Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon


The Treasure Dragon in Dragon Story was discovered on April 26 2013 and released on April 25 2013  right after the Eclipse Dragon that was just released before. The Treasure Dragon is the coolest dragon of all and is the first dragon that allows you to generate gold in your habitats!

” Treasure Dragons are uneasy about dragons or Caretakers that are well-lit. If they are approached by someone in the daytime, they will often reposition themselves so that they are flying in between the Caretaker and the Sun, puttin gthe person in the shade.” – Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story Treasure Element

Dragon Story Treasure Dragon

Release Date:

April 29 2013

Rarity:  Super Rare

Hatching Time:  19 Hours

Buying Price:  800 Dragon Story Gold Icon

Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon

Habitat: Treasure

Level Requirement: 40

Evolution Time: 19 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.5/5 (9 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon Key Features

  • Treasure Dragon
  • Super Rare
  • Generates GOLD!!
  • Requires level 40+
  • Treasure

Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon breeding guide


The breeding combination for this dragon has not been confirmed in this recent release. However, the most recommended combination is using an _______ Dragon and an ______ Dragon. 





You have to be level 40+.

The evolution time for the Treasure Dragon is 19 Hours. Breeding of the dragons left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Treasure Dragon or another dragon.

For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Treasure Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.

Once you have obtained the Treasure Dragon egg and the hatched the Treasure Dragon you can place the Treasure Dragon into the Treasure habitat in your Dragon Story island.

Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Treasure Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution. You will gain his Adult form after level 6 and when you feed your dragon towards level 9 he will then use the evolution chamber once again.

When you evolve your dragon from level 9 to level 10 he will evolve into his final form which is named “Epic” form.

Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1  1Dragon Story Treasure Element/ Day Level 6
Level 2 Level 7  4Dragon Story Treasure Element/Day
Level 3 Level 8
Level 4  2Dragon Story Treasure Element/Day Level 9
Level 5 Level 10  5Dragon Story Treasure Element/Day

Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 25 Level 6  1250
Level 2  50 Level 7  3000
Level 3  125 Level 8  7000
Level 4  300 Level 9  12500
Level 5  750 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story Treasure Dragon Egg  Dragon Story Treasure Dragon
Teen Adult
 Dragon Story Treasure Dragon Teen  Dragon Story Treasure Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Treasure Dragon Epic


  99 Responses to “Dragon Story: Treasure Dragon”

  1. OMG! Add me! Send me gold! πŸ˜› ID: jacksparx

  2. What is going on with this game. We have to spend 6 million coins on a habitat for a dragon who requires more food than any other to evolve, while producing less coin than some of the most common dragons. Now we have a new dragon that can only be bought with gold and placed in yet another new habitat that cost 8 million coin. You people have lost your damn minds and I will not be playing any of the storm games anymore

  3. Ok TL is driving me crazy! This is a very dumb dragon is too much gold and habitat to expensive
    I could more than 5 gold in a day the to my awesome nbors (u know who u are)!
    Add? Valeria36
    Not accepting 0 egged nbors! πŸ™‚

    • Why don’t you people accept neighbours with zero eggs? I send gold to all my friends everyday, even though I never visit anyone.

      • I’m that way also! I am on the ball sending gold as soon as it lets me but I don’t always get to visit the nbrs everyday. Personally I don’t care what their visiting level is in any of the TL games as long as they send the gifts and visit from time to time.

      • Because you only can give 3 gold a day. If you select all friends it gives randomly. It takes me 1/2 an hour to visit my friends each day. Zero eggs & no visits eventually gets them deleted. It’s like having a friend who is always too busy to call or write.

      • I’ll add ya! meep86 πŸ™‚

  4. Omg crazy game? πŸ™ I took a long time to collect coins but that is still hard to buy the new habitats! Their value always increase and increse super high! Than new dragons also eat a lot of food but amost of new dragons give just little coins! πŸ™

  5. And someone know how to breed this dragon! I think it is hard to breed than diamond because we know how to try breeding a diamond_use 4 colors yellow red green and blue_ but this dragon dont let us know about that!

    • Wow! ” U cant breed and u must buy this dragon!” I saw this! Ok I will never have it in my island!

    • I have diamond πŸ™‚
      Want to add me?
      I will send you gold if you send me.

    • Try breeding gold dragon(yellow and diamond) and gemstone. And IT IS BREEDABLE!!!! Not that I have bred it but it did not write “not found through breeding” in it’s description like it would in the description of the fortune dragon or even the gilded dragon(another gold type dragon). SO treasure dragon breedable!!!!!!

  6. So it costs 800 gold to buy and it produces at most 5 gold a day? That’s going to take about 4 and a half months just to cover the cost of it!

  7. I will delete this game. Goodbye dragonstory

    • Why are you going to delete dragon story
      It is such a awesome game

    • I agree, this is a sweet game. Y’all add me milfordwr

      • Because everyone agree that it’s going mad. As many people complained, too many new dragons are being released – too bad their habitats cost up to 8 millions, they require ten times more food than the previous dragon (that is, if you feed them with the normal Dragon Story and not with the New Dawn version) even though they produce half the coin the “old generation” dragons did. Plus, all new kinds (pink, night, epic, fairytale, cosmic, stone) ALL divide in the basic colours (unlike, say, magic, light and diamond) when you breed them, thus making the hybrids nigh impossible to obtain. The creators of Dragon Story wish to release cool but impossible breedable dragons, so that people will be forced to buy them… Spending up to 70€! That’s criminal. That’s why many people are deleting their Dragon Story, disgusted.

  8. I love dragon story and at the beginning was really easy to get dragons, but i think i have to agree with a few really annoyed people that everything is starting to get out of hand and the fun has been taken out of the game. Maybe an update to make it cheaper to get rid of trees and not to expensive for habitats would b a start. And a gold bonus every week for long term players. I think people would start coming back then πŸ™‚

  9. If this dragon becomes limited time, I’m deleting this game and going back to dragonvale >(

    • Dragonvale is way better anyway, team lava are nothing but a bunch if greedy tyrants, 8 mill on dragonvale only takes me less then a day, oh and no evolution temple , multiple breeding nests and caves, and best of all 27 popups about other stupid games befor u can tend your dragons. F off TL I’m deleting all your stupid games, maybe if enough of us do it they will get the hint.

      • Yeah. They’ve gotten to bethe money hungry. The cost of the gold is overkill. I love Dragonvale. Been playing it for a little over a month now. Dragonvale beats dragonstory by a mile. After seeing the treasure dragon scam I’m uninastalling dragonstory. The whole game is a rip off now.

  10. WOW they are completely destroying dragon story by having everything so expensive. Just an another game I dont have to worry about. DELETED!!

  11. Wahoo this is soo cool! U lot stop hatin on the boss inventors.

    • Are you crazy? We have a solid good reason to hate the game. Not everyone can afford the cost of buying hundreds and thousands of gold. You pay more for a small amout for the price. Not to mention all the coins it takes to buy the habitats. It’s a scam. They only want your money now. Sure it was created just for entertainment at first but that was untill it became so popular. Now they’re like zombies that want brains. “money…money….give us your money so you can buy cool dragons.”

      • Steph you made my day lol! You’re right!

      • Punjid is right. You don’t HAVE to buy it people! Dragon Story is awesome for a free game. Back off. Team Lava did just fine.

        • You and Punjid are so blatantly employees of TL it is disgusting. No one would write yoohoo for this game or write in capital letters unless their job depended on it. It is just another reason I am migrating to DragonVale

  12. No it’s a very big lie my friend play this game too and he breed it with diamond and gold

    • Really? Why they write here_ u cant breed and in goals also write tha same thing that ” visit market and buy this dragon” they dont tell us how to breed treasure dragon as other dragons! Maybe your friend lie to u! Her or him bought it! I think!

      • Nope because if u maybe went to the market to check the discription u would see it doesn’t say *can not be obtained through breeding*

    • I haven’t tried yet because I’m fairly new to Dragon Story via Restaurant Story (only downloaded for the gems and got sooooo caught up). I’m a writer and ergo research anything before I dive in. After hours and hours of research on this game I wrote a plan and one of the steps in the plan was breeding the Treasure Dragon. I had to do a number of other things first, like pay for a place to put it twice (expand & clear), breed the other necessary elements… Anyhoo, I would never have written this plan if breeding this dragon was impossible, based on my research the dragon can indeed be bred using the Diamond Dragon and the Air Dragon.

      However I may not be the person who prove the theory because…let me tell you a funny story.

      I wanted a Yellow/Blue dragon to complete the second generation dragons on my island and bred the Air and Water dragons. When I got a 14 hour breed time I was excited because aesthetics really matter when you name your island Thommy’s Icandy, I was sure I got a mist instead of the Mindvolt. So imagine my surprise 14 hours later when the Rainbow egg showed up in my nest. At first I was elated, but then I was like a father who was expecting a son but ended up with triplets, girls. OMG, this baby is going to be homeless. I did not have 500,000 for a f*c#!ng Rainbow Road!

      Long story, short (is it too late for that?) I believe I agree with the majority and will soon delete the fabulous little free game that isn’t free at all in the long run, I know because I still have the Rainbow.

      • The treasure dragon can’t be bred, only purchased. You can breed a gold dragon with diamond and air, but it’s a completely different dragon. I agree that this game is getting a little out of hand with the prices. However, once you reach the higher levels and your dragons bring in more silver, it’s a lot easier to make money. It’s just like the other TL games… You can play without buying gold or gems, but it’s still frustrating when not having enough makes certain tasks nearly impossible. I have dragonvale as well, but I have all the dragonvale dragons, so now I’m kind of out of things to do. I kind of like the challenge of trying to get new and harder to get dragons. Although I find myself completely annoyed at times, I’m not at the point where I’m going to delete the game. I have awesome neighbors who help me out with gold, and since I have so many dragons- it only takes me a couple days to raise the 6 million for a new habitat. All I can say is hang in there and just like all the other TL games, it is possible to make a nice islands without the having a ton of gold. I do hope TL will stop being so greedy and come to their senses and make some changes. Especially with habitat and expansion/tree removal prices!

        Add me:meep86

        Have a great day everyone!

  13. This game is becoming one big joke, and this treasure dragon is the biggest load of crap still. I spent the gold to buy it, built the habitat, got him to level 10 where it is supposed to shell out 5 gold/day….i’ve had it for 2 full days now and all i’ve managed to get was a total of 4 gold.

  14. Does TL even b other reading forums? Cus I still think is sad that iOS get better benefits with extra dragonds and androids have to take ot or delete the game, so I will be deleting my acco8nt too, I’ve spend a lot of money and now I regret it, gonna stick to D.O.T better.

  15. Wow. How money hungry can you get? This is pure B.S. not all parents are willing to pay the money for all the gold needed. I know that if this was around when i was little my mom wouldn’t see a point in paying for gold period. I’ve been playing this game for about 6 months and not once have i bought any gold. What gold i get is from friends and installing certain free apps that dragon story suggests; you get 30 gold for each installment and 15 for playing the apps to a certain level.

  16. Please add me i need gold too : samalyss27

  17. Appearently you can breed this dragon. One of my neighbors got it when he bred a fairy dragon with a wizard dragon. As for all of you guys wanting immediate gratification, who cares if its expensive, take your time, save up, and just enjoy the process, Rome was noy built in a day and neither will be your island. I’ve only bought one dragon so far and I’ve built up quite an island. Invite me and see: Azureghost.

    • There is no proof whatsoever you can breed this dragon. On top of that, it stated CLEARLY in the developer notes that you BUY THIS DRAGON.

      Your neighbor was bsing. Thanks.

      • Thank you for clearing that up, clearly the idea that my neighbor didn’t breed it offended you. I’m so glad we have studious people like you patrolling these forums to make sure that idiots like me don’t mislead people with foolish notions like being able to breed dragons or enjoy the game.

        • Exactly I hate when these type of people say something like ” your neighbor didn’t breed that dragon” they can’t say that without proof

  18. I didn’t care about the treasure dragon and gold,I just care about diamond and infinity dragon.i just wan’t those 2 dragon in my island

    • A lot player got a diamond for free! Keep try and u will get it one day! πŸ™‚

    • I got my 2 diamond dragons by breeding turkey with aurora and mirage with forest. Pretty much try to use any combination that has red,yellow,green, & blue. If I need more help add me sharon_12

  19. I just wish they had a cancel hatching when u get the same breed u already have…

  20. I don’t have treasure dragon in android

  21. I deleted this game from my phone TL has gotten greedy and I will NOT be giving them anymore of my money!!!

  22. I know how to hatch a diamond dragon!
    To hatch a diamond dragon you must put storm fire dragon and island dragon
    You will get 20% off hatching it

  23. I hatch a treasure dragon!
    To hatch a treasure dragon you must put diamond dragon and infinity dragon???

  24. Finally got 1!
    Looks so adorable
    Check it out
    Ign : FiletOFin
    Add me.

  25. I am losing my mind!
    First limited addition dragons And now this!
    That is not fair!!:(
    You are lucky I am still playing this game!
    But I am warning you team lava!:(

  26. you should complain about this on LAVA team webboard
    I play this game more than a year, I can see everyone’s point
    first i love to playing this game keep breeding new dragons but now
    this game just getting a lot wrose and ridiculous to play
    they really want our money right now
    this game is sucks!!!

  27. Fuck all the idiots who think this game sucks

    • Hmm dear Shayan, thanks for your lovely comment. As we all understand, you are probably a team lava worker. Good luck..with all these stupid changes and ridiculous greedy arrangements, soon you will be deleted from the market, similar destiny as your games are starting to be deleted from our devices;)

  28. It is getting rediculous (sorry if I missed spelled that) it took me 8 months to breed a dragon this is fucking bull shit!!!!!! You suck dick TL!!!!

  29. Add me if you wish sebano2381

  30. In reading many of the above comments. I have to agree. This game has become all about greed and too quickly if you ask me. The associated cost of coins has went through the roof, food requirements of … 50,000-60,000 for going from level 9-10 alone for most of the newer dragons is silly. The max food you can make is 4800 at one time which takes 5 hours. If you managed to get 3 x farming in a day that would cost 1,350,000 a day just to produce 14,400 food… Then dragons that are now only available with gold purchases.. And don’t get me wrong if it was say… 300 gold which is a lot to save up that would be really difficult but 800 gold is basically stating its a purchase only dragon.. Ya… I’m done with this game as well.

  31. I am at level 72 & am unable to even purchase this dragon. I think it is unfair that certain users (iPad ext) have options that users with an Android platform are unable to access. Other examples are the ability to craft dragons that are otherwise unbreedable and can only be purchased.

  32. So tired grrr this game is suck because so many dragons to get fix this game owner!! Many dragons to get and just have this dragon is have anothor new one ohhhhh and to many quest! PLEASE FIX THIS GAME πŸ™‚ IN-JOY

  33. This game is nothing compare to dragonvale. It takes too much time to make food, then evolved for 3 x to get epic…pathetic….incubation time is too long….dragonvale was easier to make money and foods. Also graphic is much better than TL….more dragons that is not duplicate like TL…..hand down to TL games

  34. Need neighbors who return gold. I send everyday. Add me if u do the same. Shellmac11

  35. Yeah…. Im starting to hate dragon story too…. But it’s hard for me to delete mine, there are a lot of dragons I have bred…most of them were bred on coincidence… I even have the diamond dragon. I’m much more to breeding dragon than raising them. Add me if you like. ID: Inchisa

  36. It is really unfair at first but later on it becomes better you can buy things that you always wanted and even speed up special things like battle arena,healing spring,breeding,hatching and the quest outpost so it’s unfair at first but later on it gets better and anyway you can show off to your friends saying I have the treausure dragon ooo yeah

    So why hate dragon story when there is so much to it add me hipppppppppppppppo there is 15 p’s

  37. Btw I have 2 diamonds 1 infinity and 1 mercury so add me Plz hipppppppppppppppo 15 p’s

  38. Hubby got me the treasure today and I am ecstatic! Is evolving to level 7 right now πŸ™‚ don’t feel stressed about the game, if you like it enjoy it. I got my diamond with aurora/virtue. My hubby with eagle/serpent. Mom with aurora/light and my buddy with mirage/dawntree. I hope this helps you to breed the diamond! Good luck πŸ˜‰

  39. Add me itz_ebonie and check out my dragons πŸ™‚

  40. I can’t afford this damm dragon and I know a secret to breed it FUCK TEAM LAVA πŸ™

  41. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  42. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  43. Yeah, I got it!! While on a holiday I collected coins for the habitat and now I have my treasure dragon. Not with breeding but spending 800 gold πŸ™
    Wanna see?? Add me: Marieketje

  44. Why is this not available for android …

  45. I hate buying dragon i wish that all of the dragons in the dragon story will cost coins only they just wasting money >>>>>:::::(((((

  46. Ughhhh I hope they lower the price of habitats and dragons because I’m starting to get mad that the new dragons need like 3000 food at level 9 >:(

  47. I was diligently saving my gold to buy the Treasure dragon, getting close to 300 gold, almost halfway to the 800 required, only to notice that the Treasure Dragon now costs 2000 gold!! What the f***!! This stupid game sucks when prices go up almost 300% with no warning.

  48. Clearly none of you realize that the fun is in the challenge of breeding the dragon that so few people are lucky enough to have… But whatever. If you wish you may make the rash decision to delete a perfectly fun game simply because you are too impatient too be able to enjoy a challenge… That’s up to you. And no, I’m not some little drone paid to say this. Drones try to stay up with modern language and don’t use practical thought or grammar. Now, go play your little games and stop makeing comments about you don’t want them to try to challenge you, and I’m going to go continue trying to breed my diamond dragon.

  49. I had to sell my royal dragon because the habitat was to expensive!!!!!

  50. I was also saving my gold to buy the treasure dragon and it went up to 2000 gold, anyway I hope that TL makes an offer for black friday with this dragon to make it affordable, at least back to its original 800 gold price.

    • Yes me too! I collected so close of 800 golds but its value go up too high to 2000 golds after that ! Too bad!:(

  51. There is a comment by meep 86 where she says that team lava will stop being greedy and lower the price of habitats and all. Yes it’s true, they have lowered the price of habitats, like the gemstone pararie from 2000,000 to 300,000, the mythic maze from 6000,000 to 1000,000, the stone quarry from 6000,000 to 1000,000, the rainbow road from 500,000 to 100,000, the metal mines from 1000,000 to 500,000 and I know they will also lower the price of other things shortly. It’s not so a bad game to hate so much. Add me my storm8 id – rohitav916.

  52. I have been playing this game since they first started . at first dragon story was so awesome there were not many elements and everything was cheap like the habitats and the dragon needs lesser food and you can buy dragons with coins (fire,grass,air,light )and not gold right after the virtue dragon was released all the dragons needed gold to buy and are all single element except for some they started getting greedy so people will buy gold to buy useless dragons that give lesser coins than common dragons and i heard dragon story is trying to compete with dragon vale story trying teamlava you will never win. Going to go back to dragon vale soon and never come back to dragon story

  53. I dont see the point. They raised the fing price to 2000 gold I mean WTF TEAM LAVA YOUR GREEDY BASTARDS!!!!!! 99.00 for 2500 gold Take your treasure dragon and stick it where the sun dont shine!!!!! There is NO WAY I will pay that just for a stupid dragon that only generates 5 gold a day!!!!! The least you can do is up how much gold it makes it wiuld take months and months to make back what you spend to buy it. SO TIRED OF GREEDY DEVELOPERS!!!! Like you dont make enough on your other games!!!!

  54. Good god I can’t believe how much gold this is!!
    I will never reach that amount in at least a year!!
    THAT NO ONE CAN AFFORD?!!! What’s the point??
    For stormiest park to roll around in gold while we are
    As poor as peasants!!?

  55. Omg its just a game u people complain like a bunch of women on the rag geez

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