Wizard Dragon is a progressive leveling based game mainly relying on text and images for players to click on. You can do activities to earn dragon eggs and level up your dragons, and fight other players as you army builds. There isn’t any action in the game, and Dragon Wizard consists just of scrawling through menus, but because of the many different areas of gameplay that all can build up your army, it can be a fun, competitive game that requires little concentration skills.
App Name: Dragon Wizard
Seller: GameZen
Release Date:
March 8, 2013
Genre: Battle
Gameteep Rating: 3.5/5
Gamer Rating
Dragon Wizard Gameplay
Wizard Dragon is a niche game that borders a strategy genre that popular PC games such as Tribal Wars and Stronghold Kingdoms are based upon, however, in Wizard Dragon, a lot of gameplay is limited upon certain time renewable resources. Stamina, Energy, and Health are all used to determine how many actions you can perform in a certain time limit before having to wait in real time for resource regeneration to kick in.
The Energy resource is the one that drives most of the gameplay. You’ll need energy for doing missions, which in turn offer gold and experience points, as well as items such more dragon eggs.
Missions can be completed from the mission tab and are split up in different regions which can be unlocked as you level up. Each mission can be completed a number of times before the next mission is unlocked which will be subsequently harder than the previous one.
In this game though, ‘hard’ is a term used lightly, as it doesn’t take skill to complete, but instead time to build up resources and troops to take on each mission.
After gaining enough EXP, you can level up your dragons and its skills, and you can also purchase more dragons to fight with, as well as land to boost your income.
The gameplay in Wizard Dragon can be enjoyable, but cause of the timed resources, it makes it only playable for 5 or so minutes every few hours. If you’re into casual games and strategy games, this style of game found in Wizard Dragon will be great, otherwise, you may find the gameplay a little dull and repetitive.
Dragon Wizard Graphics
There aren’t many ways to show off graphics in Wizard Dragon, but when compared to games with a similar style of gameplay, Wizard Dragon’s graphics are certainly the cream of the crop. The 2D graphics could easily be seen in an art book due to their professional nature, and the dragons have been designed very well, all of which have their own personal appearance to them to make them stand out from the others.
Dragon Wizard Sounds
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Dragon Wizard Round-up
Wizard Dragon won’t appeal to many, but those who do enjoy it should get a good kick from it. One thing that does pop up though is that the artistic style and nature of the game make it look more suited for a children audience, however mature gamers are probably the ones going to make the most out of this game, due to the lack of action involved within the game.
Playing this has elements of MMORPGs due to the leveling system, and being able to build up your battle group can be an enjoyable past time, however due to the timed resources, the game can only be played in very short bursts throughout the day, making it a game that loses any purpose whilst resources are drained.
Bottom line: Worth the look for players that likes this style of gameplay.
Dragon Wizard Screenshots
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