Dragon Story: Light Dragon


The Light Dragon in Dragon Story was released on September 20th 2012 with their update Dragon Story: New Dawn. This update is separate from the normal Dragon Story game and you must download it separately and activate it. The new update brought an entirely new element called the “White” element into the game enabling this Light Dragon into the game – along with a dozen other dragons.

”  Thousands of years ago Light Dragons were as numerous as Fire Dragons, until one morning when the sun failed to rise and they vanished from the Earth. From that moment until today no one has set eyes on a Light Dragon ” – Dragon Story: Light Dragon Shop Description

Dragon Story White element

Dragon Story Light Dragon Baby

Release Date: Sept 20 2012

Release Version: Dragon Story: New Dawn
Rarity: Common

Hatching Time:  9 Hours
Buying Price:150,000Dragon Story Coin Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: White Meadow
Level Requirement: 10

Evolution Time: 9 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.2/5 (6 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Light Dragon Key Features

  • First white element dragon
  • Represents Light

Dragon Story: Light Dragon breeding guide

The Light Dragon can be purchased in the market after updating your current game from Dragon Story to Dragon Story: New Dawn

For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Light Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.

Once you have obtained the Light dragon egg and the hatched the Light dragon you can place the Light dragon into the White Meadow habitat in your Dragon Story island.

Dragon Story: Light Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Light Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.

When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.

Dragon Story: Light Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1 225Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 6  544
Level 2  267 Level 7  706
Level 3  306 Level 8  774
Level 4  432 Level 9  803
Level 5  492 Level 10 1012Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Light Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Please use the old Dragon Story game for these food prices.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 1Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6 100
Level 2 4 Level 7  240
Level 3 8 Level 8  500
Level 4 20 Level 9  1000
Level 5 50 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story Light Dragon Baby
 Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Light Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Light Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Light Dragon Epic


Light Dragon Breeding & Evolution Videos

  35 Responses to “Dragon Story: Light Dragon”

  1. It says diamond fields, it should be white meadows.

  2. I got it! It’s now 3rd evolution

  3. I got one, but at level 7, the food requirement is over 2000!

  4. How can you breed it?

  5. Fuck this I want to know how to breed for it

  6. The only reason people come to this website is because we want to know how to breed it. So how can I breed it. Don’t say just buy it, how do I breed it?

  7. No no! Just buy it from the market. It’s cheap! Just 150,000 coins only! 😀

  8. I bought a light but don’t have a white meadow on my habitat list. Where do I put it?


  10. I have Light Dragon 9th level…. Gonna cost me 5 x 3000 food to get it epic. Fecking ridiculous prices….! Just wants you to spend real money to but gold!!!

    • The food is only that much on the base Dragon Story/Valentines/Easter edition – New Dawn has the food prices listed above (only 500 @ L8, 1000 @ L9). Not sure if this is a glitch that they haven’t figured out, but if you want to level up your dragons fast and cheap, do it through New Dawn.

  11. The recomended combination are:

    Diamond dragon+diamond dragon
    Diamond dragon+infinity dragon
    Infinity dragon+infinity dragon
    Light dragon +light dragon

    But there is a very little chance that you will get a light dragon

  12. I bred a light dragon and a (forget wht it’s calledxD) white and red dragon… Hatching time is two days:p any idea on what it is??

    • It depends. .. if the breeding time is 44 hours then it’s a Diamond Dragon, but if the breeding time is 40 hours then it’s an Infinity Dragon. Whichever you get, you will have a Diamond element dragon.

  13. please add me ill send gold every day if you send to me, i also accept map requests everyday, id = dratinia

  14. I bred night dragon with air dragon and the breeding time is 9 hours…anyone knows what it is ?

  15. Bred diamond and virtue…got 9hrs. It’s a light dragon

    • Oh my god who is gonna tell these people light dragon cannot be bred u must buy it!I repeat for everyone who asks how to breed it u cannot BREED it u must BUY it

  16. i don’t have enough money either!!

  17. Aw geez, honestly!!! I patiently waited and somehow i got 200,000 coins! U just have to patient and you can earn enough coins for a gemstone prairie!

  18. everybody, can u give me a reason why the price is 150.000 but when we sell it, it just 100 ? it’s that worth?

  19. LOL I had like 300 golds (I got them from installing games and playing them). Then I wasted like 100 golds to buy money, after that I bought the white something (it’s house) And here I mean the big one. Then of course I collected some more money and bought the stupid dragon. Thanks for listening to my life story. PLEASE ADD ME, ID = Amaaaz

  20. oh,my,I want to know how to BREED it! 🙁

  21. MDL you are wrong. Its not diamond elements. Gracie you are getting a virtue dragon. Trust me I thought it was a crusader when I got that time but my uncle found out its a virtue. Plus I got it, so proof its not diamond elements.

  22. I was supposed to get a love dragon…never mind good I never I thought two dragons would fit in white meadows. But I spend the same amount for pink prairie. Oh well I’m glad I got a rare one rather than common. 😛

  23. I bought light dragon and so far it has done nothing useful!
    And what the person who wrote this got wrong was the food, you need sooooo much more food than that… Sorry to those who thought they had hit the jackpot for an easy feed useful dragon, coz there ain’t one here!

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