Sep 142012

Dragon Story players woke up to another week of a release of a beautiful dragon called the Mermaid Dragon. This Mermaid Dragon features a Green and Blue elements and can be seen through its unique design and coloring.

Dragon Story Mermaid Dragon Epic

The Mermaid Dragon is not a limited time dragon and yet is a Super Rare hybrid in Dragon Story. This Super Rare Hybrid means that it will be difficult for players that want to breed the Mermaid Dragon on its first try unless you have extreme luck on your side and it appears some of us do have that luck! However, that doesn’t mean the dragon will be easy to breed for others.

How to breed Mermaid Dragon

The Mermaid Dragon in Dragon Story is made up of two different elements, Blue and Green. That means you need these two elements within your breeding process for even a chance to get this Mermaid Dragon. We recommend using the core elements that represents breeding this dragon for a better possibility of getting this dragon without throwing other dragons into the mix.

The most recommended combination for breeding the dragon is a Water Dragon and a Forest Dragon. If your breeding time is 12 hours then that means you have a Mermaid Dragon breeding in your island and you can look forward to this beautiful mermaid being in your game.

Once you have hatched the dragon into your game you can place her into a green or blue habitat.

Keep in mind breeding the dragon left and right does not matter nor affect the breeding process. The level of your dragons also will not affect the breeding process developed into the game.

The Mermaid Dragon page can also be found in the Dragon Story section here.

  7 Responses to “Dragon Story: How to breed Mermaid Dragon, Confirmed”

  1. I was lucky with this one. I bred epic form water and forest dragons and I got it on my first try.

  2. WTF!!! I got a mermaid dragon! I bred Mindvolt and Life dragon. O_o

  3. Same first shot with lvl 9 forest and lvl 9 water lol

  4. I got first try with aurora and light dragon good luck

  5. After many tries I finally got a 12 hr. Breeding time n thought for sure I had it but ended up with a gem. Grrrrrrrr!

  6. I keep breeding Planet dragon.GRRRRRRRR

  7. I got it with Air and Scarecrow first try 😀

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