Dragon Story: Mythic Maze Habitat


The Mythic Maze Habitat in Dragon Story is a Mythic element habitat made specifically for the Mythic-type dragons in the game. It features a sand type habitat but colored in grey which represents the Mythic element. There are some tiny trees on the side but they look more like bushes.

“From the myths of yesteryear”~ Dragon Story: Mythic Maze Habitat Game Description

Dragon Story Mythic Maze Habitat

Dragon Capacity: 3
Buying Price: 6,000,000Dragon Story Coin Icon
Max Coins: 5,000Dragon Story Coin Icon

Build Time: 17 Hours

How to use

Simply find a any Mythic element or Mythic element dragon and place them into the Mythic Maze Habitat.

You may also place any hybrid dragon that has the Mythic element in the game. For example, if you have a dragon that has the Mythic element along with the red element like the Goblin dragon you can place that dragon into this habitat. Please keep in mind that as long as the dragon has a portion of the Mythic color they can go into this habitat along with any other color it may represent.

  • Add me hihi12322

    It’s so expensive

  • Drago

    I got it in my nest for ages already put the price down pls so far I have only one million plus money and I bought it with gold

  • Val Jurgena

    Please make mythic habitat more affordable. The cost you have set is quite ridiculous. And please change the price for boosted breeding as it is also ridiculous as well.
    Thank you

  • Lena

    Can you make an habitat possible to buy ? It’s impossible, we must economise weeks and weeks !
    Why don’t you make an habitat for ONE dragon ? There is juste for 3 !

  • Ruby

    I just breed the mythic dragon …was trying for a Easter Dagon but was happy to see it was the one instead but now it will have to sit in the nest for god knows how long for me to build enough coin for the habitat the price is ridiculous ….. I am getting tired of the tactics for making people spend money to get something.

    Well I will not be forced to do so…. I really enjoy thi game but now m getting tired of the long waits in order to breed or build……I will just probably just give up playing.

    Too bad

    • Tim

      Ditto!!! Ruby Said the same thing I was going to say. I too, was trying for the Easter Egg, and Received the Mystic surprise. Now it will sit in the nest, till I can save the coinage, for its habitat. It’s cheaper to use my saved gold to buy another nest.

    • Jensen button

      It takes days to earn the 6,00,00 pounds

  • storm id: niconikko

    Invest in buying a second nest or third nest so that your mythic dragon would not get in the way of breeding

    Im focusing on max level first before i start collecting dragons

    • Magstar

      But the nest is also too expensive and you’ll have to buy the gold. :(

  • fluffybunny714

    I agree with the comments above. I wasn’t expecting a Mythic Egg though as I was trying for a Clockwork or Easter, so when I saw it I was excited at first but then horrified when I learned that I would have to waste two or more weeks of gameplay to get enough money for the habitat.

  • Svenpro9

    Too expensive i just got mystic dragon but dont have maze!

  • Lucas Hunter

    Lower the price!As if 2,000,000 for a habitat(big black sands)was not high enough.Or make it so that we can get another nest with coin payment!This is pissing me off,might not want to play anymore.

  • Seraina

    I accidentally bred a mythic dragon while trying for an easter. Only problem is, the habitat is so stupidly expensive. Clever of them to have a limited time goal to breed an easter dragon, then make a new dragon color that happens to come from the same breeding pair. I won’t be able to breed the easter dragon in time because I’m going to have to spend the next couple weeks saving up for the mythic habitat. Seems like they’re getting desperate to force people to buy gold, but I’d be more likely to just stop playing. Honestly, with all the new colors that have come out recently it’s getting impossible to keep up and just isn’t that fun anymore. And in the meantime, monster story hasn’t had a significant update in ages.

  • Angel

    The mythic dragon habitat NEEDS to be more affordable. Either that, OR make it so we can use a different habitat (such as a red or yellow one).

  • fransisco

    I already have a mythic dragon and mythic maze habitat, but so hard to get easter n clock dragon,, anyone can help??,, add 99df19 anyway.

  • jaysonrey

    I have the habitat but the dragon hhhhhahaahahahah idont have i have 20 milion

  • Dragons layer

    Can you please change the price for at least 3 million
    Plzzz I’m begging you !?!?!?
    I have the dragon but I can’t afford the habitat

  • Blarghhhhhhh

    You spen hours on this game and each update is for people to spend money…

    6 million is a joke you’ll loose more players then the amount you’ll make from it

    I’ve quit mow

  • christina

    Expensive as hell….this whole game is a crock of shit…..do NOT buy gold…Do Not buy gold. I just got my bank statement and everytime we every bougt gold were were double and triple charged for it….I even have charges to my cell phone bill..WTH?! I ccalled google and they said they don’t show all the charges….only what they emailed me for….I had over 250.00 in charges to my account for this game….team lava won’t look into it…google won’t do nothing about it….this game is fun…team lava is crooked and so is google

  • Laura

    It’s all starting to get a bit ridiculous, the price of all the new things – price to expand. And how many times to breed just to get 1 of the dragons and the breeding times. Getting my son to stop playing, just too disappointed every time.

  • gloria brewer

    I am getting disappointed…. I enjoy the game, and even indulge in gold occasionally…. but this is ridiculous. I had been trying for Easter, & was surprised with a Mythic….& nowhere near enough cash for the maze. 6 Mill….come on! I have been clearing & expanding, spending ridiculous amounts on those already. I guess I will be giving up my new addiction. Thanks Teamlava

  • Jonas

    Hey I´m using Android with the latest Easter- Version of Dragonstory but every time i try to build the Mythtic Maze my screen turns black and the Game closes … is there someone else with this problem and how do i fix it ?

  • gatot eka jaya

    so expensive -,-

  • reqmt

    Yeah, 6 mil is way too much for habitat! I think I will actually try to avoid getting the Mythic. If I end up with it I might just have to sell it. The habitat is too expensive and it’s too expensive to feed. I certainly don’t want to spend a ton of $ on gold. I get gold occasionally when I have a few extra bucks but the amount needed for this is insane! Please do an update that lowers the cost or like I said I’ll just avoid them all together and most likely end up stopping the game play at some point. Or maybe try Dragon Vale instead. Take care of your customers Team Lava.

  • cyn

    Its too expensive. people will end up leaving the game. its a shame because its a great game.

  • Death_Virus

    Its worth this much if you can get Helios Dragon

  • Polly

    I only have 3million saved, guess I have to leave my m

  • Tormentadefueg

    Tienen toda la razón es casi imposible conseguirlo es una auténtica burrada por favor agregue en soy tormentadefueg 6millones imposible de conseguir espero q hagan una actualización aunque me encanta este juego y voy a seguir intentando lo :)

  • Min Set Paing

    I have hatched the Mythic dragon but i can’t afford to buy its habitat cos it is very expensive to buy.

  • Krisha50

    All the above is true I don’t have 6 million for mystic habitat it want let me get it saying I have reached my limit for this level what the teamlava you are going to lose a lot of customers what a pity for all concerned

  • Krisha50

    Also I have a mythic dragon it will stay on the nest till it rots

  • anniengo

    I need a lotus, pls add and send it for me. Thanks. nick:anniengo2501

  • Tammie Blount

    I JUST now got the coins for my mythic dragon (which was ridiculous) and now I have a fairy tail dragon which requires 4 million!!! Come on!!! Why so high??? All this is going to do is make people quit playing your game! Please bring your costs for habitats down!!

  • Dragotopia

    I have been collecting money for 1 month still I only have 5,147,000 . Add : yadu97

  • mariana kyung

    I got the mythic dragon and after days collecting money from habitats to buy the mythic maze I finally got a bit over 6,000,000 coins but some seconds after I buy the mythic maze the game always stars processing and goes back to before I bought it. Has it happened to someone? Please help

  • putudenny

    After 3 weeks, finally i got it,,mythic maze with surely mythic dragon…damn it was bored

  • sharon

    Today, 11/27/13, the price just went down to 1 million coins. I bought 2.

  • Agill

    very very very cheap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1