Dragon Story: Love Dragon


The Love Dragon in Dragon Story was released on September 20th 2012 with their update dubbed “Dragon Story: New Dawn”. This update is a separate update from the normal Dragon Story game and you must download it separately to activate it. The new update brought an entirely new element called the “White” element into the game enabling this Love Dragon into the game – along with a dozen other white/light dragons.

“Love Dragons are disgustingly positive. If it’s raining, they want to snuggle in it. If a puppy just died, they want to dance the sorrow away. If they catch you looking at someone romantically they’ll spray you both with love-inducing chemicals and you’ll spend months trying to shake off a crush.” – Dragon Story: Love Dragon Shop Description

Dragon Story White elementDragon Story - Fire Element Symbol

Dragon Story Love Dragon Baby

Release Date: Sept 20 2012

Release Version: Dragon Story: New Dawn
Rarity: Common

Hatching Time:  5 Hours
Buying Price: 380 Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: White Meadow, Red Rock
Level Requirement: 10

Evolution Time: 5 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Dragon Story: Love Dragon Key Features

  • Amazing Light Dragon hybrids
  • Represents Light and Red elements

Dragon Story: Love Dragon breeding guide

TheLove Dragon can be bred using two dragons after updating your current game from Dragon Story to Dragon Story: New Dawn

To breed the Love Dragon, you must use a Fire Dragon and a Light Dragon in your breeding den for a chance to get this dragon.

For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Love Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.

Once you have obtained the Love dragon egg and the hatched the Love dragon you can place the Love dragon into the White Meadow, Red Rock habitat in your Dragon Story island.

Dragon Story: Love Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Love Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.

When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.

Dragon Story: Love Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1 235Dragon Story Coin Icon Level 6  568
Level 2  279 Level 7  737
Level 3  319 Level 8  808
Level 4  451 Level 9  867
Level 5  514 Level 10 1057Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Love Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

The food prices for this New Dawn Dragon is unstable. Your prices may not be the same as the one listed below or others. We do not know if prices will be the same across all platform and players.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 1Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6 100
Level 2 4 Level 7 240
Level 3 8 Level 8 500
Level 4 20 Level 9 1000
Level 5 50 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story Love Dragon Egg  Dragon Story Love Dragon Baby
 Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Love Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Love Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Love Dragon Epic


Love Dragon Breeding & Evolution Videos

  16 Responses to “Dragon Story: Love Dragon”

  1. My love dragon requires 750 food at level 4 what do I do?

  2. Just got it <3 Add me coynegirl21

  3. For any of the newer dragons if you swap over to the original version of dragon story (I was on the newer one at the time) I found it 'reset' the costs to what they usually are. Hope I helped.

  4. Wtf i got 21 hours got tusker bred again i got laser wtf?!? I want love dragon my ID:Erequilman

  5. It’s really weird because love dragon is common and I keep on getting the virtue dragon witch is rare

    • this is because you are playing Dragon Story instead of Dragon Story New Dawn. In DS New Dawn, you get Love but not Virtue ( check your market, you will only see Love, no Virtue ). In Dragon Story, you can see the whole pink dragon line ( Virtue + others ). So if you want to breed Love instead of Virtue, switch to Dragon Story New Dawn, you can’t get Virtue there.

    • Same here. Its getting annoying.
      But, hey, most of the time i get super rare dragons on my first try. Its cool. Okay not most of the time, but still

  6. Virtue level4 and laser light level 4 worked for me.. I’m not trying to get it…but thankful to have a love dragon at last

  7. this one is easy to get try to breed justice but it give a bunch of these dragon :tusker.laserlight and love
    add me if u guys can id:crystaldragonx 🙂

  8. I keep getting virtue dragon instead of love dragon. I saw someone say you have to play DS new dawn, how do I get that? I only downloaded this game a few weeks ago and I get a lot of challenges to do with “new dawn” and I complete them ok so I’m pretty confused!

  9. I bred the virtue dragon and light dragon. I got 5 hours, but I’m not sure if it will be Kitsune or love. I traded my other love for gems so idc what I get. BUT I REALLY WANT KITSUNE

  10. Wtf Ever since i got that dragon i cant get anything else with red and white WTF -.-

  11. I keep trying to get love dragon but keep getting rare Laserlight! I like Laser, my Laserlight dragon but is there any way to be more likely to get a love dragon?

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