most unique stages in the chapter and the game because it’s the first stage with animation and actually some movement. Many of the stages have been static, which means there’s little to no movement but the dog in this stage transforms if you tap on him while hes awake.
This stage is hard, you probably want to follow a long closely and make sure you can see the pictures.
Begin the stage by opening the drawer at the very bottom on the left. Take the sleeping pills. Now take the bacon on the table on the right.
Combine the Sleeping Pill with the Bacon.
Feed it to the dog, if you want to watch the animation then tap on him first. After feeding the dog he will go to sleep. Remove the clock around his collar. Now tap on the jacket hanging from the rack on the left.
Dismantle the Jacket for a watch.
Take note of the times on the watches in your inventory. Tap on the digital frog clock. Take note of the time. Tap on the swinging clock take note of the time.
Each clock also has their own color and be sure to write it down. Now convert each time into minutes then spin it on the color circle on the right side.
The answer is below. After spinning the colors correctly, you will unlock the door and be able to exit this stage.
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- d&r 6-7