Feb 022013

Valentine’s day is coming soon and it looks Dragon Story has updated their game to reflect  what they’re planning for players in Dragon Story. Unlike normal updates, this new update is similar to Dragon Story: New Dawn. They’ve released a brand new title in the store dubbed “Dragon Story: Valentine’s Day”. That means you need to download this new game into your device and launch from that app to get the event in the game.

dragon story valentines day screenshot

In a nutshell, you need to download the new app to get all the features for the Valentine’s Day event. If you don’t see the Valentine’s Day app in the store then it’s probably not supported on your device

Dragon Story Valentines Day icon


iOS players will need to download the new dragon story game called “Dragon Story: Valentine’s Day” from the App Store to  get three brand new valentine’s dragon into their game.

Below are information about the the new update and the dragons for iOS.

  • Dragon Story: Valentine’s Day Update – Apple iOS


If you are an Android player then you know that you’ve been missing those Pink dragons that have been released for the iOS version earlier this year but no more! This new Valentine’s Edition will give you access to all the pink dragons allowing you to breed for them as well as getting the brand new Valentine’s Day dragons for your Dragon Story island!

Here are the list of new dragons for Android.

  • Dragon Story: Valentine’s Day Update – Android


  • id: zhengfai93

    The valentine’s day event only for dragon story:new dawn?

    • Kristian

      No, you can download this version and play it wether you have new dawn or the regular dragon story!(:

  • Kristian

    I’m so glad they finally made the update so that android phones could have the pink dragons. In loveee!<3

  • jbee55

    Thanks Guys. I’m so excited, i’ve now got a pink world and lots of new dragons to breed, I’ve been seeing these beautiful eggs on the nests of my neighbours worlds and now I know what they are. Thank you so much for letting us android users get the additional items. The game is fantastic. I’m so addicted.

    jbee x

    • Eva

      Im sorry, I just need to let off some steam and have a good moan cos Im waitin and waitin and waitin for eggs to hatch, dragons to bloody evolve etc.. and land to expand only to wait further eons to shift all the timber and generate enough wonga to do so.. i have neighbours, but whereg does your gift of gold go? not recieved any of my gifts that friends have sent.. Grrrrrrrrrr. sorry again I feel better for sharing my pet peeves with you all. add me drevo77 pleesse let me get some gold… thankyou

      • ace boogie

        Looking for neighbors I’m level 56 my ID: wickedDEAD1 will send gold back

  • Ejaz

    how to breed the leftheart or right dragon?
    only can buy it from market ?

  • Shashy

    *SIGH* This content will NEVER be available for kindle users.. We are simply forgotten more than the android users (I get the apks of android games, but cant access the Google Play store) This truly sucks. Now we REALLY have no updates AT ALL. — Unsatisfied Kindle Fire User

    • Bob Says

      THANK YOU! Its true, this really sucks. I wish that I could use the V day edition on my kindle >.<

  • Rosi

    If you download this can you uninstall new dawn or do you have to keep it?

  • Sugary Flower

    WOOHOOOO! Never mind the Valentines dragons – Pink Dragons On Android!!!!!!!!!!!! Very happy people over here, I can tell you!

  • ace boogie

    Looking for neighbors I’m level 56 my ID: wickedDEAD1

  • twinpoon


  • Emily Keller

    Please add esbkeller. I play every day & send gold to who sends it to me :)

  • MuZ

    add me lushkilla69

  • Carlos

    In valentine eddition i can hav my light dragon????

  • Dwight

    Is anyone having problems with the new Valentine edition, other than me. I virtually can’t
    move around the screen. It worked fine with New Dawn. I’m an android user.