Dragon Story: Cosmic Dragon
The Cosmic Dragon in Dragon Story was discovered on April 15 2013 and released on April 18 2013 right after the Dawntree Dragon that was just released before. The Cosmic Dragon goes back to its roots with amazing new dragons for your Dragon Story Isle.
Release Date:
April 18 2013
Rarity: Rare
Hatching Time: 8 Hours
Buying Price: 500
Selling Price: 100
Habitat: Cosmic Expanse Habitat
Level Requirement: 40
Evolution Time: 8 Hours
Dragon Story: Cosmic Dragon Key Features
- Cosmic Dragon
- Rare
Dragon Story: Cosmic Dragon breeding guide
The breeding combination for this dragon has not been confirmed in this recent release. However, the most recommended combination is using an Magic Dragon and an Air Dragon..
You have to be level 40+.
Note: The Genie Dragon is also has the same breeding time.
The breeding time is 8 Hours hours which is 7:59:59 Hours on the timer.
The breeding time for the Cosmic Dragon is 8 Hours. Breeding of the dragons left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Cosmic Dragon or another dragon.
For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Cosmic Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.
Once you have obtained the Cosmic dragon egg and the hatched the Cosmic dragon you can place the Cosmic dragon into the Cosmic habitat in your Dragon Story island.
Dragon Story: Cosmic Dragon Evolution Guide
The Dragon Story Cosmic Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.
When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.
Dragon Story: Cosmic Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]
Level | Earnings | Level | Earnings |
Level 1 | 145 | Level 6 | 350 |
Level 2 | 172 | Level 7 | 455 |
Level 3 | 197 | Level 8 | 498 |
Level 4 | 278 | Level 9 | 535 |
Level 5 | 317 | Level 10 |
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Dragon Story: Cosmic Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart
Level | Food Req. | Level | Food Req. |
Level 1 | 25 | Level 6 | 1250 |
Level 2 | 50 | Level 7 | 3000 |
Level 3 | 125 | Level 8 | 7000 |
Level 4 | 300 | Level 9 | 12500 |
Level 5 | 750 | Level 10 | Max![]() |
Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart
Egg | Baby |
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Teen | Adult |
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Epic | |
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I love it! But it sucks that TL doesn’t finish the other colours like mythic or night..
Could be purple & yellow combination.
This dragon is really awesome looking! However I don’t think the recommended combo is accurate. Some of the user submitted combos are far more likey to make the Cosmo
I got cosmic dragon by accident but I sell it cause I don’t have enough money to buy
The habitat!
Just got one breeding Genie+Air
I was keeping money for mithic maze,but i spent money for the cosmic abithat,really love the new dragon!
Add me to see it
I believe in my theory that the combination is night for the star like scale and air repeating breed night and air
Definitely got one !
Please add me. Erto90
So this is breedable? So we android users can actually get it? I really want one cause it’s appsooo cute:p If I had to guess I’d guess night + magic or light or diamond even
Ohh feel free to add. Acxi is my id
Awesome dragon add hechler if you would like
I just got this one by breeding Air/Genie. Took about 6 tries, with 8hr breed time. =) Now back to working on these other new ones I can’t seem to get yet.
Ut is so cute….
Great ,another 6million habbitat. Great teamlava!
i breed magic+air, and it’s say there breeding time is 16 hour. what dragon do i get? add me id: Mizztake
Follow you guys breed Air/Genie to get Cosmic. But the breeding time show 36hrs . What could it be ? Thanks .
I dont like this dragon but still try to get it for reward and breed other dragon with this element!
Sorry my mistake is 36 golds
Why they always make up number of food to new dragon that is hard to make them to max level!:(
Not only food is up but the cost of habitats is up and up too 🙁
And the cost of breeding the dragon early has gone to double! It has gone from 1 gold per hour to 2 gold per hour! So stupid!
just keep DS: new dawn or the original on ur phone and feed them from there cause the feeding amount is all the same and way lower then in the other apps
If you download “new dawn” the food is cheaper….NO JOKE…I level all my dragons up on new dawn and play on the normal version. =D I had the same problem after I updated…made me sooo mad until I realized this slight cheat. =D
Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Another 6million coin habitat! This is getting rediculous…… This dragon looks really cool though i may still try to get it….
Really? Omg!!!!!
Got it on my first try!
Id : FiletOFin
Add me up as neighbor:)
I got it but my habitat isn’t finsh yet!
oh no I tried to get diamond but I got this dragon and I have only 3,5m 🙁
Got it at the first try with lv4 magic lv7 air
Now i need to save money for the habitat x3
I got 8 hr breeding 75 %
Idk if the is a glitch or not but I got one with a 16hr breeding time. Either way I don’t care cuz I got one lol
I got it first try! Breeding EPIC GENIE/ EPIC AIR! Add me: TheMarine92
I did night and air.
I just got one breeding my two diamond dragons ! Add me to see the egg : sounchy
Hey what do know I got the cosmic dragon on my first try:) I actually thought I was getting a genie dragon:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg tried to get peacock with magic and air and got cosmic first try!!! Nowhere near affording the habitat!!
I breed the cosmic with the diamond dragon an got the peacock dragon
My Storm ID is bubityy. Please add me as friend 🙂
Team lava! Make the price of the habitats cheaper plz! I only have 4m! Make the price into 1m plz!
Magic+air worked took like four tries buttt I got it. Add me: haymollz
I don’t understand why these new dragons take so much food to evolve to each level but the earnings are so small. And there have been no upgrades in the food options. It’s almost not worth the effort.
And the habitats are 6 million coins. Definitely not worth the effort!!!!!
I was after a peacock and got this….trickster + geni 4 hour breed time..
Feel free to add cadifor and acxi . 😉
I made it! Genie and Air!!!!
Add me if u want: kathrinf1
No, I didn’t make it! It’s a genie dragon!!
I got this dragon with genie and air.. Goodluck everyone 🙂 and feel free to add me
I got Cosmic Dragon on my first Try, I Breed Genie Dragon and Magic Dragon add me: uae_punisher
I got one by breeding wizard and fairy dragons
Add me at abuhndiez143
My GF got it first try with magic and air, I’ve failed like 10 times
Add me :Fullgrabe
I got one on the first try by breeding a level 10 fire dragon and a level 10 firestorm dragon,but i dont have enough money to buy the habitat 🙁
Add me if you wanna watch the egg! Emiliano2012
Sorry!! I Believe this was the article of the mythic dragon!
It’s lying it is 3:59:59 i got it but I have no flipping idea how to get 6 million coins and to get it is fairy and mistmoth (l 10) for about 20 times add me sebas1207
Darn! Too many combos! Can’t figure out which to try! Can someone plz help me lower the amount of hoaxes or less likely ones?
Just Air with magic tot it on the first they. Now I have to gave money for the to high priced habitat
I got it !
Add me itz_ebonie and check out my dragons 🙂
i got it by breeding magic +air both lv 10. see it ,the egg is still in the nest. my id: arnova88
Ive tried for Diamond for a year, every combination possible, bought the diamond temple for 10 pounds, to find out afterwards it only lasts days, and have 4 hours remaining…. still no diamond…. I used to love this game, but it now its just a joke.
I agree I think that’s why the habitats are getting higher they want people to quit which they will do
I breed genia n air 8 hour hope a cosmic dragon…. But a genia dragon 8 hour too, so I worry this is not cosmic. Add me weni0321
Bred a cosmic dragon! Add: fizzlenot to see!
I got the cosmic dragon by accident by breeding genie and magic
Well I finally got it using air + genie, however I cannot actually hatch it yet because the habitat is so freaking expensive! 6,000,000??? WTF! Right now I have just a little over 2,000,000 so it will take me a while! So I suppose I need more neighbors to help me get there! My id is BigMamasBakes good luck to everyone else trying to get this one, it took me many tries.
Finally! after years of trying i got it which at first i thought was a coral but soon realized it wasnt cuz it has only 8hrs for hatching, i used bat and genie after giving up with a genie-trickster-air-magic-peacock combo before… now im gonna breed saturn now
I tried several times to get this dragon with combinations genie+air,genie+trickster… and when I was aiming for diamond dragon I got it! CORAL+FRUITFUL !!
I got this dragon by accident using Mirage and Hypnotic… I do not want to use all my coins on its habitat though.
Got it. I tried with magic and air a lot of times, and I just got genies, tricsters and even got a peacock. I decided to use my peacock and my air and got it at first try! :3
Add me: kaozroar
I got the cosmic dragon magic and air first try. I am now breeding cosmic and night and it is taking 22 hours. I looked at the night dragon and it said 23 hours. What dragon am I getting? ID:ninja109. Thanks!
Never mind I got the mindvolt dragon. ;D
Got it accidentally by breeding air and magic. Now I don’t have enough money for the habitat.. 6 000 000 is too much man.. ID anuque
6,000,000 coin Cosmic habitat for sale!!!!! I could never get the Cosmic dragon. Best offer so far – 900,000 coins from TL Should I take the best offer or keep it and make a planter out of it ??????? A 5,100,000 coin planter !!!! All it would do is collect DRAGON FLIES. Well they’re beautiful flies anyway !!!! Lesson learned- get the dragon before you buy habitat. Lemonade out of Lemons. Oh !!!! I’ll set up a lemonade stand !!!!!!!!
so sad, this dragon isnt avaible anymore in shop.
im wondering if we also now unable to breed it too.
if that so, when it will come back? T_T
btw, if u dont mind, add me @ rayaznable
Does anyone can give the right combo to get this dragon before this weekend over? Thanx 🙂
Air and Magic
Is this dragon no longer available?
Got it by breeding Peacock level 9 & Air level 10 .. after like ten tries, producing 2 Royals and many Genies … Yayy!!
Got this on first try breeding “White Ninja with Titan Dragon” add me: Fox_Ninja17