Dragon City: Cloud Dragon


The Cloud Dragon is a hybrid dragon in Dragon City Mobile. It combines two very unique elements to create this dragon for your dragon city. This also means you need to use the breeding mountain to get this dragon or buy the dragon from the store.

“Many people don’t even know that they have seen this Dragon because it perfectly blends into the sky. If you feel like the rain is sometimes following you, here you have the explanation!” - Dragon City Description

 Dragon City - Sea ElementDragon City - Flame Element

Dragon City Cloud Dragon icon

Release Date:
January 10th 2013

Rarity: Common

Breed Time: 6 Hour
Hatching Time:
6 Hour
Buying Price: 25Dragon City Gems
Selling Price: 50Dragon City Gold
Habitat: Flame/Sea

Also see

  • Blizzard Dragon
User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Egg Design
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.0/5 (4 votes cast)

Dragon City: Cloud Dragon  Key Features

  • Hybrid dragon
  • Sea and Flame elements

Dragon City: Cloud Dragon breeding guide

The Cloud Dragon is a hybrid dragon with the elements of Sea and Flame which is often seen as Water and Fire. That means you need to have these two elements within the breeding combination for a chance to get this dragon for your game.

To get this dragon you need to breed the Sea Dragon and the Flame Dragon for a chance to get this dragon into your game. The breed time should be 6 hour and that is the same for the hatching time.

Please keep in mind that the it does not matter which side you select your dragon for breeding. The level of your dragon also does not matter. None of these affect the breeding process and its ultimately up to luck given you have the correct combination. You can get any other dragon that are made up of these elements.

Dragon City: Cloud Dragon Evolution Guide

The Cloud Dragon will evolve once you have fed him to a certain level in the game. It starts off with an dragon egg where after you have hatched him he will become a baby dragon in the game.

It evolves at level 4 again after you have fed him enough food where he will gain a more powerful form to battle enemies in your game.

This means the stages are separated into

  • Dragon Egg: This stage is when the dragon is still being hatched
  • Baby Dragon: This stage is from level 1-4 when the dragon is still in his baby form.
  • Teen Dragon: The dragon evolves into this stage when he reaches level 4 to become even more powerful.
  • Adult Dragon: The dragon evolves into its adult form at level 7.

Dragon City: Cloud Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1  5 Level 6  20
Level 2  8 Level 7 [E]  23
Level 3  11 Level 8  26
Level 4 [E]  14 Level 9  29
Level 5  17 Level 10  32Dragon City Gold

*[E] = Evolution

Dragon City: Cloud Dragon Food Chart

Feeding your dragons will allow your dragons to evolve into more powerful forms in the game.

Level Food Cost. Level Food Cost
Level 1  5 Level 6  160
Level 2  10 Level 7  320
Level 3  20 Level 8  640
Level 4  40 Level 9  1280
Level 5  80 Level 10  2560

Dragon City: Cloud Dragon Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon City Cloud Dragon egg  Dragon City Cloud Dragon icon
Teen Adult
 Dragon City Cloud Dragon Teen  Dragon City Cloud Dragon Adult