Oct 152012

It’s that time again. It wasn’t very long ago that we covered the recent Limited Edition Witch Dragon in Dragon Story but it’s set to expire very soon. There is less than 24 hours before the dragon is set to expire, and for players that haven’t been able to breed her, you may be out of luck after the event.

Dragon Story Witch Dragon

This Witch Dragon is the very first dragon in Dragon Story that had been made available for a limited time! And for less than a week! That means its the most exclusive and valuable dragon to have hit Dragon Story players Isles. What does that mean for players? Well if you have gotten one of these dragons then you must have tremendous luck and will certainly make your friends jealous.

How to breed Witch Dragon

Finding the breeding elements to the witch dragon isn’t difficult. In fact, it’s quite common, but it is the rarity of this dragon that has made this dragon difficult to breed for and obtain. The rarity of this dragon is classified as “Super Rare”, which means that your chances of getting this dragon are about 1 to 50 (that’s just a guess).

If you want to breed one of these Witch Dragons, you have about 24 hours left. There are a number of recommended breeding combinations but we’ll just tell you the one we recommend most. You can find out the other breeding combinations on the Witch Dragon page below.

We recommend you use a Forest Dragon and a Magic Dragon for a chance to get the Witch Dragon. Breed these two dragons together and look for a 9 hours breeding time.

Find out more about the witch dragon here


  One Response to “Dragon Story: Witch Dragon expires in 24 Hours”

  1. anyone have a count down for those of us without timers??

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