Dragon City Mobile


Dragon City Mobile is a dragon breeding game that was ported from a social network game on Facebook to an app for mobile devices. The game is similar to its Facebook counter-part and we’re working on listing all the dragons for you to learn how to breed these cool dragons for your game.

Dragon City Mobile icon

Original Release of Dragons

Main Dragons

Common Hybrids


  23 Responses to “Dragon City Mobile”

  1. How do I get my Game Center friends into my Dragon city social? Only 8 of my Facebook friends are in the social so I can only gift to them….
    I need my Game Center friends to be in the dragon city social so I can gift and get gifts!
    Please help

  2. I play dragon city and I recently got a hot metal dragon by breeding fire and electric. The problem is that I’m only on level 12 and the hot metal isn’t unlocked till level 14. This is probably a bug. I also got the cool fire from logging into Facebook and I bred cool fire and electric. I get a fluorescent dragon. That isn’t unlocked till level 14. I think the makers need to fix this.

  3. Hey I play on ios and I’m having trouble with dino island! It keeps closing the app when I try to battle 1 of the 10 dinosaur dragons -.- any ideas?

  4. I play on iOS and am having issues with Dino Island – in the fights I’ve run into a Gargoyle dragon and I can’t find a reference anywhere about what its weakness is. It’s ridiculously stronger than my dragons and I can’t even get a first strike in before *boom* Dead. Help?

    • Those should be Facebook users you are fighting. The iOS has not have a release of that dragon but people that played on Facebook have. You can probably beat the dragon with any of the legendary dragons

    • I’m stuck on the Gargoyle too. Really frustrating.

  5. Can I just say how unhappy I am with the new update. I don’t like that the pure habitats are now all the same, though I do like the new legendary habitat. My last pure was breeding during the switch. I hadn’t built mt last habitat and now it’s going to cost 30 million to build. The price increase is ridiculous. I like the look of the new dragons, but I’m not sure i want to keep playing.

  6. Well… I have been having quite problems with those islands quests. I am not a super high great level and I don’t really have any special dragons like pure and so on…
    With the Dino island. I played it for almost every day, but I can’t seem to succeed. First of all, when I breed dragons it’s not counting up to the Dino island… So even though I bred them for like every day, different combinations I am still at number 3. Same goes for Gold and Food… So yeah.
    And another problem, but I guess that is just because I am really unlucky D:, you have to complete combats but I can’t win against one and only one player so I am always stucked on where I was. He has a really strong pure dragons that I can’t even have now at my current level. :/ i really enjoyed playing the game but lately I’ve been hearing from a lot of “low level” people & friends that until you get higher levels… you can’t really do anything which is quite frustrating… :/

  7. How do I sell my dragons? THERE’s NO OPTION TO SELL, help!!!

  8. Add me on Game Center! Daily Player who will gift graciously!Game Center ID: IRunDMC

  9. I have run into a bug. I recently updated it and now my flaming rock dragon just shoes up as a blue-like kind of dragon. Now matter how long I wait it just stays like that.

  10. I just bred a dark elf dragon and the venom dragon and got a war dragon….the problem is I can’t get a war habitat until level 30 and I am on level 26…..how can I keep the dragons?

  11. Add me on game center

  12. can i visit my game center friends world? i know i can visit my facebook friends world but what about my game center friends worlds? please help

  13. How be friends with out Facebook ?
    And get more gems.

  14. Looking for Gamecenter friends for Dragon City. Play multiple times daily and will gift often.

    Game Center ID: jayhawk2021


  15. i love this game (im 10)

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