Sep 202012

The Equinox Dragon is probably one of the most sought after dragon in DragonVale. Combining the elements of Sun and Moon, this dragon in born into DragonVale players parks and features a extremely long body and moves very similar to a water type dragon.

DragonVale Equinox Dragon baby

We have classified the Equinox Dragon as a limited time dragon because it appears in the description, this dragon is only available twice a year which means it’s quite limited. For players that have missed limited time dragons like the Blue Moon Dragon or Leap Year Dragon, then this is one dragon you do not want to miss for your dragon park.

You’re probably wondering when this dragon will expire if its a limited time dragon right? We’ve received tips that this dragon will expire on Sept. 27th 2012 but cannot confirm if that is true. However, that gives us a rough estimate to when this dragon will be leaving your DragonVale game.

How to breed Equinox Dragon

Breeding the Equinox Dragon won’t be easy. Aside from being classified as a Limited Time dragon we have also classified this dragon as an Ultra Rare Dragon even with the right combination, it may take multiple attempts to even get the dragon’s egg.

The Equinox Dragon has a breeding time of 24 hours on a normal breeding island and that is the same for the dragon’s egg. We have received tips that to breed this Equinox Dragon you need to use a Blazing Dragon and a Water Dragon in your breeding island for the best possible chance at getting this dragon. Upon hatching the Equinox Dragon egg you can place the dragon into a Moon or Sun Habitat.

Other Combinations found here

Equinox Dragon Evolution Chart

DragonVale - Equinox Dragon Evolution Chart

Equinox Dragon Breeding Video

This page is about...

  • how do you breed a equinox dragon
  • dragonvale equinox dragon
  • gameteep equinox
  • how to breed equinox on dragonvale
  • equinox dragons
  • equinox dragonvale
  • how to breed equinox
  • how to breed an equinox dragon in dragonvale
  • how to get the equinox dragon
  • best way to breed a equinox dragon
  • hatch equinox dragon
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  • dragonvale equinox
  • dragonvale breeding equinox
  • dragonvale best way to breed equinox dragon

  13 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed Equinox Dragon”

  1. Blazing & Rain, 3rd try.


  2. Blazing and rain first try! Yaya!

  3. Blazing and Rain first time

  4. Blazing +seaweed worked first time (after 15 attempts with blazing +water

  5. p

  6. possible that every body MUST use blazing and water best combination!!!!!

  7. still working on it :'(.

  8. 6th try with breeding cave!

  9. I got it first time with panalong and water.

  10. can anyone PLEASE give me gems? I only need 20 more gems to get the breeding island

  11. Have tried 20 times with blazing and rain, until now still can’t get it… Hai, full of disappointment…

  12. I got it with blazing and rain 10th try

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