Dragon Story: Dino Dragon


The Dino Dragon in Dragon Story is a single element Dragon that was released into the game. It was discovered in June 26 2013 and was released officially into the game on June 27 2013. This dragon is a Dino type dragon only showing one element symbol. It is a new species of dragons and the beginning of the “Dino-type Dragons” in Dragon Story

“Long before humans first walked the globe and man reigned supreme over land, air and sea, Dino Dragons were the dominant species on Earth. Lesser creatures quaked in fear as the mighty Dino Dragons stretched their wings and soared over the puny animals below. No one knows what happened to the Dino Dragons or why their legacy vanished..” – Dragon Story: Dino Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story Dino Element

Dragon Story Dino Dragon

Release Date:
June 27 2013

Rarity: Rare

Hatching Time: 12 Hours
Buying Price:  500Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: Ancient Tarpit

Evolution Time: 12 Hours

Also see

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.8/5 (4 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Dino Dragon Key Features

  • Single element Dragon
  • Dino Dragon
  • Dino type dragon
  • Rare to obtain
  • First Dino Dragon ever released.

Dragon Story: Dino Dragon breeding guide

To breed the Dino Dragon, it is recommended you use the  Forest Dragon and the -Fire Dragon. The breeding time for this dragon is 12 Hours, so if you get a  hours breeding time then you have a Dino dragon breeding in your isle!

With the breeding combinations in hand, keep in mind that breeding is completely up to your luck in the game and for them to give you the dragon.

The Rarity will help you understand your chances but it will ultimately be up to your game.

The breeding order of left or right in the breeding den does not matter. The Level of your breeding dragon also do not matter.

Dragon Story: Dino Dragon Evolution Guide

  • *Note Android players will need to use the temple at level 4!
  • *Note: New 2013 Apple players will require to evolve their dragons at level 4

The Dragon Story Dino Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution.

At level 9 you will evolve your creature into its most powerful and final form called Epic.

Egg – The egg is what is revealed to the players after they have completed the breeding process. You may place this egg into a Nest for hatching.

Baby – The baby form is hatched from the egg and is the youngest form of the entire evolution process.

Teen – Teen is the evolved form of your baby creature. You can evolve your dragon at level 4 without using the evolution chamber on Apple devices, while on Android you must use the evolution chamber. You will be able to breed after they have reached level 4.

Adult – The adult stage is a almost full grown dragon in Dragon Story. You can evolve your dragons at the end of level 6 where he will need to use the evolution chamber to become an adult.

Epic – The epic form is the final and most powerful form of them all. Embodied with powers of their representing elemental colors, the epic form is filled with great design and represents the full grown evolution of your dragon. You can evolve your Adult Dragon into Epic Dragon at level 9.

Dragon Story: Dino Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  145 Level 6  350
Level 2  172 Level 7  455
Level 3  197 Level 8  498
Level 4  278 Level 9  535
Level 5  317 Level 10  652

Dragon Story: Dino Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Food may vary depending on the version you are playing.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  25 Level 6  1250
Level 2  50 Level 7  3000
Level 3  125 Level 8  7000
Level 4  300 Level 9  12500
Level 5  750 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
  Dragon Story Dino Dragon egg  Dragon Story Dino Dragon
Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Dino Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Dino Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Dino Dragon Epic

  59 Responses to “Dragon Story: Dino Dragon”

  1. Anyone else completely annoyed at how fast they are turning these things out? At least it’s habitat only costs 500,000 instead of the 6,000,000 B/S we’ve been seeing in the rest of the impossible to breed new dragons.

    • Yes but they won’t listen because they are competing with Dragon City and DragonVale

      • It’s just frustrating that they can update this game with impossible to get/use features everyday but they haven’t touched monster story in months.

        • I’ve deleted the monster story, cause there’s no update with it, and I become annoyed too with this one… TL makes new dragons, and increase all the prices for habitats, clearance tree, also with boosted breeding. Now, we should pay 12 gold instead of 100000 coins for the boosted breeding… and all happened too fast.. What the … Seriously , the game is unbalanced anymore, we just “forced” to buy IAP here. I prefer dragonvale, it has more balance gameplay mechanic also it has Game Center feature.

          • Boosted breeding is the one thing I like now… When it works… It costs me 500,000 coins but I have the money to spare for that. For months they wanted 50,000 food… Like I EVER have close to that with how much these new stupid dragons eat!

          • They have different rates for everyone’s game they won’t listen and make it fair.

          • Monster story is a waist of my time, I quit playing that too. And also they haven’t done anything with the castle story either. I like playing better the dragonvale , and dragon city it doesn’t cost me any real money.

        • That is so very true

    • Dear Savanha,
      THEY ARE ASKING ME FOR A BOOSTED BREED 12 gold! Mine won’t ever change to 500,000 gold do I have to update PLSE HELP ME!!!

  2. And what about the Stone dragons? They released 3, then released a 4th so we would buy a 2nd habitat thinking they would release 2 more Stone types. Bit they never did. That was so deceptive of them!!
    Does anyone agree?

    • I agree I can’t keep up with all this new dragon and feeding them its ridiculous too much food.

      • I totally agree! The web is wrong! They just guess at food prices! It said coral level 7 is 240 but it really is 960! I know cause i got one! Pick it up TeamLava or else you will lose a TON more players! Almost quit causa gold issue! Ripped me off of 51 ****ing gold! Will delete if no one fixes something soon! But thx for using my dino idea!NWEEE

  3. I agree that was ridiculous. Luckily I was so busy fighting with the fairytale and night dragons that I hadn’t bothered to breed any of the stone dragons. Now I know I just need to pick the three I like the most. I’ll probably leave out turquoise. It’s cute as a baby but ugly as soon as you evolve it.

  4. Hehehe…, next…, still more funny than other dragon game…

    For Dino, I’ve got from Forest + Forestfire

  5. I invented this! they took my suggestion from the AppStore! thank you so much TeamLava!!!
    I promise I invented this thank you so much!

  6. The habitat isn’t that expensive, thank god! So I’m gonna try for this one.
    Doen anybody has it already?
    If you want, you can add Feya138

  7. After 3 tries with forest and fire and constantly getting a life dragon, I finally got a Dino on the 4th try by breeding the life dragon with the landworm dragon.
    Storm ID PasssionateLady add me if you want.

  8. Got it with first try!
    Forest and fire dragon.
    Add me!

  9. Team lava
    Is there really got the existing of this Dino dragon, I try over N tries for this….
    Can u add more farm to grow food ? Who expect to feed one dragon for 5000 food equal to 25000 a level when we grow many weeks and use one time finish

    • In order to feed less food download New dawn.I fed my dino only 1000 food=5000 food and now it’s epic!Only problem is u need to be on a samsung or i think apple device.Seriously i am telling the truth

      • No. You just need common sense and to feed then through the New Dawn app. But since ppl are too lazy to read all the comments, they deserve to pay the inflated prices like morons.

  10. got it after few try, forest and fire dragon

  11. accidentally got it. actually I’m trying to get fairly
    breeding forest and fire

  12. Downtree+fire

  13. so I have played for years and am just so annoyed with TL with all the crap they are doing, they are so money hungry. before I couldn’t wait for new dragons I would buy gold and breed till I got it. now I don’t even care. I will not give them another cent. it is sooo unbalanced. I think when the put the tiger eye out and I could breed it, that was it. plus all the extra cool stuff I cant have im at level 112 and just don’t care. what a shame it was a great game that I loved they made such a bs move within the last few months. I hope more people feel like me and TL doesn’t get money like in the past. P.S. I sucks for kids I feel bad for them!!!!

    • I’m with you 100%. Level 113, have every dragon TL will “allow” us lowly Android players to get. It now cost 1mil (not including clearing trees, etc.) and the piece of land I just cleared is too small to fit a habitat, I kid you not.

      I’m fed up but It’s a struggle after investing so much money and time! The only thing I would miss is the cool people I’ve met.

      And the kids that don’t work and have money to spend? Very sad.

      But what to do? TL doesn’t care, they’re making hand over fist of cash.
      If it were “the good ol’ days” a boycott would be possible. Now….it would never happen. Hmmmm, the world we live in.

      • that happened to me too I cleared land and the habitat didn’t fit. wth??? I spend tons of real money also BUT they will never get anymore. I did write them a email, ever since then it seems I can not breed any new dragons. could they do that? im all for a boycott im at the point of not caring.

        • I’m super mad that the big habitats cost 500 gold and that they keep taking away dragons I want but can’t he after months of breeding the correct combos like Saturn, or dragons I can’t get because I can not get a diamond dragon. It’s not worth buying gold anymore when you can never keep up. The whole reason people play is to get ALL THE DRAGONS… Not to watch they disappear and spend lots of real money trying to get something that is impossible to breed for.

  14. Add me itz_ebonie and check out my dragons 🙂

  15. the dragon is cool but with the gold being to much money and the food quantities unbelievablely high i almost was going to delet it but it is a fun game

  16. Hey for food issues new daw charges 1/3 the food cost of the fairy tale
    Or other dragonstory versions.

    • I’ve tried telling folks to download New Dawn to feed their dragons for awhile on these boards, I think they would rather complain then listen. Add kyejgold02 for a good neighbor =)

  17. Got the Dino dragon today by using Rose dragon and landworm!
    ID: brimestone

  18. I don’t know why anybody moans about spending money outrageously priced habitats or food, I have every version and pay the same small amount for everything, haven’t bought gold with real money, not one bit of real money and I have made it to level 58.

  19. Please help! How do u get a diff version of this game? I am on level 100 n dont have any of the good dragons. I try over n over n nothin. I play on the iphone. My boost breeding is 12 gold. Thats crazy.

  20. Got this by accident breeding ruby and emerald. Was trying for the landworm or whatever it’s called.

  21. I got it first try.

  22. I’ve sent in a formal complaint e-mail. Hopefully they’ll get something. I don’t thing boycotting is going to do much considering all the Apple players in the world. We android players are probably only going to be a small chunk of that and they could be all “go-ahead-make-my-day” type.

    But on the optimistic side, if they do manage to understand the logic behind it – I think the update will be much better. Hopefully…

  23. I too am frustrated with how fast they are pumping out these dragons and at same time removing some of the harder to get dragons. And the cost of food is just ridiculous! And most people couldn’t buy food with gold cuz that’s a crazy cost.
    I’ve rarely bought gold because most of the gold cost for dragons and food is to much.
    Im one of the unlucky breeders. It took me about 8 months to get Diamond! So why do I still play? Beats me I guess Im a glutton for TL punishment.

    • only 8 months?? I would consider myself lucky!
      I’m trying for more than a year almost constantly and no luck…

  24. It was discovered on my sixteenth birthday!

  25. Got it on accident trying to get a diamond. Scorpion And atlantis both on level 8. Also accidently got a stone egg, but still cannot afford the habitat. Id. Yoak13

  26. I have off them level 10

  27. The game is designed to be hard, I’m almost at level 100 without 1 diamond dragon yet… Yet I say…. What this Diamondless player does know…If you don’t like paying inflated food prices, download Dragon Story “New Dawn”….I keep that version just for feeding due to minimal prices for food! Trust me =) and add me kyejgold02

  28. I built the habitat now trying for the Dragon failed on first try going try wild n life

    • Yes finally got it!I used Fire and Landworm!visit my island some hours later to see my dino dragon egg.ID:IDStorm8786

  29. Used the Rose and Landworm combo..12 hours and I’ll have the Dino Dragon.. Been on a roll lately but still no diamond.. Come check my dragons out by adding kyejgold02… Lvl 97 with 33mil in cash, so you’ll never hear me complain. =)

  30. I just got this Dino Dragon while trying to breed for a rainbow dragon, the rainbow dragon seems impossible to get! Oh well got the Dino now so that’s a bonus, just so glad i constantly have over 2 million coins to pay for the habitat and food! The enchanted farm really helps with getting 800 food in one go. although 75000 coins is a lot to pay… oh well have to evolve the dragons, if anyone wants to, just add me: ditzycakes i always send gold and mystic maps. Oh and if anyone has farm story, bakery story, restaurant story or fashion story, add me on those as well. having these games in the background when the updates come around it absolutely amazing! so much free gold!! although i just spent it all on another nest … damn you for being 250 gold ….

  31. Got it first try with planet and parakeet dragon. Add me, my storm8 id – rohitav916.

  32. Is anyone else still having the issue where your black/white/pink dragons won’t actually breed as that color? Only as the subcolors used tto make them?
    Its what initially made me quit a year ago and I want to keep playing but I can’t complete ocer half my quests because they won’t gI’ve that pink or black trait on to get like the goblin or masked dragons

  33. I got this dragon trying to breed an element dragon, with planet and fire.

  34. 1st try with fairy & right heart

  35. i hatched on with the lvl 10 landworm and lvl9 island hope it helps

  36. Got it !!!!

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