Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon


The Tusker Dragon in Dragon Story was a dragon released on September 27 2012 a week after the release of the Dragon Story: New Dawn upgrade. This Tusker Dragon features the elements of white and red or also known as Light hybrid dragons.

“Tusker Dragons are born with only one tusk, but they take great pride in the solitary protrusion. Whenever the ground beneath their feet is soft, they like to jam their tusk into it. Caretakers often dater this behavior by sticking an apple on the end of the tooth. The dragons don’t mind; they’ll lick the apple all day.” – Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story White elementDragon Story - Fire Element Symbol

Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Baby

Release Date: Sept 27 2012

Release Version: New Dawn
Rarity: Super Rare

Hatching Time: 21  Hours
Buying Price:  1,300 Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: White Meadow, Red Rock Habitat
Level Requirement: 17

Evolution Time:  21 Hours

Similar Dragons

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.7/5 (2 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon Key Features

  • Light and Red Hybrid
  • Extremely adorable!

Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon breeding guide

If you want to breed the Tusker Dragon, it is recommended that you use a Light Dragon and a Fire Dragon. This will give you a chance at obtaining the Tusker Dragon, but keep in mind you’ll also be able to breed any other Red/Light hybrid in the process.

This dragon is also ranked as a Super Rare to obtained and is even classified as super rare in the description.

Please keep in mind that breeding left or right does not matter. The level of your dragon also does not matter. It is up to chance of your game to give you the correct breeding time of the dragon.

Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon Evolution Guide

The Dragon Story Tusker Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolutions.

At level 9 you will evolve your creature into its most powerful and final form called Epic.

Egg – The egg is what is revealed to the players after they have completed the breeding process. You may place this egg into a Nest for hatching.

Baby – The baby form is hatched from the egg and is the youngest form of the entire evolution process.

Teen – Teen is the evolved form of your baby creature. You can evolve your dragon at level 4 without using the evolution chamber on Apple devices, while on Android you must use the evolution chamber. You will be able to breed after they have reached level 4.

Adult – The adult stage is a almost full grown dragon in Dragon Story. You can evolve your dragons at the end of level 6 where he will need to use the evolution chamber to become an adult.

Epic – The epic form is the final and most powerful form of them all. Embodied with powers of their representing elemental colors, the epic form is filled with great design and represents the full grown evolution of your dragon. You can evolve your Adult Dragon into Epic Dragon at level 9.

Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1  250 Level 6  1200
Level 2  400 Level 7  1425
Level 3  525 Level 8  1612
Level 4  750 Level 9  1800
Level 5  975 Level 10 2000Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

If your Light Dragons feeding cost does not match this then it is suggested that you launch your original Dragon Story game and feed them from there (it may be fixed soon, so do it while you still can!).

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 1Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6 100
Level 2 4 Level 7 240
Level 3 8 Level 8 500
Level 4 20 Level 9 1000
Level 5 50 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Egg  Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Baby
 Teen  Adult
 Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Teen  Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story - Tusker Dragon Epic


  31 Responses to “Dragon Story: Tusker Dragon”

  1. I was trying to get laserlight dragon but then I got this in breeding id charlie0012

    • i was trying to breed justice dragon but i got laserlight ,tusker and love dragon
      i used virtue with fire dragon got these 3 but still dont have justice dragon πŸ™

  2. I was going for a laser light and I got tusker breeding Id silverpari

  3. I was going for love I got this light and fire both lvl.10 first try xD

  4. My I’d is Erequilman

  5. I'm breeding planet and light

  6. I was trying to get a laserlight, but I got tusker with my first try!! ID: kathrinf1

  7. Trying to get virtue and I got 21 hours πŸ™‚ lvl 7 light and level 4 love

  8. Was trying for the tiny dragon (virtue and light) but got this!

  9. I now have 5 laser lights and 2 tuskers, I just want my justice dragon ;C

  10. Bred virtue and forest. How the heck did I get tusker?!?!

  11. Got ist on my 2 Try. Want to breed a chocolate get a tusker with lv4 and lv 7 light❀

  12. *virtue abd light ❀

  13. Necesito saber como puedo conseguir el tusker y tambien el diamante me hariais un gran favor gracias

  14. Necesito saber como conseguir el tuker y el diamante me hariais un gran favor gracias

    • Firestorm dragon (rojo y amarillo) y island dragon (azul y verde), para un diamond dragon…yo necesite varios intentos…a la tercera o cuarta lo consegui, trata combinar siempre los 4 colores en el breeding. Cuando te aparezca 2 dias y para terminar ahora sean 44 de oro entonces ya puedes estar segura de que es un diamond. El turkey yo acabo de conseguirlo es rojo y light pero… puede salir otra conbinacion

  15. Wanted chocolate got this instead

  16. I got mine on my second go! Come and see if you want! Id. Squigglybump

  17. I got this dragon breeding night and virtue πŸ™‚

  18. By the comments I’d say the best way to get this one is to use virtue with a night or a light dragon

  19. Guys i got one but add me with gold if u like and ill tell u

  20. Guys i got one but add me with gold if u like and ill tell u muzu26

  21. Anybody Kno dragon story cheats for gold n food without jail breaking iPhone? I spend too much money and now they went up on sped up time with gems for evoking and getting space gems doubled and what’s this diamond booster worth? Feeyahsaysso

  22. Add feeyahsaysso anybody with info on diamond booster

  23. I breed red and virtue hoping to get justice. But i got a egg tt will hatch in 21hr. Is it a Tusker?

  24. tried to get a virtue dragon the 1st time and got this. this is second time i got a super rare before a common. titan first and now this. atleast this wasnt 32 hrs long

  25. I’ve played the game a few times, then deleted it. I downloaded it again today; tucker dragon 21 hours. First try

  26. can you breed this dragon on the normal dragon story or do you have to upgrade to new dawn cause it doesn’t show it on dragon lists under light or red dragons

  27. Breed griffin n fire 21 hrs. Wishing for santa but santa is 14 hrs. Hope I don’t run out of gold before I got santa n other Christmas fellas..

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