Dragon Story: Eagle Dragon
The Eagle Dragon in Dragon Story is an eagle bird like dragon that looks absolutely amazing. If you like birds like the phoenix and flame then you will definitely fall in love with this eagle dragon from it’s amazing design. You can see that it’s red, orange and yellow colors make him the perfect dragon for any Dragon Story player.
The Eagle Dragon is part air and part fire just like his looks making him a firing flame. When you breed and hatch the eagle dragon you can place him into the red rock habitat or the yellow plateau habitat.
Release Date: Original
Rarity: Rare
Hatching Time: 14 Hours
Buying Price: 400
Selling Price: ?
Habitat: Fire, Air | Yellow, Red
Level Requirement: 9
Evolution Time #1: 14 Hours
Evolution Time #2: 14 Hours
Dragon Story: Eagle Dragon breeding guide
The Eagle Dragon is an amazing creature for any Dragon Story island so if you want to get or breed one make sure you are at least level 9 for the requirement of obtaining one then head on over to your breeding den. When in your breeding den select the air dragon which needs to be at least level 4 and an fire dragon which also has to be level 4 or high then breed. You will have a chance at breeding the Eagle Dragon egg which will become the Eagle Dragon.
Dragon Story: Eagle Dragon Evolution Guide
The Dragon Story Eagle Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolutions.
Dragon Story: Eagle Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]
Level | Earnings |
Earnings | |
Level 1 |
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Level 6 |
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Level 2 |
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Level 7 |
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Level 3 |
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Level 8 |
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Level 4 |
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Level 9 |
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Level 5 |
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Level 10 |
1,237![]() |
Dragon Story: Eagle Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart
Level | Food Req. | Level | Food Req. |
Level 1 | 1![]() |
Level 6 | 100![]() |
Level 2 | 4![]() |
Level 7 | 240![]() |
Level 3 | 8![]() |
Level 8 | 500![]() |
Level 4 | 20![]() |
Level 9 | 1000![]() |
Level 5 | 50![]() |
Level 10 | Max![]() |
Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart
Egg | Baby | Teen | Adult | Epic |
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hey do u know the parents for the diamond dragon?
You need all four elements in your breeding combination. Like firestorm + island.
Confirmed working combination is island dragon and firestorm dragon. but it'll still take a few tries.
Confirmed working combination is island dragon and firestorm dragon. but it'll still take a few tries.
lvl 6 firestorm+ lvl 6 serpent….i knew it from my neighbour who is lvl 63..his island name is omega but i cannot remember his ID.he owns 2 diamond dragons.
Add me navi1025
Kim Belair a few trys? ive don it like 30 times and it didnt work
I got a eagle dragon from breeding light+scorpion dragon?
So is getting an Eagle dragon just luck of the draw? I was aiming for a Firestorm dragon.
you will usually get a firestorm when breeding fire and air, eagle is supposed to be "rare" u have to keep breeding a few times.. so you might end up with a bunch of firestorms.. i usually just sell them after I've had more than 2 of each..
you will usually get a firestorm when breeding fire and air, eagle is supposed to be "rare" u have to keep breeding a few times.. so you might end up with a bunch of firestorms.. i usually just sell them after I've had more than 2 of each..
Thanks, that's what I've been trying. Sigh, I've gotten 4 Life Dragons and no Wild Dragons. I wish there was a system to this like if I breed a level 6 Forest dragon with a level 5 Fire dragon I'd get a Life Dragon and if the fire dragon was the higher level then I'd get a Wild Dragon and if they were the same level it would be a 50/50 chance.
sometimes switching things up helps.. like life+fire or Fire+ life.. sometimes it'll take 6 tries.. u just gotta keep trying and make sure u use the same parents so you don't mess up the pattern, u can also speed up the breeding and hatching if u have extra gold, or u can always buy the dragon XP sucks they make them so expensive.
it'd be cool if the game allowed you to gift or sell dragons u already have to ur neighbours.
I got and eagle dragon my first try just like I got a laser dragon my first try. I have a lot of rare dragongs. But yet can’t get a diamond some say itss lke firestorm andd island but I have sone the research you nwed a serpent dragon and an eagle dragon.
Use firestorm and fire. I got an eagle on first try.
Does anyone know how long it takes to breed am eagle dragon? I got a wild dragon after getting about 13 life dragons, so is it confirmed to get a diamond dragon you use firestorm and island?
I got both an eagle dragon and wild dragon on my first tries with breeding haha. Trying for diamond soon. Just bred an island, going for firestorm tomorrow. (: I have a feeling it will only take me a few tries, I seem to be lucky wi this..
I was breeding fire and air and got a eagle dragon I was going for a firestorm!
add me storm ID crazycody7.
I have been trying to get an eagle dragon for about 2 weeks now. After selling 2, 2 eggs, another in the breeding pit I now have bred a total of 16 firestorms. I am about to pay the 25 gold and change my island name to Firestorm Isle. Gonna keep going to see how many tries it takes for the Eagle.
I have tried breeding air and fire dragon 6 times n still not getting the eagle dragon.can u say whether I will ever get it?the level of both the dragons is level 7 n I have been trying using with the same parents also?
I tried but I got a stupid firestorm dragon 🙁 add Marshieiscute
Is getting the firestorm about 21 times in a row not normal? I'm not exaggerating
If you speed up the breeding time you will get fire storm only so when you try again let the two breeding dragons do there job and just wait you will be glad you did
Hay the firestorm looks cool though in epic form
Is getting the firestorm about 21 times in a row when changing the pattern of the dragons you are breeding not normal ( no exaggeration I’m now breeding my 22 one mabey 27 ’cause I only started counting after the fifth or sixth one ) please give advice on this matter my id is havocmamer
Add me KingGineus
Add me KingGineus
Hey guys, for the Eagle Dragon, levels DO make a difference. Both Air and Fire dragons have to be at level 4. Hope it helps!
Its simple if u dnt get a eagle dragon u just breed a air dragon on the left and a firestorm on the right, it worked for me add me jrod2k88
I breeder fire and air like 50 million times but it didn't work
Breed a firestorm on right and air on left it may or may not work for you
I have three eagles prove: S8 ID: Lighting987
How to purchase gold ?
damn, i just breed fire and air until 25 times no eagle dragon. just firestrom dragon. somebody please help me how to get eagle dragon. please
How long does it take to breed an eagle dragon?
This worked for me. Fire lvl 4 + air lvl 4. In that order got an eagle. Parents had just done a firestorm
level 5air and 5fire works. I even tried 6air 6fire, both work.
level 5air and 5fire works. I even tried 6air 6fire, both work.
i’m trying to get eagle from : FireStorm Lvl 6 + Fire lvl 7
Do you it’ll work??
Knew it from youtube…..
I am evolving one 🙂
Add me blahblahblah123bee
I bred eagle with firestorm n island :D. ID: Lusilia. Need more gold to get diamond quickly > <
you don’t need gold all you need to do is breed firestorm and island!
plus you can get a gold generator if you really want to buy it!
To breed atletic dragon is:water dragon and fire dragon add me:Shaniahappypets
Does it make a difference which goes left and which right? In the breeding den? Astorea is my storm8 id
I have a lvl 7 air and fire dragon. Would I have a good chance of breeding an eagle at that lvl? N is there a lvl requirement for breeding a wild dragon?
Level 9 Scorpion + Level 8 Atlantis = Eagle
Got it when trying for Diamond
Add me please: 8019156272
Just got my first eagle
Is it me or does he epic eagle dragon remind you of a Phoenix
Lol,i got 3 eagle dragons in a row after breeding life dragon + air dragon.
I’ve just breed lv7 air and fire and the breeding time is 14 hours. Normally it’s always 12 hours. Can’t wait to see what happen. \:D/. I almost give up.
My id is chickylovely
Lol I have 7 eagle dragons… Maybe I should get rid of a few…?
Add me! Potato_Wedge
I used a level & firestorm on the left, and a level 7 fire on the right and got an eagle on the first try! Feel free to add me- freefalldragon_fly
Add Me! MiBallantyne
Add me if you like, AlekzisXinfektious
i had the dragon for the first try and i don’t think i was lv 9 already 🙂
Still cant breed eagle…. Helpp. Add me annais33
I got a eagle dragon from breeding a light dragon and a scorpion dragon? Wth ?
Got eagle dragon with lvl 10 fire dragon+lvl 4 clown dragon. I was trying for mirage lol come and see it on my island ID: valeria36
please add me ill send gold every day if you send to me, i also accept map requests everyday, id = dratinia
I got it on my second trie when im trying to get a clockwork ID:killer633330
Atlast, an eagle dragon level 4 air on left and level 4 fire on the right.. Spent a bit of gold for a fast forward but was worth it after a month of trying
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Please send me gold as gift everyday
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Please send me gold as gift everyday
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Please send me gold as gift everyday
I want the eagle sooooo much.I an Lv.9. Do I have a chance to get one??
add me hada aladna 200 ! please send me gold!! I need glorious grove to give habitat for life dragon!!
The first time I tried fire,and air I got an eagle dragon!
finally got my eagle to epic! ugh!
took so long. feel free to add me i send gold daily! my id is cinderash13
I was desperately trying to breed a falling leaf dragon by breeding a fruitful and firestorm dragon but my egg turned out to be an eagle dragon. This combo might help
I got it on first try with honey bee and island
I wanted to breed an eagle dragon and I got a firemane dragon. Then I wanted an island dragon and I got an serpent dragon.
Got it after a few tries