Aug 212012

We’re happy to let Dragon Story players know that there are multiple quests that will give you FREE Gold in your game! There are currently two known quests to receive gold anywhere from 5 – 30 gold.

  1. Get 30 Gold for purchasing a Dragonride Shrine in your Dragon Story island.
  2. Get 30 Gold for Purchasing a Decoration in your Dragon Story island
  3. Get 30 Gold for Harvesting Food in your Dragon Story island.
  4. Get 15 Gold for buying decorations

So if you’ve been missing these free gold quests then its definitely time to get on Dragon Story to pick up your free gold for doing minor quests in your game!

Dragon Story Free Gold Quest 2Dragon Story Free Gold Quest 3

Dragon Story Free Gold Quest 1

    • Xbox sucks

      You can’t get anything on the quest it’s very very very rare you only get stuff like coins up to 10000 and other useless things u never get want you want

  • Nicole

    You probably have to wait for the option to let you download one of team lava’s games then after u downloaded the game launch it (play it for a few minutes). Once u have done that, go back to dragon story and them this message will pop up, or if it doesn’t, go to the quest button. Soon, you will see the free gold in quest. Add me ID: starfire9981

  • Roadkill Kitty

    I don’t have quests either. I’m level 11, have a stormid and have visited neighbors. Still no quest scroll or button. On the top I have a level bar, coin, gold and food. Any ideas?

    • Ally

      I have only gotten the good deeds one that all I have gotten…. I didn’t last long :)

      • DunnoItEl

        Quests aren’t there in the android version. Sucks right? Wish tl would fix it.

      • Jervhie ocampo

        I need golds

      • Hans Müller

        add FritjofDrenckhan

      • Weni

        I have a quest but I don’t know how I get… Add me weni0321

      • Klb138


      • Laurinda

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