Doors&Rooms: Stage 7-2


Welcome to the Doors and Rooms Stage 7-2 in Chapter 7 dubbed “Gateway”. In this stage you will find a number of items on the ground and view enabled areas. You cannot buy hints in chapter 7 for the game so that means you’ll have to figure it out using your wits and skills to problem solve.

Begin by picking up the the hammer item in the area, this will start off the stage.

Available Items

  • Hammer
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Serial Card
  • Terminal 2 Keyboard
  • Terminal 2 Screen
  • Large Computer Keyboard
  • Large Computer Screen
  • Keypad on the right and exit.

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 1

After picking up the hammer. Use it to smash the glass holding the Fire extinguisher and pick that up for your inventory.

Now head on over to the left side and tap on the cube, you will see four arrows and a bunch of dots. Simply tap the arrows in the following order below.

  • Right
  • Down
  • Down
  • Right
  • Right
  • Up
  • Right
  • Right
  • Down
  • Down
  • Left
  • Down
  • Down
  • Right
  • Right
  • Obtain the Serial Number Card

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 2

After you have obtained the Serial Card, head over to terminal 2 of the computer and tap on the keyboard section which will bring up a slot for you to place the serial number into. Do so and a number will be printed on it.

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 4Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 3

Now head into your inventory and dismantle the Fire extinguisher. Once you do this, head over to the floor on the right side where there will be a burning spot. Put out the fire and then pick up the note.

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 5Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 6

The note in conjunction with the terminals form a math problem where you’ll eventually be able to use it to unlock the door. Basically on the terminal it says T = 2, on the paper there is an X at the top left corner which means the row and column multiples for the answer.

So if T = 2 then what will make 6? A has to be 3.

  • So A = 3
  • T = 2
  • N has to be 8
  • Then E has to be 5
  • and so on.
  • Eventually you’ll get to the answer “7958″ for the final lock.

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 7Doors&Rooms Stage 7-2 Screenshot 8

Head on over to the right keypad and punch in “806804″ from the serial card then “7958″ to beat stage 7-2 in Doors and Rooms Chapter 7!

  One Response to “Doors&Rooms: Stage 7-2”

  1. So what was the deal with the multicoloured grid by the big computer? It was asking for a 5 digit number. Was that just a red herring?

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