The Tiny Dragon was also released into Dragon Story with the Origami Dragon in your game. Like the other dragon, this Tiny Dragon is also a Pink-type dragon that aligns with Dragon Story’s new series of Pink Dragons. That means that you need to have at least one pink dragon for a chance to breed for this dragon in your game. The main pink dragon is the Virtue Dragon, and if you don’t have one check out our Virtue Dragon page here.
This dragon looks like a “baby” dragon because it has a baby sucker and it isn’t afraid of using it! The skin on this dragon however does look very “human-like” because of the colors. No other dragons have had this color and its actually quite unique for a dragon design. The thing that does make it resemble to its elemental colors is the pink wings. Other than that its quite difficult to make out what colors this dragon is actually made out of, and yes you do need a pink dragon to breed for this dragon.
How to Breed Tiny Dragon (Learn more)
The Tiny Dragon is a pink dragon which means you need the Virtue Dragon or other pink dragons for a chance to get this dragon. If you don’t have any pink dragons then start with the Virtue Dragon or you cannot breed for this dragon.
To breed the Tiny Dragon use the Virtue Dragon and the Light Dragon in the breeding den for a chance to get the Tiny Dragon. The correct breeding time is 16 hours, which means if you get 16 hours after placing these two dragons then its possibly the Tiny Dragon. The hatching time is also 16 hours.
After completing the breeding and hatching process, you can place the dragon into any pink or white habitat. Please keep in mind that the order you select the dragon for breeding does not matter. The level of your dragon also will not affect the breeding process for this game. It is ultimately up to luck to get the dragon with the correct combination. So good luck breeding.
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- how you breed a tiny dragon
- dragon story pink and white 16 hour breed time
- how to breed tiny dragon story
- tini dragon in dragonstory
FINALLY GET IT !!! After 4 tries u_U my ID : Spiky_69
After 6 tries finally. so many gold bars wasted……
my ID: LostLnWonderland
I got it!!! Add me toposhi
I just got the ring dragon with the virtue and the hypnotic on my first try
I would suggest this combination to others who want the tiny dragon