Dragons: Rise of Berk – Fireworm Queen


The Fireworm Queen is one of the LIMITED EDITION dragons found in the mobile game Dragons Rise of Berk. A village builder game that allows you to build your very own Berk village with Hiccup and the rest of the “How To Train Your Dragon” friends.

Each Fireworm colony holds only one female the Queen! Although rare, when a new female is born, she sets out to establish her own colony. Talk about family drama! ~ Game Description

Dragons Rise of Berk - Fireworm Queen

Dragon: Fireworm Queen

Requirement: Limited Edition
Price: 3000 Runes
Hatch Time: 5 Days
Search: 8 Hours
Specialty: Wood/Fish
Location: Isle of the Quiet Life
At Lv.60:

Fish: —
Wood: 95.4K/H

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast)

Dragons: Rise of Berk – Fireworm Queen Key Features

  • Special Dragon
  • Limited Edition Dragon

About Dragons: Rise of Berk – Fireworm Queen

The Fireworm Queen in Dragons: Rise of Berk is a special limited edition dragon that is only available for a limited time. It is not available after it has expire and may return whenever the developers decides to bring it back for searching.

Requirement to get

This is a special limited edition dragon that is only available for a limited time, you can only purchase or search for this dragon during that time. And it will only show up in the market during that time as well, once it’s over it will be removed from the market.

Egg Design

Dragons Rise of Berk - Fireworm Queen egg

You can see it in the picture at the bottom left hand corner of the Fireworm Queen Dragon where the dragon resides.


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