Oct 172012

The Legendary Kairos dragon is the first dragon in DragonVale that does not require breeding. It’s the very first dragon you cannot sell after you have summoned him into your DragonVale park.

That being said, you cannot breed for the dragon nor breed the dragon. You must use the “Perch of Kairos”, which is in the habitat section to unlock this dragon. You will purchase the Perch of Kairos but you must complete a series of collecting fragment before you are able to unlock him into your game.

There are three stages to unlocking the Perch of Kairos. Each stage has multiple fragments and you must complete the fragment to be able to Summon Kairos the Legendary Dragon into your game. You’ll notice on the first stage you’ll have 7 fragments. Completely collect all the fragments through winning races or buying with gems.

Once you have all the fragment you will be on your way to unlocking Kairos into your DragonVale park! There are three stages in total each stage has about 7 fragments!

Please keep in mind that you cannot breed for this dragon and that there is no way to breed for this dragon. You will also not gain coins from this dragon in your DragonVale park. He is used to speed up time for your park to gain more coins or constructions

DragonVale How to getbreedunlock Legendary Kairos Dragon

How to unlock the dragon into your park!

    • Setth

      Not when you complete it but doesn’t let you summon it!

  • Dave minor

    If you get a fragment u already have they should let you spin for one of the fragments you don’t have! Am I right

    • Jackion B8

      Yes you are

    • Samad

      U should try sending your dragons on quests
      When u open the quest page, there are 2 dragon signs
      Try combining them and then send them for quest
      I got mine in 3 days without using gems :D

    • Samad

      PU should try sending your dragons on quests
      When u open the quest page, there are 2 dragon signs
      Try combining them and then send them for quest
      I got mine in 3 days without using gems :D

  • Paige

    Its not showing up in habitats?????????????? Help!!

    • Bariul

      Did you update ur game ?

    • chass

      you must be lv.16

  • Carolyn

    This is rigged. I spent hours getting the fragments and had two left. The sign saying the track needed to be cleaned came on. When I returned there are no fragments on the gold wheel. Also, it constantly lands on a fragment I already have or the 2,500 food. What a ripoff

  • Paige

    WIlL ANYONE HELP ME????? The stand isn’t in habitats

  • EpicOinkers

    From what I’ve noticed, the more ‘PERFECT’ you get in the race, you get a higher chance at the peices..
    1st stage took me a total of 3 hours.
    2nd stage suprisingly took me 30minutes.. o_o
    3rd stage took me 2 hours

    This was over the course of 2 days hahaa
    Anyways i LOVE KAIROS! And i LOVE his ability!

    Add me on Dragonvale! Gem for Gem! My name is EpicOinkers!

  • Sara

    Ummm I ALREADY I GOT KARIOS he came to and he is so damn big than my dragons!

  • Dave minor

    Was it hard to finish the three stages? I have one fragment left but its barely on the wheel.

  • Pam

    It’s just for anticipation. To get the last piece took me about 2 days.

  • Corie

    I just summoned Kairos. I did not use any gems to buy pieces. I agree with EpicOinkers that the more perfects you receive in the race you have more pieces on the wheel.

  • beebo

    Add me gem for gem trading gamecenter account: kBeebo lvl 37 and rising

  • Hampus

    Add me in gamecenter: Hampusen22 send me a gem i send back then again and again yeah!…

  • lunarnight45

    he can move also

  • Joe

    Once I summoned him I can’t buy anymore habitats. Which means I can’t bread anymore he sucks it just killed the game for me and I can’t get rid of him.

  • Joe

    Does anyone know how to get rid of him?

  • Josh

    add me up Joshin3D gem for gem! gift me first ill gift back ;) lol have 2 friends at the moment so its sure that ill gift back haha

  • Abby

    Is it still available?? I looked on the wheel and there’s no fragments!?

  • L

    This is so hard! It took me 3 years to get it! ‘_’

  • L

    So hard

  • Kahn

    Took me few hours of racing.
    Awesome one.

  • Epicbob57

    This is hard to get it took me a month to get the last fragment in the cronolith.But I got it :)

  • Epicbob57

    U can’t get rid of him; my friend got him & he knows.

  • zephaniah

    Getting the dragon head was the hardest part for me but at the end it was worth it

  • fred

    races are so annoying i just did like 10 in a row and i got the same peice over and over again what is this bulls**t you shouldnt be able to get the peice you already have thats so stuiped!! and the 2 quest ive done have taken 24 hours -.- can anyone help if possible

  • fred

    ill send gems in return if u send me 1 add me on ultimate blaze horrible name i no haha

  • Izzie

    I is taking ages 2 get all the pieces and I keep getting the same piece!!! The game must b rigged so u buy gems!!!

  • ed

    is there someone here knows how to transfer or move kairos habitat? i accidentally put it in the middle of the island…

    • Claire

      You need to contact Backflip studios at support (at) backflipstudios.com

      It’s a glitch

  • Iza

    How are u supost to get the dragon head?! Its my last peice!

  • julee

    how do you get karios on stinkin dragonvale

  • Owen

    It why won’t dragon vale let me have kiaros
    There so mean

  • Lolol

    How do you get the first piece I’m lol 16

  • Joaccquu

    I don’t have him but I do have the stand

  • kyra

    Well I’m on the second stage and im tryna get the last piece but its hard and they keep giving me the same damn piece… help ?? Asap