Aug 092013

One of the biggest update for Dragon Story has hit the market! Dragon Story has updated their addictive dragon breeding game with an Arctic Isles that allows players to in order to get exclusive Arctic Isles Dragons made specifically to appear in the Arctic section of the game.


Dragon Story NEW Arctic Isles, Ice Age Dragons

To get to the Arctic Isles section of the game you need to breed a dragon called the Ice Age Dragon. To obtain this dragon you need to use  a Winter Dragon and a Magic Dragon and look for a breeding time is 8 hours and it should cost 16 gold to fast forward. Once you have obtained the Ice Age Dragon you will be brought into the Arctic Section of the game.


Dragon Story Ice Age Dragon

There are a total of 10 new Arctic Dragons including the Ice Age Dragon in the new section. These new dragons can only be obtained in the Arctic section of the game and requires brand new food.


New Arctic Stuff are not the only new things available in Dragon Story’s new update, two new dragon has appeared and it’s important that you get the Phoenix Dragon from the battle arena of the game before it’s gone!


  • Blizzard elementDragon Story Blizzard Element
  • Dragon WindsDragon Story Dragon Winds
  • AbominableDragon Story Abominable element
  • Flammable FurDragon Story Flammable Furs
  • Ancient OilDragon Story Ancient Oils
  • Frozen FoodDragon Story Arctic Food
  • Ice AgeDragon Story Ice Age Element
  • Chantal

    Here’s the list of dragons in the Arctic Isles and their breeding combos.

    Ice Age = Magic + Winter. 8 hours
    Meteor = Ice Age + Firestorm. 6 flames – 4 hrs evolution
    Fossil = Ice Age + Meteor. 24 flames – 4 hrs evolution
    Abominable = Ice Age + Fuzzy. 32 flames – 8 hrs evolution
    Sasquatch = Ice Age + Abominable. 60 flames – 8 hrs evolution
    Yeti = Abominable + Sasquatch. 60 flames – 8 hrs evolution
    Blizzard = Abominable + Fossil. 70 flames – 12 hrs evolution
    Snowflake = Blizzard +Ice Age. 144 flames – 12 hrs evolution
    Alpine = Diamond + Snowflake. 160 flames – 12 hrs evolution

    I wish all you iOS users a happy breeding in the Arctic Isles! And I hope this helps! :)

    xoxox Chantal

    • Max


      • Chantal

        No Problem!

    • Mohammad Usman Sohail Khalid

      What are these flames?

      • Chantal

        Flames are needed to hatch the frozen egg

        • Draco island

          Yes thanks!

    • GoldenTrinkets

      I am stuck in the arctic…….how do I get back to my normal dragon world?

      • HeatherID

        That’s what I want to know too coz I can’t earn coins from here… and I need them to buy food, habitats ect

        • Red

          I cannot go back to the main island even by clicking on that arctic airship…if some could help how to go back?

          • Ariana

            You click the ship and then hit the “travel” button in the lower right corner of your screen

    • Ronald Lynn Christy Jr

      Does it work on ipod touch

  • Adrianelady

    Of course trying for “common” ice age with winter and magic I have gotten a wizard and a freaking night dragon u have got to be kidding me

    • Bella

      You need to use Magic dragon on the left and Winter Dragon on the Right to breed the Ice Age Dragon = 8 hours to breed. I did this and got it first try.

  • Andrew Tull


    • Rain

      Ya! Make it for the android too!

      • Chantal

        I personally don’t want this for android and im an android player. Lol iOS has wayyyyy more goals 2 complete than we do. A bit too much if you ask me. I like it this way . Wud like to see sumthing exclusive for android tho. Dat wud b nice.

        • Sam

          I think so too, make something that will help android players of at least level 42+ get more gold since ios has more features than us, and maybehalve the food costs of dragons since AMEX doesnt work for google play credit, and I cant even use paypal on google play. Maybe paypal is on iOS.

          • tygoreye

            You can use your paypal account ANYWHERE if you request the debit card they have available. Then you can use the money in your paypal account just like a checking account. I use it all the time.

    • Eli

      I totally agree this is tots unfair

  • Erin

    I agree with Chantel, we Android users don’t need anymore new updates at the moment. I’m still trying, over and over, to get the zodiac. Plus I have a long list of dragons I have yet to obtain. I wish team lava would realize they are releasing these new dragons too quickly for me to keep up with, and making them way to hard to obtain, and their habitats way to expensive. Give us a break and let us have a chance to get the dragons we’re still trying to breed.

  • buffility2603

    Team lava hate android? lol XD sr if said sumthing wrong

  • Matt

    team lava please add this for android

  • xaroy

    Can i get artic isles on mobile too???

  • Madeleine

    Hi! Great info:) but why is it so important to get the Phoenix dragon? Im stuck at lightening (no.24 in tournament) and can’t seem to beat it:( also dont have Diamond so have small hopes of defeating the remaining six within 16 hours:(

    • Chantal

      Try using a black

  • Clarice

    Are there anymore updatates?

  • Diane

    How do we get the cave dragon?

    • Madeleine

      I got one useing ice and dino:) at least i think thats what i used, was trying for fossil and just guessing the combo. But now thanks to Chantals info i dont have to guess anymore

  • lxe

    well…it is not for android players..again..and there are so many dragons in this Arctics series..i will not getting any of sad..

  • Madeleine

    I’m wondering about the cave dragon as well, anyone who knows? And I must say that as much as i love the arctic isles update, the fruits are tio expensive:( i find the regular Crona are top few, expensive and slow (compare to dragon vale) or these dragons all dragons are way to hungry. I’ve played for six months and still havent raised even half of my dragons to level 10

  • Adrianelady

    Ok so when I gt ice age dragon it was 12 hours breeding time not 8. I was thinking I was getting another winter

  • Iman

    What’s the use of the dragon egg i found in the storage.Can somebody help ?

    • Sarah

      The gold ones i have them too and have no clue what they are for. If you find out post it

  • catonc

    I think I’m going to have to install dragonvale. I love dragon story but the difference between the aisles in the Android is just too much its not fair I want to go play games that cares about me and how I play Thanks

  • Eclipse

    Breed abominable & meteor and got blizzard……70 flames

  • Martina

    How do I get back to my regular island. I’m stuck here

    • Jan

      Just click on the the airship in the top left corner .

  • Thy Chu

    Can someone help me? I have this egg in the nest for the arctic isles. It was already there when I started yet I can’t hatch it or sell it. It won’t show me a picture for it so I have no idea what it is. Every time I try to sell it my game shuts down. Idk if it’s just me or if other users are having a similar problem

    • kjwuori

      My son is having the same problem. We have unistalled the program and nothing is working.

  • lilly

    can you come out sith a three headed rainbow dragon

  • Jaquita

    When team lava realizes that most ppl now own a Samsung Galaxy hopefully they will get with it!!! Come on with this favoritism shit already. Aren’t you game developers?? How about developing a dragon story equivalent to the ios one for Android players. Yes the game is super addictive but I’m sick of this already. We get a stupid dragon sun thingy and a android with a birthday hat on!!! Seriously??? When ios users get an update they get like 30 new dragons so unfair!!!!! Android players can’t even get an exclusive dragon. Smh. Ios has way better Island decorations too!!!!!! Steve Jobs must’ve paid them of before he died cause they are surely only catering to ios!!!!

  • Storm ID: lilmamalinds

    I still have tons of dragons to get, I’m happy I’m an Android player and can’t get this bunch of dragons to Add to the list. Btw, Add me. I’M lilmamalinds. I need people to send gold to.

  • Vi

    I have an egg in the nest in Artic Isles. It was there when I got my Ice Age dragon. I can not hatch it – not even using gold – shows coins needed as 999,999 and flames as 99,999. Help.

    • mnG44

      The same problems, I want a solution

      • Erto90

        Same here :(

        • kjwuori

          Same thing going on with ourts…fustrated on it…

  • Angelica

    I am having the same problem. I have an egg stuck that I can’t hatch
    I’m getting very frustrated and would like a solution on how to hatch this egg.

    • mnG44

      I think must update Ipad Version to ios 6

      • Gunboat

        I use IOS 4.3.3 and having the same problem! ARGGGGGGG!
        If update Ipad Version to IOS 6, what happen with my dragon story!????

  • Maaike

    I am level 96 and I can not hatch anymore eggs on my artic island, because I can only have 6 habitats.. Which level you can get more than 6? (I am an ios player)

    • Felicity

      Does anyone know why we can only have 6 habitats?
      I’m stuck with 2 eggs ready to put in another habitat as well.
      I’m level 136 and have been trying to get another habitat since level 124.
      Extremely frustrating cos I can’t go any further in arctic isles now :(

  • Ellen

    Maybe a silly question but in the artic world i cannot breed my normal dragons, and in the normal world i cant use the ice age dragon. How do i breed the fuzzy dragon with my ice age dragon? If it makes a difference… I play on iOS

  • Crystal

    anybody pls help.. i can’t get out from Arctic Isles..i just click the travel icon , it always tell me to breed ice age dragon to get out. But I already have 3 of it. I’ve try delete the game and install it again, kill the process, also restart my phone.It didn’t work.. I can’t back to the normal world…

  • Carrie

    Anybody know how to breed an ice age dragon??