Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon


The Oracle Dragon in Dragon Story is a special Dragon that was released on January 9 2014. Oracle Dragon can breed the dragon using the elements that make up the dragon in the game using a breeding den in the game. Unfortunately it may be difficult depending on the rarity of the dragon.

“Can Oracle Dragons really see the future? Even though some caretakers have their doubts, it’s hard to discount the stories of Oracle Dragons arriving in the nick of time to prevent accidents and save the day. Whether they’ve got special foresight or just a lot of luck, it’s worth having one on your Isles.” – Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story Mythic ElementDragon Story White element

Dragon Story Oracle Dragon

Release Date:
January 9 2014

Rarity:   Rare

Hatching Time: 12 hours
Buying Price:  800Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: White/Mythic

Evolution Time:  12 hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.3/5 (1 vote cast)

Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon Key Features

  • Oracle Dragon
  • White/Mythic type dragon
  • Rare to obtain
  • Selected players can breed this dragon

Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon breeding guide

  • You can breed this dragon using the Light Dragon and the Mythic Dragon
  • The breeding time is 12 hours

Confirmed Combination

  • If you do not have the event then you can breed this dragon using Night Dragon and the Mythic Dragon

Breeding Notes

  • With the breeding combinations in hand, keep in mind that breeding is completely up to your luck in the game and for them to give you the dragon.
  • The Rarity will help you understand your chances but it will ultimately be up to your game.
  • The breeding order of left or right in the breeding den does not matter. The Level of your breeding dragon also do not matter.

Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon Evolution Guide

  • *Note Android players will need to use the temple at level 4!
  • *Note: New 2013 Apple players will require to evolve their dragons at level 4

The Dragon Story Oracle Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution.

At level 9 you will evolve your creature into its most powerful and final form called Epic.

  • Egg – The egg is what is revealed to the players after they have completed the breeding process. You may place this egg into a Nest for hatching.
  • Baby – The baby form is hatched from the egg and is the youngest form of the entire evolution process.
  • Teen – Teen is the evolved form of your baby creature. You can evolve your dragon at level 4 without using the evolution chamber on Apple devices, while on Android you must use the evolution chamber. You will be able to breed after they have reached level 4.
  • Adult – The adult stage is a almost full grown dragon in Dragon Story. You can evolve your dragons at the end of level 6 where he will need to use the evolution chamber to become an adult.
  • Epic – The epic form is the final and most powerful form of them all. Embodied with powers of their representing elemental colors, the epic form is filled with great design and represents the full grown evolution of your dragon. You can evolve your Adult Dragon into Epic Dragon at level 9.

Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  322 Level 6  779
Level 2 383 Level 7  1011
Level 3  437 Level 8  1107
Level 4  618 Level 9  1188
Level 5  705 Level 10  1449

Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Food may vary depending on the version you are playing.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 5 Level 6  500
Level 2 20 Level 7  1200
Level 3  40 Level 8 2500
Level 4  100 Level 9  5000
Level 5  240 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
  Dragon Story Oracle Dragon egg  Dragon Story Oracle Dragon
Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Oracle Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Oracle Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Oracle Dragon Epic


  5 Responses to “Dragon Story: Oracle Dragon”

  1. First try, parakeet and atlas.
    Good luck.

  2. Sorry I meant leopar and atlas !!

  3. Light + mythic = 12 hours breeding.. Hope it is an oracle dragon..

  4. Add BossBullies

  5. Got it on my first try with Mythic and Light dragons. Good luck everyone

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