Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon


The Virtue Dragon in Dragon Story is a secretly spotted dragon in the game. It was discovered in November 2012 but was released on December 18 2012 officially in the game. This secret dragon is extremely rare and only those with great luck will be able to get one for their islands!

” Unlike most other dragons, Virtue Dragons are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. They value morals above all else and choose to live in seclusion, away from other dragons. They will only cohabitate with dragons and dragon keepers who they believe to be of the highest moral fiber.” – Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon Shop Description

 Dragon Story - Pink Symbol Element

Dragon Story Virtue Dragon icon


Release Date:
December 18 2012

Rarity: Rare

Hatching Time: 33  Hours
Buying Price:  600Dragon Story Gold Icon
Selling Price: 100 Dragon Story Coin Icon
Habitat: Pink Prairie

Evolution Time: 33 Hours

Also see

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.5/5 (9 votes cast)

Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon Key Features

  • First pink dragon
  • Single Pink element/symbol

Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon breeding guide

Breeding the Virtue Dragon is unknown please comment below.

To breed the Virtue Dragon, it is recommended you use the  Light Dragon and the Fire Dragon. The breeding time for this dragon is 33 Hours, so if you get a  hours breeding time then you have a Virtue dragon breeding in your isle!

Other combinations include

  • Love Dragon + Fire Dragon
  • Love Dragon + Light Dragon
  • Laserlight Dragon + Light Dragon
  • Laserlight Dragon + Fire Dragon
  • Tusker Dragon + Fire Dragon
  • Tusker Dragon + Light Dragon

With the breeding combinations in hand, keep in mind that breeding is completely up to your luck in the game and for them to give you the dragon.

The Rarity will help you understand your chances but it will ultimately be up to your game.

The breeding order of left or right in the breeding den does not matter. The Level of your breeding dragon also do not matter.

Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon Evolution Guide

*Note Android players will need to use the temple at level 4!

The Dragon Story Virtue Dragon will have four forms. He will evolve into his second form at level 4. Once you have leveled him to level 6 you will need to use the evolution temple where you will need to further evolve him for the other evolution.

At level 9 you will evolve your creature into its most powerful and final form called Epic.

Egg – The egg is what is revealed to the players after they have completed the breeding process. You may place this egg into a Nest for hatching.

Baby – The baby form is hatched from the egg and is the youngest form of the entire evolution process.

Teen – Teen is the evolved form of your baby creature. You can evolve your dragon at level 4 without using the evolution chamber on Apple devices, while on Android you must use the evolution chamber. You will be able to breed after they have reached level 4.

Adult – The adult stage is a almost full grown dragon in Dragon Story. You can evolve your dragons at the end of level 6 where he will need to use the evolution chamber to become an adult.

Epic – The epic form is the final and most powerful form of them all. Embodied with powers of their representing elemental colors, the epic form is filled with great design and represents the full grown evolution of your dragon. You can evolve your Adult Dragon into Epic Dragon at level 9.

Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings
Level 1  174 Level 6  421
Level 2  207 Level 7  546
Level 3  236 Level 8  598
Level 4  334 Level 9  642
Level 5  381 Level 10  783Dragon Story Coin Icon

Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon Food/Feed Amount Chart

Food may vary depending on the version you are playing.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 3Dragon Story - Food icon Level 6 300
Level 2 12 Level 7 720
Level 3 24 Level 8 1500
Level 4 60 Level 9 3000
Level 5 150 Level 10 MaxDragon Story - Food icon

Dragon Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby
 Thanks to Tucawt
Virtue Dragon Egg
Our confirmation
Dragon Story Virtue Dragon egg
 Dragon Story Virtue Dragon icon
Teen Thanks to Tucawt
Dragon Story Virtue Dragon Teen
Adult Thanks to Tucawt
Dragon Story Virtue Dragon Adult
 Dragon Story Virtue Dragon Epic


  191 Responses to “Dragon Story: Virtue Dragon”

  1. i think you can breed white and red to get virtue dragon

  2. I breeded light n fire and got this

  3. I bred white and red! It took 2 days to breed for pink

  4. I breed Leftheart and Love dragon so i get Pink.

  5. I bred laserlight and white and got this on second attempt.

  6. Bred laserlight + light and got it on the first attempt. Breeding time 33 hours. Love and light didn’t work for me, tried it for 2 times, got love each time.

  7. I bred love and light.

  8. I was trying to breed a laserlight but ended getting this virtue dragon first time.

  9. So I’m breeding fire & light dragons…says 2 days breeding time!! Will this be a Virtue dragon? Or will is say 33 hrs?

    • it will say 2 days. However, you can tell the hours by looking at the gold required to finish. For breeding, it’s 1 g/h 🙂 So, if you see 33 gold, then you are getting a virtue. Good luck.

  10. Can a kindle fire user obtain the necessary habitat to house the virtue dragon? Or is this dragon only for the other gaming users?

    • This is for the people who have Kindle Fires and can’t get any new dragons: First, under settings, click device. Allow installation of apps from other sources. Then, on your kindle’s browser, type in 1mobile. Then, in the search field, type in Dragon Story Spring. The icon should show the Dragon Story Logo with a Flower in the bottom righthand corner of the app. Click download. You will then be prompted to log into your email. They WON’T steal any information, it’s just for download purposes. It will then start to download in Kindle Notification Centre. Once it is downloaded, DON’T delete the original Dragon Story. The original Dragon Story will instantly transfer all your dragons, coins, gold, and food. You can ONLY purchase gold on the original game (because the spring version is from an unknown source), but the gold you buy on the original will instantly transfer to the spring edition. So keep the original dragon story so you can buy gold. Now you may play the Spring Edition, which has all dragons, up to the Turquoise dragon!! XD Hope I helped! I also believe this applies to other tablets as well. Enjoy your new features! 😀

  11. got her in my first try use light + fire try it thank u

  12. Add me: Bonkosu

  13. I breeded fire and light

  14. What level must you be on?

  15. First try with laserlight x love dragon.

  16. I bred love/light. Got virtue first try.

  17. yip. Bred epic red and epic white and got love dragon, and secon attempt got virtue.

  18. hahahalolz………. already hatched all of the red+white combination, tusker was 33, and nowww i have one 4 2 daysto breed. Preeetttttttty sure it is a pink….

  19. I bread forest and virtue and got 2 days breeding time. What is it??

  20. I have seen pink dragons in other dens that have strawberries and black edges on wings…does anyone know this dragon?

  21. These pink dragons were available until the night dragons were released. Are they till available for Google nexus tablets? Id is GiRaFfE123456

  22. I bred my fire dragon and my light dragon, and got virtue on the first try 🙂

  23. I bred Tusker and Charm and got a Virtue x
    Anyone no how to get ice cream or any of the new dark blue ones yet plz x

  24. This is ridiculous! I’ve tried to get love dragon but instead I’ve gotten 2 virtues in a row! I thought it was supposed to be rare!

    • I know what you mean… I got the virtue on the first try and any time I try to get something else, I just end up with more virtue dragons. Then again I’ve gotten so many love dragons I’m about ready to throw my phone out the window! They need a trading post where we can trade/sell dragons with other players… but that would make it too easy on us! add me meep86

      • Haha! LOL! I totally agree! I’ve gotten more virtue dragons than love! I will add you. If you see Bodanski2857 plse accept. That is me bye!

  25. Does anyone know if this Dragon is as easy to breed as the Night Dragon? Because I get Night Dragons a lot, (mostly coral dragons, but i get Nights frequently) but I only get Love & Laserlights or Tuskers. I never get a Pink Dragon. Can anyone explain why?

  26. I think I have a diamond dragon

    I was breeding ice cream with firestorm (first try) and now I have 44 hours. So I really hope it will be a diamond dragon.
    *fingers crossed*

    • I hate you. I’ve tried for a diamond forever! I just end up with a million of everything else! meep86

  27. I have tried light and love, light and laser light , and light and tusker and all I get is a million love dragons and a few Tusker dragons.

  28. I got it 2nd try with Tusker and Laserlight dragon. Just keep trying, you WILL get it. 😀

  29. How can I get this dragon?? HELP

  30. I bred a white with a red+blue
    Im pretty sure it was the light and fairy dragons..

    Add me: gentlemouse

  31. I have a kindle fire and got Dragon story sadly the day after I got the game the pink Dragon was no longer in the Dragon store or up for breeding will it come back or did I completely miss it????

  32. Thanks to gameteep I have every dragon that has ever been released on this game I’m level 99

  33. Finally got it after quite a few tries with lazer and love dragon. I have to say I rarely get new dragons been trying for super then someone said to try virtue with night and so I ended up trying for virtue. Good luck

  34. I got mine by breeding laser lught and winter.

  35. I have been saving up for a light dragon and light habitat. Just as I got on a few days ago my dragons breeding were ready. I put the egg in the nest and it was a freaking rainbow dragon! I had to keep it in the nest untill I had 500 freaking thousand coins for a habitat! I just hatched it and now I think I have another breeding! I’m never gonna have a light dragon! -_- Anybody wanna add me my

  36. I got the egg by breeding adult tusker dragon and adult fire, got it fist try

  37. I wanted a laserlight one and got this one twice in a row.. derp xD

  38. Got it first try breeding Fire & Light…33 hrs.. woot! Wished I’d read this first.. was breeding firestorn & light & got 2 Firestorms… 🙁

  39. I breed red and white. And i got this dragon in second attemp. Finally! 🙂
    Add me!
    ID: AliceK187

  40. Tried to get an owl dragon( light and firestorm) 33 hours ! Add me anne515w

  41. After 7 tries im finally getting the virtue dragon. Bred epic fire and lvl 8 light

  42. I bred fire and light and got 2 days :/ does anyone know what it could be???

  43. I got it first time with fire and light on my ipad!

  44. first try with fire light got laserlight second virtue dragon

  45. Got mine by breeding light and athletic, i was trying for a goodwitch but i didn’t have a virtue so i was thrilled bc i really wanted to get one

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