Doors&Rooms: Stage 7-1


Chapter 7, Stage 7-1 in Doors and Rooms was released on June 10 2013 for the game and is believed to be the final update/chapter in Doors and Rooms.

Doors and Rooms Stage 7-1 Screenshot 1

In this stage, there are the following items and “active” screens for you to discover.

Available Items

  • 4x Crystal shapes
  • 1x Card
  • 1x Access Card
  • 1x Screw Driver

Tap-able Locations

  • Card Slider (becomes a keypad)
  • Lights
  • Keyboard
  • Computer Screen

Beginning the Stage

Begin the stage by picking up all the available items in the stage. There are four crystal shaped objects on the ground, an personal ID card, and a screwdriver.

Doors and Rooms Stage 7-1 Screenshot 2

Once you have picked up all the items, take the ID card and the Screwdriver then combine it. Once that is done, dismantle the card then you’ll have the final version of the card. Press the observe button to look at the back for the numbers “121013″

Head over to the computer and it will ask you to enter the numbers “121013″ into the computer screen then it will open and the screen will showcase the four objects.

Press on the keyboard again and you will be asked to enter 5 numbers.

Doors and Rooms Stage 7-1 Screenshot 3

You need to enter the secret number which is hinted by the developers from the shapes you have picked up and the ones presented in the screen. So type in “48612″ this will unlock an special access card for you to swipe at the card swiping panel.

Doors and Rooms Stage 7-1 Screenshot 4

Take the card and swipe it to gain access to the virtual keypad. Take the card and place it under the light to show you the squares on the card. Now head cover to the computer screen where you’ll notice there are squares on each letter. Follow and solve the puzzle, which will eventually give you the numbers “59837″.

Doors and Rooms Stage 7-1 Screenshot 5

Head back to the panel where you swiped the card and punch in “59837″. This will unlock the door allowing you to solve and beat stage 7-1 in Door and Rooms Chapter 7!

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