Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon


The Athletic Dragon in Dragon Story is a rare Blue and Red dragon that can only be obtained through breeding or purchasing for 700 gold pieces. This dragon is very similar to the Trickster Dragon in Dragon Story but however, it’s not just no re-color. You can tell that there are physical differences and most certainly its elements.

This Athletic Dragon features an amaing look that any dragon breeder would love, and when he grows up into his adult form he earns a lot more earnings for your Dragon Story island making him one of the best and most unique dragons out of all the red/blue dragons. And it will definitely love to compete with your Trickster Dragon.

“Athletic Dragons are born to compete! They make no distinction between sporting event and random activity – whatever the task, they go for the gold. Walk next to one, and watch it strain to stay in the lead; share a meal with your Athletic Dragon, and it will make itself puke trying to finish first.” – Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon Shop Description


Dragon Story - Fire Element SymbolDragon Story Water Blue Symbol

Dragon Story Athletic Dragon Baby Icon

Release Date: July 19th 2012
Rarity: Rare

Hatching Time: 11 Hours
Buying Price:  700Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: Red, Blue
Level Requirement: 7

Evolution Time #1: 11 Hours

Evolution Time #2: 11 Hours

 Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon Key Features

Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon breeding guide

Breeding the Athletic Dragon is no easy task. It is a rare dragon that shares the same combination as the magic dragon in your Dragon Story game. Holding the elements of Red and Blue this dragon can be obtained by players through breeding the Fire Dragon and the Water Dragon. However, as said, getting this dragon will not be easy.

To confirm if you have a Athletic Dragon in your Dragon Story Isle after you have bred a Red and Blue element, look for an 11 hours breeding process.


Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Athletic Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolutions.

Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1 230Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 6 556Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 2 273Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 7 722Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 3 312Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 8 791Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 4 441Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 9 848Dragon Story Coin Icon
Level 5 503Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 10 Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 1Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6  100Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 2 4Dragon Story - Food icon Level 7  240Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 3 8Dragon Story - Food icon Level 8  500Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 4 20Dragon Story - Food icon Level 9 1000Dragon Story - Food icon
Level 5 50Dragon Story - Food icon Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Teen Adult Epic
 Dragon Story Athletic Dragon Egg  Dragon Story Athletic Dragon Baby IconDragon Story Athletic Dragon Baby  Dragon Story Athletic Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Athletic Dragon Adult  Dragon Story Athletic Dragon Epic

  70 Responses to “Dragon Story: Athletic Dragon”

  1. Got one epic fire and adult water

  2. My I.d is CrazyMonkey400 if you want to invite me.

  3. Add thehalfbp72 lvl 7 water epic fire to get this dragon

  4. i was asking for a magic dragon but then the breeding time was 11hours so i think that i am breeding the athletic one 😛

  5. My friend got it by breeding epic fire and epic water

  6. My friends storm 8 I.d is aquagator4000 please add

  7. Add nicoz0 I have tried to Get this Dragon 🙂 but it doesn’t work But i got really Awesome Dragons 🙂

  8. I bred Epic Fire and Adult water.
    Got on first try.
    Add me blahblahblah123bee

  9. I’m trying for it! ADD ME ADD ME ADD ME: coynegirl21

  10. Got it on the first try, but I don’t know what level dragons they were…

  11. I breed fire and water? Got it my first try

  12. Add me jonby123

  13. charm dragon and serpent dragon! FIRST SHOT! come to my island and see it:) coynegirl21 ADD ME

  14. My Storm8 ID: can't_touch_my_swag…. send me gold and I will send back 🙂

  15. I got an epic one already, I used an epic fire and magic dragon and got it 5th try. check him out, storm ID miekaaa.

  16. I was trying to get the diamond dragon so I used firestorm and island dragon and I got the athletic dragon.that was when it first came out

  17. I got mine on my first try 7fire and 7water then it said 11hours

  18. How to breed a athletic dragon pleaseee !!!!!!!

  19. Got it on 1st try. Epic fire with teen water.

  20. Storm ID is jakedobson, add me I play way too much and gift loads 🙂

  21. Dragonstormdee that's my I'd plz add me thx will sendvgold

  22. ugh! i want to know why there are using same elements like magic comes out in athletic element!!!!

  23. Just got 11 hours with level 4 water and level 6 fire took 8 tries but worth the effort it is an epic dragon

  24. Breeded an Epic Fire and Epic Water. Got it on first try.

  25. Got this one after weeks of breeding the firestorm and island dragon both lvl 10, I think I have bad luck with breeding haha, anyways my is Cfelwind, feel free to add me :3

  26. Add me please my storm ID is : Hugo476
    I’ll send you gold everydays if you do the same.

  27. I used my level 7 magic and level 5 fire and got it on the first try…

  28. I was trying to get the athletic dragon so I used firestorm and island dragon and I got the diamond dragon. ID mlnhduc if you want to invite me.

  29. I got mine on 5th try then I it two in a row!!?? I bred level 6 fire level 6 water then epic magic with level 6 water

  30. I know how to get athletic dragon everytime you breed water and fire. The fire dragon you pick first at level 7 and then pick your water dragon at level 6. This should work every time if you followed my instructions correctly.

  31. Add me muach7 please 🙂 !! I’ll Send u gold :p

  32. Bred Fire and water and got 20 hours. Any idea what that is?

  33. add me chrysta_h please 🙂

  34. add me Skyler1802

  35. Looks like I’m so lucky, breed teen fire and water and get him on first try O.o

  36. I have it, add me ID sweetpie18

  37. Got it on my first try
    Well, technically, second, but the first time I was wanting to get a magic
    Second time was when I was hoping for Athletic
    Level 5 fire + Level 5 water = Athletic
    In that order

  38. I just tried to get a magic dragon and now I have a athletic dragon egg in my nest!!
    Water lvl 8+ fire lvl 7= athletic dragon

  39. Epic Firestorm plus epic Island. Got on 3rd try. Add me: dzdragons

  40. I was breeding firestorm and island and I got them in this order:
    1) serpent
    2) Eagle
    3) athletic
    I must have pretty good luck! Still trying for that diamond though add me pokelover586

  41. Umm… I am now trying to get serpent dragon and hatching a fairy dragon. Add me: platinumchocobo

  42. I got it on my 8th try 😀

  43. Got it breeding mirage and Turkey add me: topazbamby

  44. Another way to breed the athletic dragon is to breed the adult mist dragon and the epic fire dragon

  45. I just got one of these by breeding the left heart dragon with the right heart dragon

  46. Got first try when trying to breed a right heart dragon……. Was expiramenting with combinations and bred a level 5 left heart dragon and either a level 7 water dragon or a level 6 fire dragon not sure which but pretty sure it was the water one. add me ID goldenwolf7

  47. I got three while trying to get the right side dragon its hard to get i also have 7left side dragons

  48. Did u guys know u can get Athletic Dragon via Left-hearted lvl7on left side and Right-hearted dragon lvl 7 on right side for 12 hrs breeding and hatching. I know it has to be done by fire and water dragon which is 11 hrs breeding and hatching bit this is FIRST for me!

  49. That breeding was too easy. I used a Teen fire and water dragon and got a Leftheart. So

    I bred them again and got it!

  50. I got it and i wasnt even trying!!!

  51. Just got it, its an egg right now 🙂 check if you want to ID: Death_Virus

    • I got this one by breeding level 6 fire and level 4 water.

      Game tip: Magic dragon is not available until your game level reaches 10, so if you breed fire and water will your game level is 7, 8, or 9, you will get athletic dragons only.

  52. got first try water eagle both level 4 (im level 10

  53. Fire and water, got it on the first try. Lol

  54. This has to be one of the ugliest dragons in the game (my opinion, of course) but it gives decent money. I have 3 or 4, trying to get other dragons. Add me if you will, my ID is Jallipen and my island is full of common dragons (I’m not lucky at breeding dragons )

  55. Got it in first try night (7) + virtue (7)

  56. I was trying to get the Serpent dragon by breeding Water & Forest and (instead) I got Athletic dragon on the first try!

  57. Im trying for magic and I keep getting athletic 8fire. 6 water

  58. Just tried to get super dragon using coral and fire and ended up with athletic that makes 3 athletics in a week must not b that rare r am I the only one with them piling up

  59. Used a Dino/topaz combo an was rewarded this one????
    Kinda strange

  60. I bred blue and red hoping for the athletic, and I got an egg that’s eleven hours, but it’s not the athletic egg… It’s red and yellow amd blue, with a orangish stripe between the yellow and blue. There are also few dark blue dots on the first three colours… Anyone know what it is?

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