Dragon Story: Crusader Dragon
The Crusader Dragon in Dragon Story was released on July 26th 2012 and sparks a brand new breed of dragons for Dragon Story. They are the Diamond hybrid breed of dragon, combining the rarest dragon with more common dragons to breed amazingly new ultimate dragons like the Crusader Dragon. The Crusader Dragon definitely an amazing addition in Dragon Story.
This Crusader dragon is special from the others because you must first breed the amazingly rare diamond dragon to get the Crusader Dragon in Dragon Story. Once you have a Diamond Dragon you can breed the Diamond Dragon to get other Diamond type dragons like the Crusader Dragon.
Once you have obtained the Crusader dragon egg and the hatched the Crusader dragon you can place the Crusader dragon into the Crusader dragon fields habitat in your Dragon Story island.
Release Date: July 26 2012
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Hatching Time: 44 Hours
Buying Price: 2,500
Selling Price: 100
Habitat: Diamond Fields, Red
Level Requirement: 10
Evolution Time #1: 44 Hours
Evolution Time #2: 44 Hours
Dragon Story: Crusader Dragon Key Features
- Armor Style Dragon
- Powerful looking
- Red and Blue coloring (Water and Fire)
- Dragon Horns as adult
- Ultra Rare Dragon, even with Diamond Dragon you will not always get this dragon.
Dragon Story: Crusader Dragon breeding guide
The Crusader Dragon is the very first Diamond hybrid available for players to breed in Dragon Story. Players can breed the Crusader Dragon using a Diamond Dragon and a Fire Dragon for a chance to get the Crusader Dragon in Dragon Story.
The breeding time for the Crusader Dragon is 44 Hours. Breeding of the dragons left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Crusader Dragon or another dragon.
Dragon Story: Crusader Dragon Evolution Guide
The Dragon Story Crusader Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolutions.
Dragon Story: Crusader Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]
Level | Earnings |
Earnings | |
Level 1 |
425![]() |
Level 6 | 2040 | |
Level 2 | 680 | Level 7 | 2422 | |
Level 3 | 892 | Level 8 | 2741 | |
Level 4 | 1275 | Level 9 | 3060 | |
Level 5 | 1657 | Level 10 |
3,400![]() |
Dragon Story: Crusader Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart
Level | Food Req. | Level | Food Req. |
Level 1 | 1![]() |
Level 6 | 100 |
Level 2 | 4 | Level 7 | 240 |
Level 3 | 8 | Level 8 | 500 |
Level 4 | 20 | Level 9 | 1000 |
Level 5 | 50 | Level 10 | Max![]() |
Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart
Egg | Baby | Teen | Adult | Epic |
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Crusader Dragon Breeding & Evolution Videos
I finally got one crusader dragon after 37 adult diamond dragon left breed epic fire dragon right
Whats ur id
For all that are unaware; Dragons positions & levels don’t matter in breeding only the correct elements count. Eg. Firestorm+atlantis=Diamond (fire,air,forest,water)
Please feel free to add me if you play daily too 🙂
what’s your ID?
Just tried for 100th time all fire dragons the ratio on this sucks
I’m still going I think I’m st around 200
Still at it, I’ve lost track I estimate 350 ish attempts
got it on my first try.
Dragon nalang lagi pasakey. Pinatay na nga ang wild ones ko dragon naman .-.
how did you get it i soo wont it
I thought I got the diamond but got Titan
I got the Crusader Dragon in the first time. Now it in
level 4. ” Fire + Diamond “
Still can't get diomand
hey i bred island with firestorm, got it on my first try =) but can someone help me to get planet dragon???
I used water and charm dragon trying to get super dragon but i got planet dragon. Id is storm8id123408
I got diamond by breeding eagle dragon and serpent dragon. But getting the serpent dragon is a hard one, but I got it on my first try ^^
i obtained diamond trying for infinity. wizard+fairy. purple element made breeding time 2 days XD
and i have a serpent dragon too
add puppydog23779 🙂
I want a diamond! 🙂 can anyone tell me how 2 get a diamond dragon…
Yess I finally got it!!!
To all those caretakers who haven’t been able to obtain the Crusader Dragon,
it takes quite a lot of time i.e I took about 200 tries until I got it. I used Diamond lvl 10 on left &
Fire lvl 10 on right. If you haven’t gotten the Diamond yet here is a tip: Firestorm lvl 9 on left &
Island lvl 7 on right. Good Luck!
ID: Lexii285
You really have a bad luck I got it now in the breeding cave after epic diamond left and epic fire right only 15 tries my ID: Dragon_Tamer
Omg i got a diamond dragon on my first try a quetzal on first try and a crusader on first try so wutwut??? U mad you jelly???
Id is nooijboy
Please consider you are making other people feel bad. Some people still haven’t got like a diamond dragon after like 300 times. If you want to show off, please go to another place where people can’t be offended :/ If you wanna check out my dragons: uiqannala
Sorry if this is rude, but please do not do this.
that method isn’t 100% accurate anymore. the level and order of breeding does not matter.
I got diamond out of serpent and eagle, both lvl 4
id Autorithy
My ID is masteeplayer
I have two crusaders and one on way
Good luck to all
It’s a wild dragon reskin…. Cool dragOn but dissapointing it’s a reskin and I haz one if you want to see add BeeDIzzLE69
It has been well over 100 times I breed my Fire and Diamomd Dragon. Ive tried everything! Bingo777
Does the left or right make a difference because it isnt mentioned in the breeding guide.
No it doesn’t make a difference. The breeding guides all say that it doesn’t matter which dragon is right or left, so all ya gotta know is what colors you’re breeding 🙂
Keep trying I did it with level 9 fire and level 10 diamond. I tried over 100 times. It will work. Altron 0880
I tried what u said, diamond level 10 and fire level 10 bred them so many times I didn’t count. And now it’s finally here yaaaaaaaaay. It says breeding time 2 days and 44 hours. Can’t wait thank you
How is it possible that all of the people here have bred fire and diamond 100+ times? Unless you bought a rediculous amount of gold i dont see how this is possible.
Because it only takes ten seconds to breed them. It would be stupid to spend gold on somthing that takes ten seconds.
Awsome dragon. I got one. sadly evolution is really long. 2 days. My ID is Amarice if anyone wants to add me.
i have a wizard, planet, and titan dragon im breeding a mistmouth but i cant get diamond add me : Bossinsauce
I got this tip from the forum. Island and forestfire. I tried maybe 2 or 3 times and it worked. Though there are other combinations that work this one did it for me. Good luck
Atlantis + scorpion= diamond
Add me bvbgirl13
I got crusader dragon add me storm8 id: lovesober
When will the gold dragon be up?
Thank you for your question. The Gold Dragon should be up and its another beautiful diamond-type dragon creature!
Thank you for your question. The Gold Dragon should be up and its another beautiful diamond-type dragon creature!
I have the crusader dragon add me storm8 id: lovesober.
Crusader on the way. Epic Dragon Fire left > Epic Diamond Right. 523 times later. ID: bladesquinn.
Add me muach7!!!!!! 🙂
Add me muach7!!!!! 🙂
add me chrysta_h :)))))
For everyone who hasn’t gotten a diamond yet here’s a tip!!!!!! I tried firestorm and island for over a month and I never got it… But then I tried a level 10 eagle dragon, and a level 4 serpent dragon and got it on the first try! Hope this helps(:
Finally got this one after 1 hour of breeding stupid fire dragons 44 hours :/ come on hatch please add Erequilman
Got the infinity dragon, quetzal is in an egg and crusader is in breeding den
I can not get a diamond I have tryed sooo hard 🙁 I really really really want one 🙁
U will get one sweetie.. you just have to wait xoxo
Storm dragon – island dragon or Storm dragon – poison dragon……………..
I already get it
Storm dragon – island dragon or Storm dragon – poison dragon……………..
I already get it
Got one breeding after a lot tries add me charlie0012
It's something like a 1% chance. I had to try well over a hundred times for the crusader.
Got one lol after ton of tries! Add me KKeatzrockz
Got one after about 50 tries. Says two days and 44 gold to finish early so I know it’s not a Titan. Bred level 10 diamond & level 8 fire.
I got 4 crusader dragon easy xD
Got the crusader after like 30 tries
I got my crusader on the 5th try with epic diamond and epic fire dragon And my friend got on his first try.
Im breeding epic Diamond and epic fire and all i get are fire dragons, is it usual?
Yes it is it’s like when you are breeding diamond & air dragon you will always get air dragon instead of gold dragon…just keep trying.
I got 4 crusader dragons, they took from 15 to 400ish tries, is just random
add me id: Autorithy
Add muach6
Mine only took 10 seconds to breed… is there a problem? Did I do something wrong?
Add Lcrupi
Got crusader on my 15 tried…weeeee~
Woohoo…jusy got diamond n second get crusader n thn i got tiny dragon n justice too…weee~~
Yayyyy! I got mine just now and now I’ve got a quetzal in the breeding den!! Amazing! I’m having a lot of luck! A week ago I got infinity first try by diamond and diamond
It took me about 30 tries to get a crusader. My diamond and fire are breeding right now. I really want an infinity can someone post on my wall how to get one. My ID is beastcaliente. My ipad ID is oceandrop slim and my brothers is elpolloloco69 so add us please and thank ya!
I finally got mine!! 63rd time was the charm! haha
Now going for the quetzal, which looks nothing like a real quetzal..
just got it! 14 tries.. very nice!
I’m really trying to get unicorn dragon with diamond and virtue and it’s nearly impossible. The first time diamond didn’t split was the moment i got crusader by lucky accident. It was about 95th time breeding diamond and virtue. 105 breedings, still no unicorn.. Yes, I am presistent. 😀
I got diamond by breeding chocolate and super. 40th try.^^;
please add me ill send gold every day if you send to me, i also accept map requests everyday, id = dratinia
just got it! 30 tries.. very nice!
Add me ( alsaad77 )
This is the easiest diamond type to get. The most common outcome is fire which only takes 10 seconds to breed and hatch. It took about 20 attemts but only about 3 minutes of breeding to get it.
I have been able to get diamond easily, night easily,viture easily etc but after 25 attempts still no luck, driving me crazy!!! 🙁
Ya I tried to get a night dragon too but got a celestial dragon. Still good right? Want any neighbors mine is promsmaster. Thanks guys
Finally breed a crusader dragon. After 50+ tries. Used level 10 diamond on left and level 7 fire on right.
LoL i got this by breeding naga lvl9 and diamond lvl10 was trying to get unicorn..
Third tries. Was aiming for other common dragon and here it just pop out accidentally. Planet and diamond breed
Does anybody know how to breed the infinity dragon I really want it.add:Alexstreme
Try gold and athletic been told it works please add hihi289 on dragon story
Finally got after 30 tries. Check out ritika47
Spaced out thru 2 or 3 weeks, after 70 red/diamond tries finally got it
Got it breeding mythic and diamond.
breeding timer says 2 days… could be another diamond or it could be a crusader!
When i looked it up u only get foire or crusader from red diamond pair no diamond sry.
Opps fire sry
Try Diamond and Dino. Unexpectedly got it on the first try.
Me too … after about 45 minutes of breeding Diamond n Fire … now on breeding den : 44hours! Yayy!!! 🙂
Breed diamond and valentine on first try. Now crusader dragon egg is in the nest. Yaay