Nov 152012

Thanksgiving is coming up and the Turkey Dragon has just been released into your island for players to breed. This dragon is a limited edition dragon released for Thanksgiving on November 15 2012 and it is certainly one of the best dragons available for players to breed!Dragon Story Turkey Dragon

This new Turkey Dragon is a triple element dragon that features this special Turkey design in the game. Like all dragons in the game, even when it tries to represents a certain creature it still looks like a dragon in the end. Some parts may be larger while other parts may be smaller but this dragon’s design fits perfectly together with it’s element and theme.

How to breed Turkey Dragon (Learn more)

Breeding one of these dragons won’t be easy. Well it may be for some while it may be difficult for others. It’ll have to depend on your luck and love for the game! If there’s enough of that then surely it’ll come along.

To breed this exclusive dragon for your game you need to use the main elements like always. The main elements to breeding this dragon is using  triple elements like we noted on the above. The dragons recommended to breeding this dragon is using the Life Dragon and Air Dragon for a chance to get this dragon. The elements are air, fire, and forest, which are also known as yellow, red, and green.

The breeding time for this dragon is 9 Hours. This is the same time for hatching and evolving your dragons.

With the breeding combination in hand, keep in mind that breeding is completely up to your luck in the game and for them to give you the dragon. The Rarity will help you understand your chances but it will ultimately be up to your game.

The breeding order of left or right in the breeding den does not matter. The Level of your breeding dragon also do not matter.

Learn more about the Turkey Dragon here

Breeding Video around YouTube

This page is about...

  • breed turkey dragon story
  • turkey gameteep
  • breeding turkey dragon
  • Dragonstory Turkey Dragon
  • gameteepturkey dragon
  • how to bree dturkey dragon
  • turkey dragon breeding time
  • turkey dragon breedingbtime

  6 Responses to “Dragon Story: How to breed Turkey Dragon”

  1. Got it! 9 hours! Add me Decaying is my ID!

  2. I got one using forest and life but it took 4 times.

    • how??? life dragon is green and red and forest dragon is just green. the turkey needs yellow also. I'm doing every combination but never considered that cause it lacked yellow.. I haven't been able to get it yet :(

  3. Got it on my first attempt with Eagle 10 (left) and Forest 7 (right)

  4. Got it using Honeybee 10 and Life 10! When I tried breeding 1 hybrid and a 1 element dragon it didn’t work for me, but it worked the first time with these two hybrids.

  5. I breed a air dragon and life dragon and I got a turkey dragon in 1 try.

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