Jun 272013

If you’re a daily players of DragonVale, then you know that the Firework Dragon is back in the market! In celebration of July 4, Independence Day, the Firework Dragon makes his appearance once again! First released on June 27 in 2012, this dragon is now back in DragonVale market and is available for breeding or for purchase.

DragonVale - Firework Dragon 2013

How to breed the Firework Dragon 2013

Being a dragon breeder means that you probably want to breed for the dragon in your park. Well, good news is that this dragon is a very simple to obtain dragon. The Dragon is an element of Air and Fire which means that you can use two simple dragons to obtain this limited edition dragon for your game.

The best combination for obtaining the Firework Dragon is to use any dragon combination with the elements of Air and Fire only. This will give you the best chance at getting this dragon.

The most recommended combinations are:

  • Fire Dragon + Air Dragon
  • Blazing Dragon + Fire Dragon
  • Blazing Dragon + Air Dragon
  • Smoke Dragon + Air Dragon
  • Smoke Dragon + Fire Dragon

The breeding time you are looking for is 6 Hours. There is a higher chance for you to obtain the Firework Dragon using the breeding tree oppose to the breeding cave. Level 15+ Dragons will also increase your chances. Level 20 dragons are the best dragons that can be used in a combination in 2013.


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