Doors&Rooms: Stage 7-3


Stage 7-3 of Doors and Rooms is the last stage of the game and it’s an extremely simple stage that doesn’t really require any special skills. It’s not really even a long level, so don’t frown at the last stage of Doors and Rooms, it’s believed that Stage 7-2, which is the last stage is the true final stage and this is just the finalization or “credits” of the game.

On the left side is the credit screen. You’ll notice the names of the creators, mostly Asian names. The thing you can do on the screen is swipe and slide it to view them all.

Once that’s done… it’s time to move onto the panel on the right near the door.

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-3 Screenshot 1

Once you are at the door you will see only the letter F on this stage and a bunch of missing letters. Well the answer is quite simple because this stage is the final stage in the game and the developers want to thank all the players that have been playing their game. While it is the end of the first game, it is believed that there will be a version two set to be released for players around the world.

What you need to type into the field is “THANK YOU FOR PLAYING”. That’s basically it. Now you have beaten the game. Enjoy!

Doors&Rooms Stage 7-3 Screenshot 3Doors&Rooms Stage 7-3 Screenshot 4

  2 Responses to “Doors&Rooms: Stage 7-3”

  1. The developers have this game is the biggest joke in history. They haven’t focused on creating more stages and the game but really? On writing guides and YouTube channels. Yes create impossible to figure out stages then make guides for them themselves wtf?!?

    Learn what you want to do in life and don’t fly all over the place! Create game then create games!

  2. When you watch the credits you see that not all letters are capital.
    Note the small letters and anagram them. Don’t forget to add the F
    So you get: thank you for playing

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