Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon


The Amethyst Dragon in Dragon Story is a Gemstone Dragon that was released into the game. It was discovered in March 21th 2013 and was released officially into the game on March 21 2013. This dragon is a Purple type dragon only showing one element symbol.

“Gaze deeply into the gemstone of an Amethyst Dragon, and you will see the most marvelous things. These jewels still resonate with the power and spirits of the Dragon Realm. Images shown in these amethysts represents all eras of the Dragon Realm: present, past and future. Keep studying these mystic dragons, and who knows what you’ll see.” – Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story - Magic Element Symbol Purple

Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon

Release Date:
March 21 2013

Rarity: Rare

Craft Time:  1 Day

Hatching Time: 16  Hours
Buying Price:  1,700Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: Purple

Evolution Time: 16 Hours

Also see

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.3/5 (2 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon Key Features

  • Gemstone Dragon
  • Amethyst Gemstone Dragon
  • Magic/Purple type dragon

Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon breeding guide

July 22, 2013 UPDATE: You can now breed the Amethyst Dragon using the Magic Dragon and the Gemstone Dragon.

To craft the dragon you need

  • 2x Large Amethyst
  • 3x Nether Dust
  • 1x Spell Scrolls
Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon Crafting

The Amethyst dragon appears to be a breed-able dragon. It does not appear in the Spell Shop at the time of this writing but in the description it mentions crafting.

The Amethyst Dragon is now available for crafting in the Spell Shop. Please keep in mind you cannot breed this dragon or there is no confirmed breeding combination tested by us or players.

There is currently no confirmed breeding combination. Comment below to discuss.

To breed the Amethyst Dragon, it is recommended you use the  ___ and the  __. The breeding time for this dragon is ___, so if you get a  hours breeding time then you have a Amethyst dragon breeding in your isle! 

With the breeding combinations in hand, keep in mind that breeding is completely up to your luck in the game and for them to give you the dragon.

The Rarity will help you understand your chances but it will ultimately be up to your game.

The breeding order of left or right in the breeding den does not matter. The Level of your breeding dragon also do not matter.

Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon Evolution Guide

*Note Android players will need to use the temple at level 4!

The Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution.

At level 9 you will evolve your creature into its most powerful and final form called Epic.

Egg – The egg is what is revealed to the players after they have completed the breeding process. You may place this egg into a Nest for hatching.

Baby – The baby form is hatched from the egg and is the youngest form of the entire evolution process.

Teen – Teen is the evolved form of your baby creature. You can evolve your dragon at level 4 without using the evolution chamber on Apple devices, while on Android you must use the evolution chamber. You will be able to breed after they have reached level 4.

Adult – The adult stage is a almost full grown dragon in Dragon Story. You can evolve your dragons at the end of level 6 where he will need to use the evolution chamber to become an adult.

Epic – The epic form is the final and most powerful form of them all. Embodied with powers of their representing elemental colors, the epic form is filled with great design and represents the full grown evolution of your dragon. You can evolve your Adult Dragon into Epic Dragon at level 9.

Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  513 Level 6  1,241
Level 2  610 Level 7  1,610
Level 3  697 Level 8  1,764
Level 4  984 Level 9  1,892
Level 5  1,123 Level 10  2,308Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Food may vary depending on the version you are playing.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  20 Level 6  1000
Level 2  40 Level 7  2400
Level 3  100 Level 8  5600
Level 4  240 Level 9  10,000
Level 5  600 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon Egg  Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon
Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Amethyst Dragon Epic

  16 Responses to “Dragon Story: Amethyst Dragon”

  1. If any one has a combination to the amethyst dragon pleas tell me or write it up on this wall for me pleas i beg you

    • Yo sorry but you can’t breed. Only craft or buy

        Hope it helped

    • Breed magic with any gem dragon

  2. How to craft??? Can anyone share with me?

    • You have to buy the Spell Shop from the market, but you can only buy the Spell Shop if you have an Ipod or Iphone or Ipad or whatever. It’s not available for others like Android and Samsung Galaxy. After that just follow the instructions in the above breeding guide.

      Good luck.

  3. When will the crafting temple be available for android??? :-/

  4. Its under the craft list

  5. You breed virtue dragon and night dragon

  6. You breed virtue dragon and night dragon or diamond dragon and scorpion dragon

  7. Only messing ha ha ha

  8. Only messing ha ha ha

  9. Breed magic dragon with gemstone dragon for amethyst dragon.

  10. Just got it on my island. Still breeding though. Add me RangerZaphala. Breed gemstone and magic dragons

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