Dragon Story: Chart & Egg

 Light DragonDragon Story Light Dragon Baby Light or White Buying Price: 150,000Dragon Story Coin Icon 9 Hours
 Fuzzy DragonDragon Story Fuzzy Dragon Baby  Light/Green Buying Price: 380Dragon Story Gold Icon  8 Hours  Dragon Story Fuzzy Dragon Egg
 Winter DragonDragon Story Winter Dragon Baby  Light/Blue Buying Price: 380Dragon Story Gold Icon  12 Hours  Dragon Story Winter Dragon Egg
 Love DragonDragon Story Love Dragon Baby  Light/Red Buying Price: 380Dragon Story Gold Icon  5 Hours  Dragon Story Love Dragon Egg
 Sunrise DragonDragon Story Sunrise Dragon Baby  Light/Yellow Buying Price: 380Dragon Story Gold Icon 24 Hours  Dragon Story Sunrise Dragon Egg
 Luck DragonDragon Story Luck Dragon Baby  Purple/Light Buying Price: 500Dragon Story Gold Icon 17 Hours  Dragon Story Luck Dragon Egg
 Griffin DragonDragon Story Griffin Dragon Baby  Light/Yellow Buying Price: 1000Dragon Story Gold Icon 10 Hours  Dragon Story Griffin Dragon Egg
 Laserlight DragonDragon Story Laserlight Dragon Baby  Light/Red Buying Price: 1000Dragon Story Gold Icon  15 Hours  Dragon Story - Laserlight Dragon Egg
 Pegasus DragonDragon Story Pegasus Dragon Baby  Light/Green Buying Price: 1000Dragon Story Gold Icon  26 Hours  Dragon Story Pegasus Dragon Egg
 Ice Cream DragonDragon Story Ice Cream Dragon Baby  Light/Blue Buying Price: 1000Dragon Story Gold Icon 19 Hours  Dragon Story Ice Cream Dragon Egg
 Hypnotic DragonDragon Story Hypnotic Dragon Baby  Light/Purple Buying Price: 1250Dragon Story Gold Icon  13 Hours  Dragon Story Hypnotic Dragon Egg
 Angel DragonDragon Story Angel Dragon Teen  Light/Diamond Buying Price: 3000Dragon Story Gold Icon 44 Hours  Dragon Story Angel Dragon Egg
 Clown DragonDragon Story - Clown Dragon Baby  Blue/Yellow Buying Price: 740Dragon Story Gold Icon  7 Hours  Dragon Story - Clown Dragon Egg
Tusker DragonDragon Story - Tusker Dragon Baby  Red/Light Buying Price: 1300Dragon Story Gold Icon  21 Hours  Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Egg
 Dream Dragon
Dragon Story Dream Dragon icon
 Light/Blue Buying Price: 1350Dragon Story Gold Icon 17 Hours  Dragon Story Dream Dragon Egg
 Mercury Dragon
Dragon Story Mercury Dragon icon
 Diamond/Blue Buying Price: 2600Dragon Story Gold Icon 1 Hour for Breed
3 Hours for Evolution
 Dragon Story Mercury Dragon Egg
 Zombie Dragon
Dragon Story Zombie Dragon - icon
 Green/Purple Buying Price: 990Dragon Story Gold Icon  28 Hours  Dragon Story Zombie Dragon egg
 Boo Dragon
Dragon Story Boo Dragon
 Light/Purple Buying Price: 1400Dragon Story Gold Icon 12 Hours  Dragon Story Boo Dragon Egg
 Pumpkin Dragon
Dragon Story Pumpkin Dragon Baby
 Red/Yellow Buying Price: 500Dragon Story Gold Icon  7 Hours  
Witch Dragon
Dragon Story Witch Dragon
 Green/Purple Buying Price: 990Dragon Story Gold Icon 9 Hours  Dragon Story Witch Dragon Egg
 Leopard Dragon
Dragon Story Leopard Dragon icon
 Light/Yellow Buying Price: 1300Dragon Story Gold Icon  14 Hours  Dragon Story Leopard Dragon Egg
 Dragon Story Aurora Dragon Baby  Purple, Green, Blue Buying Price:  1,450Dragon Story Gold Icon 15 Hours  Dragon Story Aurora Dragon Egg
 Dragon Story Turkey Dragon Baby
Turkey Dragon
 Green, Red, Yellow Buying Price: 820Dragon Story Gold Icon  9 Hours  Dragon Story Turkey Dragon egg
 Storm Dragon
Dragon Story - Storm Dragon Baby
 Blue/Yellow Buying Price: 800Dragon Story Gold Icon(Unlock in Album reward)  20 Hours  Dragon Story - Storm Dragon egg
 Scarecrow Dragon
Dragon Story Scarecrow Dragon Baby
 Red/Green/Yellow Buying Price: 800Dragon Story Gold Icon (Unlock in Album reward)  13 Hours  Dragon Story Scarecrow Dragon Egg
 Mirage DragonDragon Story Mirage Dragon Teen  Red/Yellow.Blue Buying Price: 760Dragon Story Gold Icon  11 Hours  Dragon Story Mirage Dragon Egg
 Super Dragon
Dragon Story Super Dragon icon
 Red, Purple, Blue Buying Price: 1500Dragon Story Gold Icon  17 Hours  Dragon Story - Super Dragon Egg
 Snowman DragonDragon Story Snowman Dragon icon  Red/Green Buying Price: 600Dragon Story Gold Icon 21 Hours Dragon Story Snowman Dragon egg
 Emerald Dragon
Dragon Story Emerald Dragon Teen
 Green Buying Price: 1000Dragon Story Gold Icon 8 Hours|| Craft Only  Dragon Story Emerald Dragon Egg
 Ruby Dragon
Dragon Story Ruby Dragon Epic Form
 Red Buying Price: 1500Dragon Story Gold Icon 12 Hours|| Craft Only  Dragon Story Ruby Dragon egg

  1,590 Responses to “Dragon Story: Chart & Egg”

  1. Someone know how to breed the double rainbow?

  2. I think u hav to breed rainbow and fire.

  3. 30 hours with magic and fire. Anyone know?

  4. Nope I got a diamond from an Eagle & Island, and double rainbow from a Familiar and Rainbow

  5. I bred a level 5 Holly Dragon with a level 4 Mist Dragon and got 20 hours. Any ideas on what it might be?

  6. Thought we could get ruby and the others by crafting only,i got them without crafting,and i didnt buy them either

    • Did you breed your gemstone? That’s a way to get gem dragons without breeding. Now if I could only manage to get a quartz or tigers eye that way 🙂

  7. Add me kball1013. Will try and visit as much as I can

  8. Hi all its been over a year still no Diamond WOW!!!!!!!!

    • Haha, i’m finally somewhere near level 100 and i still don’t have it 😉 keep trying, it will come out eventually

      • Yep, I’m at 100. Still no diamond, and wasted my money on the stupid diamond Thingy because I didn’t know the thing is only charged for a week. I asked another caretaker who’s somewhere in the 120s how he got his. He laughed and said he gave up and bought a diamond dragon out of frustration. Take our advise and just keep trying!!

        • I just got the diamond dragon using the island dragon and the eagle dragon. Try that it may help.

        • You need air and forest to breed an eagle and water and forest to breed an island and if you breed eagle and island you will get diamond
          Remember it depends on luck

          • I have 4 Diamond Dragons right now (level 100) but I got my first by dumb luck in my earlier levels months ago, then Mercury, then two more diamonds. I wasn’t even trying for them and unfortunately I can’t remember the breeding combos-but I honestly think it doesn’t even matter. It’s all up to luck and chance unfortunately rather than other games where you have a better chance calculating breeding combos, but in a way I soppose the surprise element is never lost-though its frustrating trying and trying for the same dragon with no luck. My advice: when I least expected it I ended up breeding the ultra/super rare cool dragons I wasn’t trying for so just experiment, don’t sweat it, and have fun. Bonus: you can trade all the multiple dragon breeds you obtain along the way and make gem dragons-I have 4 just because I’ve gotten so many duplicates haha good luck and have a great day!

          • it took me 4 months before I got mine [diamond] now I have 4 diamonds and im level maxed 150 add me TDOGG1000us

        • I used level 9 atlantis and level 9 honeybee dragon. First time i got a tropic dragon,second time i got the dragon. Im only on level 61.

      • Well I’m lvl 41 and am getting diamond dragon I bred poisen and eagle

      • I’m level 28 and I have a diamond lol

    • Hey guys I’ve only been playing two weeks and bred the diamond!! It’s hatching now

    • I got a diamond by breeding night+ mirage, first try.

    • Hi! I’m so excited-I just got my diamond egg @ lvl 55 I believe. I bred lvl 9 Lily dragon (white,purple & green) to lvl 7 Easter Egg dragon (white,blue & yellow). 44 hr breeding time & 44 hr incubation time but in not quite 2days I’ll have it. So if u have those dragons or ones with those colors it might be worth a try. Feel free to add me S8 ID: Sanguine_Malady Thx

    • I got my diamond
      Took a year but I did Elements @ epic level and metal at level 8 was 40 hrs
      I have been trying for gem Dragon
      Still no luck ..
      My son has android ad well and got 2 diamond and gem
      Like in 3 weeks
      Go figure !!! 🙂
      Any one that’s gifts daily plz add me cherry_berryzz

  9. I got the daimond dragon with only commons!!!! yahoo!!!! Im new to the game to. Don’t believe me? Im christineponys or Dragons dream

  10. How do I get a Fairy Dragon

  11. 2 days on a light and red? Anybody?

  12. I have an egg, it’s gold and covered in multi-coloured gems. I have a picture of it. Doesn’t seem like gameteep has it on file. Anyone see this egg before?

  13. What’s a 26 hour breeding I used my laser light and fairy tale.

  14. I can’t remember which dragons I bred, I believe it was athletic and majic but the egg I got was dark blue with yellow cresent moon and yellow star, hatching time I believe 22 hours, anybody know what it is? I don’t want to spend any gold to see it, and I can’t find any info except one place had picture with rare under it, thank you for any info, if you are looking for neighbors I play daily, tanks_nurse, tanks_nurse2, and finally tanks_nurse3 yes im hooked, but I also have a stressful job, the game helps me unwind 🙂

  15. Life and water dragon, 20 hours, whats it gonna be?

  16. Damn it!!! I tried to get magiic but I got athletic! !!!!!

  17. Mismoth dragon and tropic dragon. (Breeding time 11 hours) what kind of dragon will it be

  18. I got 6 hours breeding from air and forest dragon.. Can’t find any that match. Any help?

  19. Mine is rainbow n familiar, 8 hours… Any idea what that cud be? Can we breed Mardi Gras? Any confirm combo?
    Visit me at rinks73

  20. Hi I just tried island dragon and eagle dragon this is the fourth time using it. This time it gave me 44 hours can this be the diamond dragon

  21. Does anyone know what kind of habitat to buy for the egyptian dragons

  22. Level 115, 18 months on and no Diamond!
    Most common outcome from breeding 4 colours seems to be island dragon, had hundreds!

    mantamaniax and manta_mania_x

  23. I bred a winter and a magic. I got a gray egg with one swirl. It’s 8 hours. Any ideas?

  24. My I’d is waddlypengy I been thew every egg chart and I can’t find out what my egg is its got a gem in the middle and yellow wings please help me????

  25. Anyone wants neighbors lol my id is darklonelywolf23

  26. Help! Who knows of any 4 hour breeding times for dragons?

    • I have that to Hun any ideas what it is ? Magic and winter I breed really confused no 4 hour dragons on the chart :/? Lol xx
      Add me designerbarbiedoll 🙂

  27. Which dragons do I breed to get a Royal dragon?

  28. My egg was a carnival

  29. How long dose it take for a ruby dragon to hatch ?

  30. Mines not up there.

  31. I bred blue moon and athletic any ideas on the result? I’m going for the Goodwitch.

  32. How long dose a fire mane dragon take to hatch?

  33. Got diamond by breeding firestorm lv.10 and island lv.9

  34. I wanted a tropic dragon by breeding firestorm +fruitful but gess what happened.Lucky on the first try I got a diamond dragon and on my second try I got a tropic dragon and I’m only on level 35

  35. Can someone tell me how to get a light and a white dragon plz.

  36. How do I hatch a rainbow dragon? Not double. Just regular

  37. tested leo + aether twice & both got diamond..3rd attemp fail..

  38. ..

  39. I somehow breed a pink dragon … but when I breed it .. the dragons I get are ones that require a red drah on and whatever other color I use .. what is wrong?
    Anyone wishing to add me my ID is. Rosearms. And myppet. … yes two accounts both send maps daily

  40. How do I get an athlantis dragon ??

  41. I have a water and a forest dragon breeding for 12 hours. I tried looking it up but the closest I got was the mermaid dragon, and that’s expired. Any suggestions??

  42. Please get all of the dragon eggs

  43. I have a rare egg on my page, and its not listed .. what is it .. add Trollvill and visit me ..

  44. I have an egg not on the egg chart. I bred night and air, breeding time and egg time is 9 hours.

  45. Trying to get this social butterfly quest for months now, is it just blue and yellow??? Or does it matter when it’s yellow and blue? Does it matter what colour is left or right???

  46. How do u get poison dragon

  47. I got the diamond dragon with the easter egg dragon and the scarecrow dragon its 44 hours

  48. i have been tryimg for a diamond dragon for SO long its so frustrating. any tips on combinations to have with firestorm?

  49. Howww do I breed a Night Dragon. I’ve tried and tried all different combinations.

  50. Do anyone know that how do i breed a diamond dragon and a peacock dragon? Add me my id is pinkfrozer

  51. I put a fire mane and a charm together 12 hrs. Anyone know what it might be if I get one more island or mist dragon I’m going to cry

  52. How do u get a celestial dragon? I’ve dried and dried and still nothing I beginning to give up. ID: EbonyandCoco

  53. How do you get a white and a pink dragon????? Please help! Thank you

  54. I bred a plaid egg??? (Blue background light blue stripes and yellow&green patches) but I can’t find it on here? Anyone have a clue?

  55. I bred a diamond and night dragon. Result has 12 hour breeding time. Can anybody tell me what dragon am I getting?

  56. I just bred white and black and got a strange egg. It’s not anywhere in this guide!

  57. Similar question to someone previously but slightly different timings

    Lvl 7 fire Lvl 7 Magic
    31 hours breeding

    What could it be???

  58. Does anyone know how to get the pride dragon.

  59. I just got a rainbow please add me id boogerlickins

  60. White and black yeng yang

  61. What do you get when you do green, yellow, red? I bred a life dragon and an air dragon and I have no idea what I’m getting

  62. I got a social dragon by actually trying to get a doamond! I did firestorm and island dragon to get it! Cool right?

  63. Can’t remember which two dragons I bred, but I haven’t been able to find what kind of egg it is. It’s a green egg w/blue, yellow, & green feathers with like a yellow belt w/a blue gem on the bottom. No idea what egg it is. Can someone help me?


  65. How do you breed a diamond dragon????????????? ive been trying foreverrrrrrrrrr

    • You need to breed the a combo of air, fire, water and forest. I got mine breeding Atlantis and firestorm took a while though you just need to keep going with it

  66. I got an Olympus dragon..Can’t find it on the charts…how many hours to evolve?

  67. My egg is not in the charts!

  68. I bred virtue & independence 25 hrs, I think it is a justice dragon. Any one get Dionysus dragon yet?

  69. I have bred my Fire Dragon With my Magic Dragon and the breeding time is 2 days. Does anyone know what I will get? Cause I had been trying to get a charm dragon but I dont know what im getting from 2 days it must be a pretty good dragon.

  70. Mines not on there i bred metal and landworm got 25 hours the egg has a pair of wings anyone know what it is?

  71. This is very helpful. I think I might have a Tiatan Dragon

  72. To get diamond you Breed a planet dragon with magic (in that order ) twenty times in a row. No joke it’s how I got mine.

  73. I have no idea what I have. bread blue and purple(water and magic) so frustrated cause I cant figure it out. 20 hours breeding. purple egg covered in blue stars and half moons??? any ideas. my id is leepea86 come check it out and help a girl would you.

  74. I have a strange egg on mh island its taking 2 days to hatch and its not anywhere on these charts. Check it out my storm8ID is Colorful_Corina

  75. Always looking for neighbors Id boogerlickins
    My dog died in our house fire his name was boogerlickins in memory of my doggie his name my I’d

  76. I need a lot of neibors please add me my id is krisss16

  77. Dang!!! I bred a Firestorm Dragon with an Island Dragon ( those are the required parents ) and got an unknown egg. Saw the egg here and it was a dang Scorpion Dragon. I’m going to keep trying 🙂

  78. I’m confused. I was trying to get crusader dragon. The calculator showed that if I breed fire and diamond, I would get either fire or crusader as a result. After about 30+ fire dragons I got one but it was 40 hours. Not 44 hours that is the crusader dragon. So what is it? I can’t find anything else that it could be.

  79. I used an elf dragon and an athletic and I got a diamond dragon but elf dragons are at Christmas

  80. how you get the black dragon

  81. Can anyone help me identify the egg I currently have? I bred water and air and ended up getting an egg that is blue with yellow lines in the shape of a tribal dragon head. There’s also a white bit at the top with a small weird pink E on.
    Breeding time was something like 14/15 hours. Check it out on my island: Pharaoh_Imilee

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